Short police officer gets dissed


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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"Why did the police let this short man join? Who the fvck is he gonna hurt? Look at this baby-as5 b1tch."

Well no sh1t you fvckin moron, he's probably never harmed anyone in his life, so why are you directing your anger towards him? I thought the purpose of these rallies were to protest police brutality.... But by your own words he's not capable of harming why the fvck are you harassing him?

That's why I say these suburban liberals are a bunch of virtue signalling, pretentious clowns.

Supposedly they're against discrimination, but it's okay to harass the short cop who's just doing his job and probably even sympathises with the cause...he's a short Latino dude that's probably faced discrimination.

EDIT::: You can see the true nature of these virtue signalling protesters - they have pent up anger (for whatever reason, but probably unrelated to George Floyd) and they're just using the protests as an excuse to vent their own anger and self-loathing. They don't sincerely care that a man died from brutality.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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in America they reject you as an officer if you score too high on IQ test and men and women have different physical testing requirements.
in Finland they reject you as an officer of you score too low on IQ test and men and women must pass the same physical tests.

oh, and Finnish cops only shoot when their life is actually in danger


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2016
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Just imagine if he really was the Nazi Stormtrooper she no doubt sees him as (lol liberals)?

She'd be going home in a pine box.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
When I was a kid... all the police in my city were big, fit, strong and imposing. Now it is a rare thing when I see a cop whose @ss I could not kick in a fair fight. Many are weak fat @sses. It is hard to command respect when you look like the Pillsbury doe-boy or a Munchkin.

One of the reasons we have so many police shootings in the USA is because way too many policemen in our country do not have the ability to command respect with their presence nor the physical strength to enforce their will. Respect is not gifted... it is earned... just putting on a uniform does not mean you should automatically be respected. Physical fitness and physical standards should be screening criteria for police.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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When I was a kid... all the police in my city were big, fit, strong and imposing. Now it is a rare thing when I see a cop whose @ss I could not kick in a fair fight. Many are weak fat @sses. It is hard to command respect when you look like the Pillsbury doe-boy or a Munchkin.

One of the reasons we have so many police shootings in the USA is because way too many policemen in our country do not have the ability to command respect with their presence nor the physical strength to enforce their will. Respect is not gifted... it is earned... just putting on a uniform does not mean you should automatically be respected. Physical fitness and physical standards should be screening criteria for police.
The standards for police are significantly lower in America than elsewhere. Here becoming a police is a university education like any other and then there's psychological screening, a BMI requirement on top of physical fitness, they are trained to deescalate, and there's no militarization.

Our police force in Sweden has been damaged at an organizational level, but the training and standards themselves seem fine. There also seems to be more cases of outright criminal police in America as a whole, like the Camden police department in NJ that was so corrupt it was deemed better to just demolish and rebuild it than try to fix it. And then you have the "ghost skins" infiltrating police forces in America as the FBI has been warning about for a long time...

The police force as an institution in America in general has dark roots. In the south they grew out of the slave patrols, and transitioned into the Redeemers terrorist movement after the civil war. In the 19th century formal police departments were progressively established throughout America beginning in Boston, and these were basically politically controlled mafia gangs. Then you have the police involvement (along with hired mafias, the national guard and Pinkerton agents) in american labor history when the country was industrializing, as a force to brutalize, mass arrest, kill and even massacre workers and keep organized labor down. Then the same role as thugs against the civil rights movements (beginning under Woodrow Wilson's regime against which the American Civil Liberties Union formed), the anti-war movements, and for the War on Hippies and PoC (aka War on Drugs). So it's not exactly unprecedented...
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Well no sh1t you fvckin moron, he's probably never harmed anyone in his life, so why are you directing your anger towards him? I thought the purpose of these rallies were to protest police brutality.... But by your own words he's not capable of harming why the fvck are you harassing him?
A protest supposedly against discrimination, and you attack this guy for being short? You think this poor guy has never been discriminated against because of his height. That's okay though, pile on. That's one thing I found so disturbing about these protests, there was so much hate. The protesters were attacking complete strangers who happened to be police, both verbally and physically. Judge them all because they need a job to support their family. Absolutely disgusting.

oh, and Finnish cops only shoot when their life is actually in danger
Those guys are lucky they didn't work in a big city in America, they probably would have been fired for using excessive force.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The shame of being a cop mogged by a protester. :mad: :mad: :mad:


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
I was going to go on a rant about policing in the US.... but all I'm going to say is that it is really bad. I lived in Europe for 4 years and spent time in Germany and France. The biggest difference is that the police in Europe, in my personal experience is mostly attitude. Cops in France and Germany can be just as aggressive as American police, but in Europe the attitude with police is that you are not a problem, until you demonstrate you ARE a problem. In many places in the US cops just assume you are going to be a problem right from the start. It sets a very negative tone right from the start that frequently escalates to confrontation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
What an ignorant loudmouth. The lack of respect these police get is appalling.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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I kinda wonder if this officer's regular day job is in the parking enforcement division and that they put him on patrol duty because they were short-staffed during the protests.

Look at his body language, he was clearly unprepared (and untrained?) for the type of hostility he would face.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
in America they reject you as an officer if you score too high on IQ test and men and women have different physical testing requirements.
in Finland they reject you as an officer of you score too low on IQ test and men and women must pass the same physical tests.

oh, and Finnish cops only shoot when their life is actually in danger
It kinda reminds me of this video of Norwegian police arresting a drunk man, except this one is hilarious. In Norway police is unarmed. Becoming a police officer in Norway is a 3 year bachelor degree.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
When I was a kid... all the police in my city were big, fit, strong and imposing. Now it is a rare thing when I see a cop whose @ss I could not kick in a fair fight. Many are weak fat @sses. It is hard to command respect when you look like the Pillsbury doe-boy or a Munchkin.

One of the reasons we have so many police shootings in the USA is because way too many policemen in our country do not have the ability to command respect with their presence nor the physical strength to enforce their will. Respect is not gifted... it is earned... just putting on a uniform does not mean you should automatically be respected. Physical fitness and physical standards should be screening criteria for police.
You should see the difference within european countries.

You go to spain or italy and see kid sized women dressed in a uniform accompanied from middle aged overwieght men who probably should be more concerned about a heart attack than a bullet.
Clearly NOT EVERYONE but most you see around, even the young ones hardly have a commanding presence.

Then you go to Poland or the baltic states and you see big bulky guys wheter they are 25 or 55 if they are on patrol, women officers themselves are in shape and you will hardly find kid sized or overweight ones on the streets.

In my opinion police officers on duty should be recruited with stricter standards in terms of body shape and they should also be kept under control while they serve, a police officer on the streets cannot afford to be weaker than the people he should deal with.

The problem is that generation snowflake saw police movies on tv and decided to be one pushing for more and more tolerance to join.
Also kid sized women are the ones who want the most to stay out of office.

I recall once outside a club I was discussing with my date and this woman officer came and said that I either calmed down or I would have been taken to the station, I didnt even bother to acknowledge her presence and she simply walked away.


Jan 20, 2020
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One thing I learned not too long ago is that female cops are nicer to men and male cops are nicer to women. Idk why but something that was pointed out to me and I noticed it ever since.
I guess the reason is that female policemen (*shades emoji*) can recognize bad guys and good guys. They'll feel intimidated near to guys that effect them negatively or sexually arise them

I had a nice police girl recently in my building doing some job, when I looked her into the black of the eyes (narcissistic behavior during coronavirus lockdown my bad) she probably would not treat me as nice as other men

Actually male policemen also have this ability, they are even nicer then female if you act like a man