should u carry on talking when u wake her up?

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
i went to a club on friday, went for this chick. tried to number close, she kept telling me we could be friends.. i just kept saying, ok kissing friends.

eventually when i went for number close she tried to be smart using her friends phone to take my number saying hers was broken (bullsh1t) so i was smart.. and said 'well your friend will have you number in your phone so look it up there..'

silly girl tried to outwit me haha.. then i called it. i also gave her my facebook cos she was insistent on seeing it.. duno why.

anyway, i called her today at lunch and she was still sleeping.. so was groggy.. should u carry on talking (given that the next time u call she may not answer) until she tells u to call later?

i always seem to tell them i'll call them back in 2 hours, but then i realise they may not pick up.

i did this, she let it ring a few times then put it to busy, so a couple hours later i tried again. (i know i know, rookie mistake) only call once then its her responsibilty to call you.

but should u just carry on talking if you wake her up with your call?

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Be careful here, there's no reason to get a kick out of it just because you "outwitted" a girl with the number close because chances are she'll just flake on you.

A phone number means absolutely nothing without comfort. If you # close a girl and she has absolutely no interest in you, there is absolutely no reason at all whatsoever to have the number.

I worked with Johnny Wolf for a bit who's with the ABCs of Attraction and his # close looks pretty weak on the surface level, but he RARELY gets flakes. He'll ask for the number, and intentionally punch in incorrectly IN FRONT of the girl, and if the girl corrects him, then it means she's really into him, hence NO flaking.

Remember, a flaky girl just means your game wasn't solid, so take a step back.



Don Juan
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
If she was sleeping but you can tell from her voice that she is glad that you called then why not carry on talking?
on the flip side if you can tell that she is probably saying 'why the fvck are you calling me' just say later.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
She was trying to avoid taking your number, that shows no interest in getting together with you again. You are supposed to get her number.

On the phone, you should always end the conversation first.

Don't call them back in two hours, that's boring and predictable. And don't call them the day after meeting them.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
This girl was not interested in you from the beginning. . She was trying to reject you in a nice way and you pretty much forced her to give you her number. Only reason she picked up the first time was probably because she didnt know it was you calling. I am not surprised that she didnt pick up the phone after that. You gonna have to let this one go unless she calls back buddy.

Can you post the whole FR so that we can see where you might have gone wrong. You might have asked for the number too early before building attraction.