Should I text this girl back? Is this a Flake?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys!
Long story short….I met this chic on okcupid a few weeks ago. The pics didn’t look that good but decided to go on the date anyways. It turns out , she was one of the hottest chics I’ve met online.She is a Teacher, looked like girlfriend material. A good 9 or 10 in my books. The date went well…lots of conversation back and forth. I went for the Kiss mid-date and made out a lot with her in the parking lot before she left. Lots of interest on both ends….
During our date, I asked her what she was doing on the weekend and suggested that we should meet on Friday for a second date. She agreed and said that she wasn’t sure abt Saturday as she usually goes to the Cape.

Once I got home, I texted her. Below is our communication.

Me: Just got home. Hope you got home safely. It was nice meeting you tonight. I had a great time. Would love to get to know you

Her: Glad you made it home safe. I am home and had a lovely time as well. Thank you for dinner and am looking forward to seeing you again. (This was a very quick response)

Me: :Me too 

I didn’t text her the next day (Wednesday)


Me: Thought about you. How is your day going? (The intention of this text was to prepare her for the Friday date)
(She took long to reply)

Her: A little frustrating but that’s okay, you?
(I didn’t rush to reply)

Me: Why is it frustrating? Mine is busy but good. Just the usual…meeting after meeting  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. What do you feel like doing?

She took longer to reply

Her: I found out a co-worker is resigning and I had some more troubles with my classroom furniture. Then my mom said she needed to take my niece on Fridayfor her and Saturday. So I cant go out this weekend. Sorry 

I haven’t replied to her text. It’s been a few hours. Is she just making up BS. She is a teacher and off for the summer. Her story abt the co-worker resigning doesn’t make sense to me.I also haven’t texted her back because she didn’t reschedule. I don’t want to get caught up in her games. I am talking to 2 other very hot girls which is a good thing….I am not desperate. A few months ago, I would have fumbled and begged to reschedule…hahaha

How would you handle this Don Juan’s and Master Don Juan’s? Should I text back?? Is her story legit or is she flaking? She is hot but I would hate to act desperate and get caught up in her games.

Please advise!!...Thank you


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
she cancelled with no counter offer. If she is no longer interested, she did you a favor by not stringing you along at least. answer back "no worries, maybe another time". then you go ghost. or you could chase and keep texting her. I'd say your odds are better if you walk and see if she comes to you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I dont know what you did on that date, but you did everything wrong after it.

Besides, there are no quality, normal, trustworthy, mentally stable HB9's on OKCupid, or any other website, come down to Earth.

Yes, she's giving you and excuse so you get the hint that she's not interested in you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
pyros said:
I dont know what you did on that date, but you did everything wrong after it.

Besides, there are no quality, normal, trustworthy, mentally stable HB9's on OKCupid, or any other website, come down to Earth.

Yes, she's giving you and excuse so you get the hint that she's not interested in you.
agreed. your post date behavior may have scared her off. you came off as a bit thirsty IMO. but you live and learn. plus, the chicks online literally have tons of guys to choose from who are chasing after them. if they are halfway hot it only increases their entitlement and sh*tty behavior. send a simple text like "maybe some other time" and lose the number.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
You made so many basic errors after your date it's no surprise she's backing off.

You don't text a girl after a date to say that you had a good time it's supposed to be the other way around. Then you initiate smalltalk two days later, wrong again.

The idea is to go out and have a good time with her and she has a good time then leave her alone for a while to let the uncertainty build.

If she doesn't initiate contact within a week after the date indicates low IL so you text and try to set up a second date and if she Messes about then next her.

You came across needy and desperate and she knows she can have you whenever she wants so she has no attraction now.

Never text her again unless she texts first in which case you set up a date and keep the smalltalk to a minimum


Don Juan
May 24, 2015
Reaction score
Infern0 said:
You made so many basic errors after your date it's no surprise she's backing off.

You don't text a girl after a date to say that you had a good time it's supposed to be the other way around. Then you initiate smalltalk two days later, wrong again.

The idea is to go out and have a good time with her and she has a good time then leave her alone for a while to let the uncertainty build.

If she doesn't initiate contact within a week after the date indicates low IL so you text and try to set up a second date and if she Messes about then next her.

You came across needy and desperate and she knows she can have you whenever she wants so she has no attraction now.

Never text her again unless she texts first in which case you set up a date and keep the smalltalk to a minimum
Wish I would have read this earlier lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Exactly what infern0 said. When a girl flakes on you you basically need to be willing to just walk away and not look back. tell them no problem and that you'd still like to go out with them sometime and to contact you if they're interested. then you fvcking go ghost.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
lastking said:
I would hate to act desperate.
Lol. Too late... your texting game was awful and you wreaked of desperation. You absolutely without a doubt lowered whatever interest she had after the date with your texting.

You really should read the replies here closely, and read up on the material on this site. You have a lot of room to improve. Emphasis on a lot. Your texting game is like 2/10. Again, a lot of room to improve... get to it. Hopefully some day soon you'll look back on this thread and have a good laugh.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Infern0 said:
You made so many basic errors after your date it's no surprise she's backing off.

You don't text a girl after a date to say that you had a good time it's supposed to be the other way around. Then you initiate smalltalk two days later, wrong again.

The idea is to go out and have a good time with her and she has a good time then leave her alone for a while to let the uncertainty build.

If she doesn't initiate contact within a week after the date indicates low IL so you text and try to set up a second date and if she Messes about then next her.

You came across needy and desperate and she knows she can have you whenever she wants so she has no attraction now.

Never text her again unless she texts first in which case you set up a date and keep the smalltalk to a minimum
Straight to the point and solid. :up:

Tried to rep you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Wisconsin144 said:
Wish I would have read this earlier lol
Don't sweat it you're young. Just count yourself lucky you are learning thsi stuff now, there are many here that did not learn this until the late 30s after their wife's took them to the cleaners.

Since the 1970s western society has taught men to be needy whinney little b!tches, and supposedly that's the way we are told women want us to be. The truth is that often times what women say they want and what they REALLY respond to is diametrically opposed.

It is NOT a coincidence that since western gender roles have been turned on it's head, that the divorce rates has skyrocketed.

You want to see what women REALLY repond to... go on Netflix's and watch "Mad Men". They will of course deny this.... but back in the 1950s this is how men behaved, and you know what? The divorce rate practically non-existent.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
False Alarm! The girl texted me today

GS750 said:
she cancelled with no counter offer. If she is no longer interested, she did you a favor by not stringing you along at least. answer back "no worries, maybe another time". then you go ghost. or you could chase and keep texting her. I'd say your odds are better if you walk and see if she comes to you.
It turned out to be a False Alarm! The girl texted me today. We are meeting on Sunday. Time to


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
It turned out to be a false alarm but this is solid advice

Infern0 said:
You made so many basic errors after your date it's no surprise she's backing off.

You don't text a girl after a date to say that you had a good time it's supposed to be the other way around. Then you initiate smalltalk two days later, wrong again.

The idea is to go out and have a good time with her and she has a good time then leave her alone for a while to let the uncertainty build.

If she doesn't initiate contact within a week after the date indicates low IL so you text and try to set up a second date and if she Messes about then next her.

You came across needy and desperate and she knows she can have you whenever she wants so she has no attraction now.

Never text her again unless she texts first in which case you set up a date and keep the smalltalk to a minimum
It turned out to be a False Alarm. She texted me today. We are meeting on Sunday. Thanks for sharing the knowledge though :woo: :box:
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
lastking said:
It turned out to be a False Alarm. She texted me today. We are meeting on Sunday. Thanks for sharing the knowledge though :woo: :box:
Nice, but those things he said are still true and are definitely something you should avoid because they will lower a woman's attraction for you.

Anytime you think you have to convince a woman to go out with you, and you act on that though, you will lower her interest level for you. A woman wants a man who wants her, but who is also confident he won't have any problems attracting other women if she's doesn't make the effort. I think it will be very likely she will not text you after the date and you have to be patient and wait. If she contacts you the next day or a few days later go ahead and ask her out, but if not then wait about a week before you contact her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I cringed when I saw the post date texting...that is really bad NOT repeat that...listen to what thees guys are saying. That doesn't earn you any makes you look like you have no options and are obsessed with her


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
lastking said:
It turned out to be a False Alarm! The girl texted me today. We are meeting on Sunday. Time to
Nice. Keep the outcome independence mindset and you won't make those mistakes again. Good luck. :up: