Sign of disrepsct from GF n how to handle?

The North Dragon

Don Juan
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Only been together 2 months and it was her birthday night out last night with mostly family and some friends. I couldn't stay out late as I had work in the morning which she knew. I also could have to much to drink as I was on tablets for an infection.

Anyway it was a fun night and I tried to get involved as much as possible but girlfriend wasn't showing to much interest towards me, I was cool with it thought since it was her night.

So at half 11 I decided I was going home, we got outside and say goodbye and she told me she would text me when's she was home even if I was asleep. I said that's fine.

When she works at the bar at weekends she always finishes late and always tells me she got home safe.

Anyway , come next morning I heard nothing from her until midday. Not going to lie I was kinda piss*d off coz she never text me despite saying she would, usually doesn't bother me but last night it did and I don't know why. I confronted her calmly n she said she was sorry and was really drunk and can't remember gettin home. She had her girl-friend look after her though.

I left it at that and never asked anything of it. Was this a sign of her disrespecting me of was it just because she got to drunk of her birthday night out and a one off. If not how do I proceed from here?

She's away on a night out for her other friends bday 2 hours away from here tonight. I was supposed to go but I would be th only guy there n couldn't be ass*d with all the other girls there, not like am gonna see them again though.

Should I tell her we need to talk about it or forget it happend?

The North Dragon

Don Juan
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Also forgot to say we usually text a lot but I've backed off a lot just now until I can think clearly.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yes, you need to set up a meeting with her straight away, tell her you get realli insecure and paranoid when she doesn't send you a pointless text, and you are really in to her and can't stop thinking about her, and since you got no options anywhere else, you have no one else to think about.

Seriously, would be a good idea if you cried a little about it too and tell her you love her and need constant reassurance from her - that's why she wasn't interested in you last night, if you got all needy with her she would have done you for sure....


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Forget about what? She was drunk and didnt text. I would make a joke about it next time.

Birthday? All girls? Game everyone!!! Social proof and the fact she wants you to come to show you off to her friends sounds good to me. btw nice tag bro.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
The North Dragon said:
Only been together 2 months and it was her birthday night out last night with mostly family and some friends. I couldn't stay out late as I had work in the morning which she knew. I also could have to much to drink as I was on tablets for an infection.

Anyway it was a fun night and I tried to get involved as much as possible but girlfriend wasn't showing to much interest towards me, I was cool with it thought since it was her night.

So at half 11 I decided I was going home, we got outside and say goodbye and she told me she would text me when's she was home even if I was asleep. I said that's fine.

When she works at the bar at weekends she always finishes late and always tells me she got home safe.

Anyway , come next morning I heard nothing from her until midday. Not going to lie I was kinda piss*d off coz she never text me despite saying she would, usually doesn't bother me but last night it did and I don't know why. I confronted her calmly n she said she was sorry and was really drunk and can't remember gettin home. She had her girl-friend look after her though.

I left it at that and never asked anything of it. Was this a sign of her disrespecting me of was it just because she got to drunk of her birthday night out and a one off. If not how do I proceed from here?

She's away on a night out for her other friends bday 2 hours away from here tonight. I was supposed to go but I would be th only guy there n couldn't be ass*d with all the other girls there, not like am gonna see them again though.

Should I tell her we need to talk about it or forget it happend?

2 months in and you are getting insecure as h$ll about a text.......

however, with that being said, why are you seriously dating a bar girl?

also, you are the definition of clingy...i can say with upmost certainty that she is probably at least entertaining the idea of cheating on you...........4 things to learn from this...don't seriously date bar workers...don't become serious after a mere 2 months with anyone...don't be clingy and text all the time...control yourself and try to act more secure
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
She got too drunk with her family and friends on her b-day.

Let it go.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
You are looking too much into it. Stop texting frequently altogether.

Also, listen to what the boys are tellin you about bar girls. That girl lives in a world of penis options laid out in alphabetical order, size, and on a silver platter. Do not get clingy or too attached.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Free pass.

However I agree with the guys who call into question the wisdom of dating a woman who works at a bar.


Don Juan
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
It probably bothered you because she said she was going to text but didn't. Let this one go, but if it happens again, you show know that something is up. Get a plate going just in case. Don't put up with any b.s. from her.

captain A

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
text is ONLY for setting up times to hang out IRL. Following this rule will change your game immensely. Never text chat with a girl (unless she's a friend that you are willing to give up ANY chance AT ALL of banging any time soon...and by soon I mean within the next twenty years)