She isn't interested so why did she respond?


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
OP, why don't you tell this girl "Look bytch, your pu$$y ain't made of gold, you ain't all that, and I don't do online friendships. I'm only friends with bytches I sleep with, got it motherf**ker? What the f**k do you have to offer as friends anyway?"

It's better than being an orbiter!


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2012
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Ignoring the negativity...

She just agreed to meeting at my place and taking my car to where we're going dancing on Friday.

She's also mentioned wanting to go out dancing again a week or two after so I'm wondering if I should try to get her in my apartment after we dance or save it for the next time.

My FWB is coming over to my place in a couple of days so I'm don't exactly have any need to rush sex with this girl and risk screwing things up in case they don't go as planned. Though the idea of having sex with two girls in the same week is pretty hot.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2012
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Well plans didn't go as I thought they would.

To start things off, I actually managed to talk myself out of getting laid on Wednesday. I talked to my FWB about my oneites and essentially made her cancel plans with meeting up with me. That really sucked. Hopefully I didn't ruin things with her permanently.

As for the other girl, somehow other people were interested in going dancing and it became a group thing instead of just me and her. And somebody else gave her a ride which ruined my plan of getting her inside my apartment.

Still I had a fun time and really enjoyed her company, even though her attention wandered more than I would like.

So here I am acting like a total n00b being obsessed with "the one" and it didn't make a difference that I was having regular sex with a woman since October.

One thing that may effect why I like this girl so much is that she is pretty much the same type of girl my ex was.

I wish there was some way I get this girl but I know everybody here will tell me it's impossible.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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It is not is just nearly impossible lol.

Besides, the way you write it seems you're pretty sad cause you cannot get this up FOR GOD'S SAKE!

This is just a damn girl you barely know, that is hot, that you 'like' her, so what? I meet a couple of girls I'd like to bang every week that I do not end up banging, so what? all your happiness depends on one damn woman? da fuc-k?

She is not into you, she is into going to dance either with you, with you and more people, or without you.



You should focus on learning about inner game and in other words, to feel happy with yourself, without any woman blurring your mind.
Learn to life happy this way (getting a job, some hobbies, good friends, interests...) and once you feel good in general, then you go to pick-up chicks. Because if you do it the other way around, you would feel sad like you do now when a girl is not into you (which is the norm for all men btw...).


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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When you give your time/attention/money/whatever for a girl and you get nothing in return then you are just a Tool . She is using you to get her ego inflated like a fvcking balloon because you seem desperate and needy you are going to value her more than you value yourself.

B!tches ain't sh!t boy!

and never again tell a girl about another girl you are interested in even if she is just a friend of yours. Period.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Op your completely delusional. She gave you several hints that she wasn't interested in you romantically yet you completely ignored those hints and projected your own insecurities and warped perception to justify it for yourself as to why she isn't going out with you. Right now you look really pathetic to her and probably almost everyone here on this forum because you don't have a backbone and spine to not take disrespect like this from a girl. You blatantly disregarded everyone's advice here and instead did your own thing, which makes me wonder why you even bothered to ask for advice anyway if you weren't going to use it?

Also here's another suggestion, when your out with another girl that you want to fcuk, its a good idea not to talk about another girl you like. I mean if she was already screwing you, why would you make things difficult for the both of you?

OP you have failed horribly as a lover, seducer, and most importantly as a MAN!

If you want to salvage what little self-respect you have left, I would just go ghost on her ass. If she is interested in you in any way shape or form, she will get in contact with you. At that point you arrange for her to get together with you, preferably somewhere close to your place or hers so that you can take her back there at the end of the night for the deed. No more of this dancing bull$hit, you take her out for drinks or something where its just the two of you. If she comes up with any bull$hit excuse you tell her your busy and you have to go, and then tell her to get in contact with you when she's free to go out, then you walk away. If you don't hear from her ever again, its also a good thing, because now you don't have to waste anymore time on timewasters like her and can instead spend that time on someone who's interested in you and you can also work on your goals for life.
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Don Juan
Jun 6, 2012
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sylvester the cat said:
You told your fwb about your one itis?
Yeah it was stupid. I thought that we had the type of friendship where I could tell her anything and still sleep with her. I was wrong.

Lucky enough for me, I had the brains to not tell her that I was out with the other girl last night, and I got a text from my FWB saying she wanted to come over. So at least she's sill in the picture.

Still I'm really off the deep end with this girl because I kept picturing her when having sex with my FWB. I thought sleeping with other women was supposed to prevent this?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Dadude548 said:
Yeah it was stupid. I thought that we had the type of friendship where I could tell her anything and still sleep with her. I was wrong.

Lucky enough for me, I had the brains to not tell her that I was out with the other girl last night, and I got a text from my FWB saying she wanted to come over. So at least she's sill in the picture.

Still I'm really off the deep end with this girl because I kept picturing her when having sex with my FWB. I thought sleeping with other women was supposed to prevent this?
You need to sleep with other girls who are in the same league or better then your oneitis to forget about her, but even then you won't completely forget about her because your of ego. Me guess is your current fwb isn't in the same league as your oneitis.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2012
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thunder_god said:
You need to sleep with other girls who are in the same league or better then your oneitis to forget about her, but even then you won't completely forget about her because your of ego. Me guess is your current fwb isn't in the same league as your oneitis.
Oh, that makes sense.

No, as far as I'm concerned, the two girls aren't in the same league. Even though my FWB is amazing in bed and is down to go for however many times I want it, I don't see her as GF material.

I think I'm getting to the point where I'm not satisfied with just a sexual thing. Also I don't really see me doing anything else with my FWB besides having sex all day. God I must sound ridiculous complaining about this.

I have a great thing going on, but it's just not quite right, I need a bit more.