She texts after break up


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
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so me and the ex broke up 2 days ago. Why?To cut a long story short:

Shes 'religious' so i hit on her insecurity indirectly by telling her how shes not a good girl but a ***** for slutting it up. Used a third person to make her feel this way. Done this before too. Anyways, she uses this as an excuse to say we wont contact for a few months till she finishes uni and then we can get married.LOL. I already felt this coming due to her being a bit distance a week before.

ME being beta saying that she neednt be insecure etc and that i value her so dont worry but she latched on the 'its forbidden'(in our religion it is forbidden to be in a relationship) but where was all this when she slutted it up for a year?lol.

Nonetheless i kinda begged and even broke down lol. Did some real goofy stuff. I realised in the end tho that shes just loving the grovelling and kept pushing me away more and more so i tell her we had a good run dont message me i wont either take care. I meant it. I genuinely didnt feel hurt.Felt like a burden had been lifted.

I knew she wanted an xcuse. So i genuinely decided to move on and not be 'friends.'

Blocked her on everything but forgot the imessage.

The 2nd day sshe texts me and calls ( i don't pick up) saying (through text)shes been thinking what I said and wants to explain something to me and that she wasnt thinking straight the day we broke up and if i could reply/call in order for her to tell me.

well i havent replied. I dont want to .But the she devil has awoken a voice in my head.

Some guidance brothers?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
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How sure are you that she was just looking for an excuse to breakup? what were the other signs of lower interest?
when i met her 2 weeks back she mentioned not talking for a month as shell be busy at uni (project for final year) she couldnt stick to her word and blew up my phone every day. However, this last week it just dropped dead. I had to initiate a few times and that has never happened in the RL.The day we broke up she didnt seemed too phased. Looked .5 motnhs no contact and then ask for her hand sounds like she wants me as an option. I made it clear that i cant do that, i even agreed on no intimacy but she still didnt budge. The only reson she textin now i believe is because she knows my ex has trid to get back to me so thinks im gnaget back to


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
She wants to get the last word in so in her hamster nest of a mind, she can pass this off as being your fault and her remaining the perfect little Jesus girl she thinks she is. Don't answer her. Let her fester....

I LOVE negging on religious girls so much that I actually get off on it... Start quoting all the Bible verses about how women are supposed to treat men if you really want to get little Jesus girl p|ssed off. Most will say the entire Bible is true, OTHER THAN the parts that dictate how a woman is supposed to treat a man.. Those are "ALL WRONG" lmfao!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
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so her sis just text and called me. I dont know her.So this sems desperate. Anyways the convo went like this :

sis: hey are u busy
me:yea at work watsup
sis: when will u have time to talk
me:i dunno, watsup summarize wat u want to say
sis:unblock my sis she wants to talk
me:talk about what?We agreed on this being done 2 days ago.
sis: she doesnt think its over
me: (i knew my ex was there so i said--->) Sarah, i know your there, what do you want?
sis:she said she cant discuss it now
me: I dunno, but alright ill call her later
sis:wat time?
me: idunno im at work then gna go out
sis: okay

What you brothers think?Dont call ?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
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I'm thinking the same as logicallefty ... She wants the last word ... Her hamsters spinning like crazy at the moment. Because you finished it ... And are going out enjoying yourself keeping busy and not moping about, she doesn't like it .. And is wondering how can he do such a thing ... If it was me I'd probably hear her out ... But wouldn't fall for any ****! Keep us updated bro


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
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I'm thinking the same as logicallefty ... She wants the last word ... Her hamsters spinning like crazy at the moment. Because you finished it ... And are going out enjoying yourself keeping busy and not moping about, she doesn't like it .. And is wondering how can he do such a thing ... If it was me I'd probably hear her out ... But wouldn't fall for any ****! Keep us updated bro
will keep updated.

If i call i have a feeling she wants to tell me that she agrees on my terms which were just talking over the phone here and there and meeting up rather than text and facetime etc etc because in her texts yesterday she mentioned how she was 'thinking about what you said all day and night' lol.

If the above is the case, how do i proceed? Should i be like, i dunno give me time to think or agree as well?

OR should i not call at all?

The thing is, we BOTH ended it.She was cool with the decision. She was super cool about it too.

2 days of no contact shes all anxious and desperate. I don't get it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Dunno bro that's up to you really ... You know her better than is right. When your with someone .. They become attached almost like a drug ... When you both agreed to end it, it probably felt like a good idea at the time but now 48hrs has passed and you've not contacted her ... I'd say she's struggling right now. I would just keep your cool ... And whatever she says to you, I wouldn't let it phase me. Girls seek validation ... I can guarantee it would be a different story if you was proper upset and moping about because it ended .. Don't think she'd be blowing up your phone like she is right now .. If this was the case ... My 2 cents bro!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
Okay guys. Her sister has called me 3 times and texted me again asking when I'm going to call my ex.

I haven't responded or attended the calls.

Seems like my ex is ultra desperate. What do from here?


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Okay guys. Her sister has called me 3 times and texted me again asking when I'm going to call my ex.

I haven't responded or attended the calls.

Seems like my ex is ultra desperate. What do from here?
Keep her on are doing just fine


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
Do you want her back? What's your aim in this situation?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
Do you want her back? What's your aim in this situation?
I want her back but I feel kinda humiliated by the break up.

She couldn't careless and now literally after a day or two is getting her sis to constantly call me to unblock her.shes practically begging.

I just think the way we broke up and the way I was treated me going back after two days seems weak.

I don't want to reply but at the same time she might just give up.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
If you contact her, go 'back' to her and restart things, she will crush your balls and spirit in a heartbeat.

Thats what will happen. So shes desparate to have you talk to her. So what? Im desparate for a beer right now but cant access one if I wanted. Tough. Ill have to go with out.

I do agree that you can turn this into a FB situation if you play it carefully and on your terms. But YOU have to do what YOu want - not what a bunch of voices on SS tell you what you should do.

Its just part of the game. Remember that eventually (depending on the hamster speed in each girls head), she will move on. But thats the plan right?

You couldnt go back with her relationship wise, on her terms though. Youd be dead meat.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
^ too true

Well her sis text me again asking when I'm going to call her (as I previously told her I will) I replied at around 3am

"just got back home. Mad busy. Listen, I'll call her in my own time. Just got things going on at the moment."


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
If you go back you have to ease in to the relationship very slowly. If you just straight back in she'll lose interest again. Think of it like youre starting the dating process all over again. Short dates them longer than see each other more so forth.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
If you go back you have to ease in to the relationship very slowly. If you just straight back in she'll lose interest again. Think of it like youre starting the dating process all over again. Short dates them longer than see each other more so forth.
You think I'm handling it okay so far?

I plan on calling her in a week or two. When I do I'll listen to what she has to say and then I'll lay out my terms which will be to meet me up in the coming week to talk face to face and not to contact until then.

^ yay or nay?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
You think I'm handling it okay so far?

I plan on calling her in a week or two. When I do I'll listen to what she has to say and then I'll lay out my terms which will be to meet me up in the coming week to talk face to face and not to contact until then.

^ yay or nay?
Read your initial post at the start of your thread. You dont state what you actually want. Getting advice on how to handle it is fine, but you need to KNOW what you want. If you dont, you wont be able to lead.

Thats the decision you need to make. If that decision involves being back with her at all, you need to approach carefully, on your terms and with an exact game plan in mind.

Personally I think you got some oneitis and are chuffed that she is chasing you. Dont be beta again and break down and do all the crap you said you intiially did.

the fisrt thing you should do is get out, meet girls, game them, sleep with them - and then post back here.

I guarantee you wont even remember Ms Religious by then ;)


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
"just got back home. Mad busy. Listen, I'll call her in my own time. Just got things going on at the moment."
You said this, so doing this:

You think I'm handling it okay so far?

I plan on calling her in a week or two. When I do I'll listen to what she has to say and then I'll lay out my terms which will be to meet me up in the coming week to talk face to face and not to contact until then.

^ yay or nay?
I think its a double-edged sword, it could work like what you're thinking, but if i were u I wouldn't do it because it will look more like "I broke and called" than "I got free time to call u after 1 or 2 weeks"

and also, you mentioned this:

I just think the way we broke up and the way I was treated me going back after two days seems weak.

I don't want to reply but at the same time she might just give up.
Things doesn't work this way, you need to be not wanting to reply because you don't feel she deserve it right now, not because you want to teach her a lesson, and about that she might give up, your mentality shouldn't be like this, you are doing this for yourself not for her, either way you should play it on your own terms and you'll do what you feel is right for you not for her.
bottom line, you should next her, find new options, and really don't care what she will do or want.

my 0.02 !


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
I think youre over thinking it guys. Women can realise what they had only once they lost it too. Bro I think you've waited long enough with the amount of times shes tried to contact you. If you wait too long she'll put up her defence and block you out emotionally. Also, you don't want to contact her for a chat you want to chat when she contacts you. Right now she is chasing you so you have the leverage and you need to keep it that way. Speak to her next time she calls, don't be a **** but don't make any emotional commitment. Say you're willing to meet for a coffee or something and treat it like a normal date. Be playful and don't take her seriously if she tries to talk about "us". Max one hour. Don't look for a kiss but don't deny her one either. Then wait for her to contact you for the next date: evening with kiss. Then initiate next date a week later and move in for the kill.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
I think youre over thinking it guys. Women can realise what they had only once they lost it too. Bro I think you've waited long enough with the amount of times shes tried to contact you. If you wait too long she'll put up her defence and block you out emotionally. Also, you don't want to contact her for a chat you want to chat when she contacts you. Right now she is chasing you so you have the leverage and you need to keep it that way. Speak to her next time she calls, don't be a **** but don't make any emotional commitment. Say you're willing to meet for a coffee or something and treat it like a normal date. Be playful and don't take her seriously if she tries to talk about "us". Max one hour. Don't look for a kiss but don't deny her one either. Then wait for her to contact you for the next date: evening with kiss. Then initiate next date a week later and move in for the kill.
sounds like good advice. Will apply it.
However at this moment in time, I have texted her sis that I will contact my ex in my own time as im bit busy. Her reply was that its not problem.
Her sis practically called me 5 times through out the whole day to check if im free to talk to my ex lol. 4 of the times I did not pick up.
Should I wait out till her camp reaches out again or just call up myself?
Parkbus what say you?