Should men sacrifice life for women and children ?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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The whole "women are bad" thing is for betas. Do you think the Rock or Derek Jeter think that women are bad?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
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The whole "women are bad" thing is for betas. Do you think the Rock or Derek Jeter think that women are bad?
The Rock can ask the Cute receptionist at your job if she wants to do him in his brand new ferrari..

You on the other hand would be shamed and fired the moment you mention such a vile thing.

so yes :p women are bad :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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Valuing your wife's life over your own is pathetic. I never understood how this even became a thing. It's basically like saying you value yourself less than a good friend of yours... are people serious with this sh*t?

Gotta love the newlywed chumps who exclaim, "I love her so much, I would die for her" ... yeah ok, you're like 30 years old. You've known her for what 2 years? And you'd trade your entire life for her? Why again are you allowed to vote?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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Yewki said:
Valuing your wife's life over your own is pathetic. I never understood how this even became a thing. It's basically like saying you value yourself less than a good friend of yours... are people serious with this sh*t?

Gotta love the newlywed chumps who exclaim, "I love her so much, I would die for her" ... yeah ok, you're like 30 years old. You've known her for what 2 years? And you'd trade your entire life for her? Why again are you allowed to vote?
Good point.If you value others life more than yours you agree to be disposable asset.You agree your life is worth less than life of other being - I believe men have kamikadze gen this with social programming helps society to go on.

Women are never able to sacrifice life for a man.They mey sacrifice for children but unlikely for men.Most children will never sacrifice for parents.Maybe more for mother much less for father.Wifes arent worth die for , and it hurts to say but most children arent worth to die for either, its only biological imperative and social programming which makes men give up,their life without much consideration.Many wives dont love their husbands ... and many children dont love their parents.

There is scene in Game of Thrones , 'the wedding' you can view it on youtube.King is having a party,one of the woman tries to save his son, he takes a blade and puts blade to throat of kings wife. 'I will kill your wife' King didnt even blink ... ' I will get another one'. Shocked woman understood he has no leverage over king kills his wife but it doesnt stop the king from his order.

Family is always worth fight for but you should never sacrifice your life or health foolishly.You can survive trauma of losing family but you will never survive death.Your sacrifice may have no meaning as when you die you lose control over the world.Your wife or child can still die because you cant guarantee anything.They may die next day in accident.

Even risking health for family should be point of serious consideration. Your beloved wife or woman or children may abandon you after you lost ability to provide.Now you are burden for them.The fact you sacrifice may offer you worthless gratitude but it doesnt mean you will get loyality or care.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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skinnyguy said:
The whole "women are bad" thing is for betas. Do you think the Rock or Derek Jeter think that women are bad?
The whole "women are perfect" thing is for betas too.

Women are not pure evil.. but they don't deserve a pedestal either. When a man slaps a woman across the face.. you should never "gasp". When a parent slaps their child there is no gasp. When a woman slaps a woman there is no gasp. When a man slaps a man there is no gasp.

Join me in my quest to end white knighting. :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Poon King said:
The whole "women are perfect" thing is for betas too.

Women are not pure evil.. but they don't deserve a pedestal either. When a man slaps a woman across the face.. you should never "gasp". When a parent slaps their child there is no gasp. When a woman slaps a woman there is no gasp. When a man slaps a man there is no gasp.

Join me in my quest to end white knighting. :up:
People still slap? Cant recall the last time ive seen someone (seriously) slap someone else that wasnt in a movie or on TV.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
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The whole "women are bad" thing is for betas. Do you think the Rock or Derek Jeter think that women are bad?
Yup. More like, children are children so why be flustered by them?


I want to comment on the "women and children first" on a sinking ship norm. I took a cruise in February of 2013 and they STILL SAY THIS during the emergency drill on the first night. You could hear me muttering snarky comments loud enough so a few people nearby could hear me.

It's a stupid fantasy of a white-gloved world where chivalry is considered common courtesy even in a world where many women are having sex on demand for 15 years before demanding a prince charming to save her from all these "games."

Female privelege at its finest - all this while our next president will likely be a raging feminist who runs entirely on a fictional war on women. Disgraceful and trust me, I'm no Republican...


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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BlueAlpha1 said:
I want to comment on the "women and children first" on a sinking ship norm. I took a cruise in February of 2013 and they STILL SAY THIS during the emergency drill on the first night. You could hear me muttering snarky comments loud enough so a few people nearby could hear me.
Better not board that boat before a woman, because she's special... better pay her the same as a man, because she's equal. Derp.