Should you talk about what you learn with women?

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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I'm curious if women like knowing that a man knows how attraction and how most women work.

I ask because the conversation was briefly brought up by this woman I was hanging out with yesterday.

I was tempted to give input about certain things but didn't know if it'd work in my favor or not.

Curious what you guys think


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
I've done this obliquely several times. And it seems 'situational'. I've not mentioned DJing in particular but discussed how men and women relate, think and act and how different those ways of doing things are.

I remember discussing a woman's need for 'chemistry' with a plate a while back. Just after I told her that 'chemistry is what makes your panties wet', she jumped me. Not sure. I'd try this with just anyone. But it seemed the right move at the time and it worked out.

Tread cautiously - no lectures.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
I personally talk about it on my dates.

You must learn mastery at 'Story Telling' - in this case, I usually am honest about my past and I would story tell how I have struggled with my shyness in my 20's and 30's and blah blah blah.

HOWEVER despite my AFC past, I let her know that NOW I have learned how women work (this will sexually threaten her) and I will give some examples. I can then safely insert and talk about this hot woman I was with before and how terrible and entitled she was, etc. I also specifically talk about how quickly I NEXT women who are self-entitled Princesses, disrespect, and everything under the B!tch umbrella. This will drive her crazy in the back of her head and also intimidate her because you are not afraid of HOT women.

NOW she knows I am a challenge and will put up with little sh!t. She will also RESPECT your knowledge about how women work, and will somewhere in her Hamster Brain wonder if you are a 'Player' (sexual threat to her). It keeps your mysteriosity going, and earning respect at the same time.

However you must have your game 100% and your confidence ready to walk the talk (NEXT her if she tests you) if you are going to share something like this. I have never had this backfire against me. Most women are quite in awe listening to what I have to say and I would also be 'fair' and say that most of the time men can be the same way as well (pretty much true). In the end, I am just sharing human behavior and psychology observed and learned from my own painful experiences.

Most importantly, you need to make her relate to what you saying. You need to lead in that direction going something like 'Oh, yeah the hot men you been with before - isn't it just terrible how the better looking people are, you find so little on the inside... what a waste of time' blah blah blah.... this will invoke her feelings and emotions, almost like putting you both together as allies against the common enemy of those terrible people who are shallow and players in the past. She will find a deeper emotional connection with you through honest sharing of past experiences in dating.

Good luck.


tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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Cool. I once had a woman say "I feel bad for you guys we women are very complex" and I replied "no you're not" and she was all curious and surprised. She wanted to know why I thought that but I was brief and just said "to me, you're not. Can't speak for other guys"

It seemed to trigger her curiosity and I wanted to dwelve into what I know/experiences I've learned from but wasn't sure if I should.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Some women cannot handle any talk about red pill stuff. They can sense it as a threat and they go cold or get pissed. I wouldn't tell a chick about being on a forum dedicated to this shat, but you can tell stories that convey your knowledge. Some (more honest?) chicks seem to dig that you can analyze their behavior better than they can.
As stated above, tread lightly.
I have noticed since redpilling my more beta friend's GF's have started to view me as more of a threat and become a bit combative. One even got mega pissed at me for just teasing her a bit and wanted me to kiss her ass and make up?

WTF? im not your beta man!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I think it's better to be "dumb like a fox." Know how they work, but keep it yourself.

But I can see the other side. Sometimes calling a woman out on her hamster BS (and thus revealing what you know) can increase attraction.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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You run the risk of looking like a player with a bunch of tricks up his sleeve.
I personally wouldn't talk about it, unless you were doing it to turn up the heat and let her know that what's going to happen next is a foregone conclusion.

I remember telling a girl I was working on something like "I want to do you, that's how I know you want to do me... it's just the way it works."

We did.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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SoSuave666 said:
I would never tell a woman that I know how to seduce her. It takes away from the mystery and "chemistry" when you lay out, overtly, exactly why she is being attracted to you. Aside from being attractive, I really only care about her values. If she goes out and parties all the time and tweets and facebooks constantly I don't need to know anything more about her--she is an AW or some variant and not worth my time. If however she is conservative in her values, has a low secksual partner count, and believes in clear and defined gender roles, then she is worth my time. <-------it takes a while to properly screen those traits though.

You can say playful/obscure things like "women are easy to figure out" or "quit being a silly girl" as someone mentioned above. But to tell her, yea "hamsters spin when you do NC" and "I'm going to covertly communicate to build attraction" or "women want a guy who has lots of girls after him--I am one of those guys"'s not going to mind-fvck her like she needs to be mind-fvcked. Let her figure things out for herself. I posted this quote in another thread but it works perfectly here too: "Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." Being an expert on something has no real bearing on their motivation to do something. Just because you communicate that you know exactly what you're talking about won't make them more attracted to you.

My 2c
Completely agree with this.

What I was thinking in terms of communicating what I know was more on a level of why women don't scare/intimidate me because I know they're supposed to be different than men. How they're emotionally driven and guys more logical.

I wouldn't get into routines and step by step secuction tips I've acquired. More so saying I get you're a woman and it's ok.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I treat it like a secret weapon, if everyone knows about it then it's functionality is reduced...

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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It all depends on the woman, most can't handle knowing what we know.

If you have a girl that is very secure and open minded, then she will be attracted to this sort of stuff. If she is insecure she will see it as a threat and call you a player and put up walls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
I've had that topic appear more frequently than I would of thought between guys and girls.

The thing is, when she brings up the topic, I usually make it brief and dumb down everything as well as keeping it "less red pill" orientated. I don't ever reveal stuff like kino, warmth, or anything of that sort. I personally like the "she thinks I don't know but I know" factor. Of course on certain questions like "how would you get a girl attracted" I would normally just say "by being myself" or just using indifference to steer the conversation away.

When it comes to guys, like my best friend, I usually reveal some red pill more x-rated stuff like No Contact and things regarding attraction. I even sometimes resist the urge to say "beta faggot."

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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A magician never reveals his tricks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Hellz no... I wouldn't tell such things to a friend, let alone a woman you're trying to pipe! You say nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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tryst type said:
Cool. I once had a woman say "I feel bad for you guys we women are very complex" and I replied "no you're not" and she was all curious and surprised. She wanted to know why I thought that but I was brief and just said "to me, you're not. Can't speak for other guys"

It seemed to trigger her curiosity and I wanted to dwelve into what I know/experiences I've learned from but wasn't sure if I should.
That was a good response. You showed you understand women but without getting into details. Women are bored by details anyway. On top of that, you don't want to start using terms like AFC, Beta, Chump, Red Pill, AMOG, IOI, etc. That's shorthand for the community.

I once read that women want you to have fresh breath but don't want to see you pop a breath mint in front of them. It's the same with Game - they want to know you "get it" but they don't want to know that you've been on message boards, blogs, etc. studying it.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
samspade said:
I once read that women want you to have fresh breath but don't want to see you pop a breath mint in front of them. It's the same with Game - they want to know you "get it" but they don't want to know that you've been on message boards, blogs, etc. studying it.
I like that fresh breath analogy. Nice!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Keep your mouth shut have very little to gain. If your ideas and hers are different...which they will be, then you look like an idiot. You might also come across as a player. If you need to say something be vague..."women are more emotional than man...blablabla". But that's it!! Abe