shes playing games


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Hooked up with a girl several weeks ago. Didn't really pursue it any further. I only considered her a 6/10 and plus she's in my visual communications class, which I spend 3 hours in. I didn't want to pursue anything with her in fear of it being really really awkward when things eventually didnt work out (shes the clingy type), and being stuck in a class wiuth her for half the day.

But recently she got more attractive (started wearing contacts as opposed to glasses, as well as a few other things), and I'd say she raised up about a half a point to a 6.5

I think that she was sort of hurt when I didn't try and ask for more than friendship after i hooked up with her (fingered her too if that holds any significance, thats as far as she's gotten). So she started suddenly taking an interest in my best friend. This didn't happen until shortly after I hooked up with her. So I'm pretty sure it was a move to make me jealous. Another reason i think she's doing it to make me jealous is because she REALLY REALLY REALLY liked me. But now I'm not so sure because if she did she wouldn't be playing those games.

Now the problem here is I want to hook up with her, but I have a feeling if she's already playing games before we got into it, I don't want to deal with her drama. I absolutely HATE girls who play games and she has all but screwed up her chances with me with her pathetic attempt to make me jealous.

My options are
1. Hook up with her but don't take her seriously
2. Forget her

I'm leaning towards "forget her" about 60-40. but I'd like some other opinions/advice.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
JLW said:
My options are
1. Hook up with her but don't take her seriously
2. Forget her

I'm leaning towards "forget her" about 60-40. but I'd like some other opinions/advice.
What makes you so sure she likes you?

Well even if she is playing games, if you hook up with her and you dont take her seriously she will probably be doing the same...why jump into pointless drama?

Im not you so i dont know what to make of this situation. If you really do like her ask her out again, if she wants to play the aloof game her you'ved moved on and let her see you talk to other chicks, etc.
She's into your friend so dont forget the rules, does your friend like her?

Anyway the best thing one can do if a girl is playing games is to not let it affect you, once she sees you throwing yourself at her its literally over.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Just by reading that posts it confirms it'll be more trouble than it's worth.

She acted very interested. Then as weird as it sounds, after i hooked up with her, THATS when she started playing games. Weird. Obviously if shes hitting on my friend she either genuinely likes him, or she's playing games with me. Both are lose-lose situations.

Question answered. Thanks.