She didn't text back yesterday...should I call her today?


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
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Here is the scoop:

Last week I went on one of the best first dates of my life. Conversation flowed and she didn't take herself too seriously. We said we would do something again this Friday (but we didn't finalize plans).

We were texting back and forth (I know I should have called her but I got sick and didn't have a voice). Anyways she seemed pretty into me but did not respond to the last text I sent her.

Anyways I am feeling better now and would like to call her to set up our plans for Friday but do not want to come across as desperate/needy considering we have only been on one date.

My question to those who have been there is if a girl doesn't respond to a text, how much time do you let pass before calling her up (assuming you do not next her right away)?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
waaay over thinking!

Not a voice for calling? come on... Anyway, it doesn't really matter but that's a lame excuse.

So what if she didn't respond? What are your options here? I see 2

1) Do nothing, hoping she will eventually send you something.
2) Call her and ask her out on Friday!

I believe, holding back because she didn't reply to your last message is childish! Just call, like nothing happened, of course don't mention that she didn't reply, and ask her out! If she wants to, she will go out with you! If not, then you either screw it on the text game or just your princess is in another castle!


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
It's 2014. Unless you're over 50, nobody calls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
First off, judge by actions not words. Just because a girl says she will hang out with you doesnt mean she will. If you say "i'm having a great time, we should hand out next week", it's MUCH easier for her to say "yea, of course" than to say "probably not" and make things awkward. 9 times out of 10 a girl will say she'll hangout, especially face to face, and then have no intention of following it up. I'm not saying this to discourage you. Assume interest. But be aware of what is going on.

Another thing. Texting. Should be used almost exclusively to set up dates and handle logistics. It is NOT an effective means of interpersonal communication. I think i read something along the lines of 90% of communication is nonverbal, while the other 10% (Texting in this case) is verbal. Your texts will almost always be misconstrued, and texting always causes more harm than good.

It's kind of hard to answer why she didn't respond without knowing what you were texting. Either way, it's not important, unless she was being really responsive to all your texts and then suddenly went ghost when you said "we should hang out". That could be a problem.

You're not being needy by calling her. You're being confident. Stop texting her so often, go ghost for a couple days, then call her up like tuesday or wednesday and make sure you confidently ask (or tell her) what you'd like to do with her. Tell her you two should hang out and ask her "are you free on friday?". If she says "i'm actually really busy", but DOESNT give you some other day that works for her, she probably isnt interested. If she says, "yes, after 3pm", then BINGO, you're in. Tell her a specific time, have the logistics figured out LIKE A MAN. Tell HER the time you can meet up, YOU decide where you're going, YOU decide who's picking up who. Dont sit there asking what she'd like to do. say "i know this great hookah lounge on main street. I'll be picking you up at 7." (if you're feeling confident, throw in something like "look hot, i have a reputation to maintain after all")

The calling thing is debated, but i personally think it shows some backbone and is much better than hiding behind texts, especially for the first few dates.

Dont be overly sentimental, or start saying cheesy stuff like "i had a great time the first time we hung out, i think there's potential here" or anything of that nature. You are trying to screen her to see if she's up to your standards, and the fact that you're taking time out of your busy schedule (and plethora of women you have chasing you :) ) is a blessing for her.

keep calm and game on bud, you got this on lockdown


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
gravityeyelids said:
First off, judge by actions not words. Just because a girl says she will hang out with you doesnt mean she will. If you say "i'm having a great time, we should hand out next week", it's MUCH easier for her to say "yea, of course" than to say "probably not" and make things awkward. 9 times out of 10 a girl will say she'll hangout, especially face to face, and then have no intention of following it up. I'm not saying this to discourage you. Assume interest. But be aware of what is going on.

Another thing. Texting. Should be used almost exclusively to set up dates and handle logistics. It is NOT an effective means of interpersonal communication. I think i read something along the lines of 90% of communication is nonverbal, while the other 10% (Texting in this case) is verbal. Your texts will almost always be misconstrued, and texting always causes more harm than good.

It's kind of hard to answer why she didn't respond without knowing what you were texting. Either way, it's not important, unless she was being really responsive to all your texts and then suddenly went ghost when you said "we should hang out". That could be a problem.

You're not being needy by calling her. You're being confident. Stop texting her so often, go ghost for a couple days, then call her up like tuesday or wednesday and make sure you confidently ask (or tell her) what you'd like to do with her. Tell her you two should hang out and ask her "are you free on friday?". If she says "i'm actually really busy", but DOESNT give you some other day that works for her, she probably isnt interested. If she says, "yes, after 3pm", then BINGO, you're in. Tell her a specific time, have the logistics figured out LIKE A MAN. Tell HER the time you can meet up, YOU decide where you're going, YOU decide who's picking up who. Dont sit there asking what she'd like to do. say "i know this great hookah lounge on main street. I'll be picking you up at 7." (if you're feeling confident, throw in something like "look hot, i have a reputation to maintain after all")

The calling thing is debated, but i personally think it shows some backbone and is much better than hiding behind texts, especially for the first few dates.

Dont be overly sentimental, or start saying cheesy stuff like "i had a great time the first time we hung out, i think there's potential here" or anything of that nature. You are trying to screen her to see if she's up to your standards, and the fact that you're taking time out of your busy schedule (and plethora of women you have chasing you :) ) is a blessing for her.

keep calm and game on bud, you got this on lockdown
Solid post, couldn't have said it better


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
send her a text that is baited for a response

"I just saw an old man wearing knee pads riding a scooter hitting on chicks...made my morning :)"

that one is golden


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
papawapa said:
send her a text that is baited for a response

"I just saw an old man wearing knee pads riding a scooter hitting on chicks...made my morning :)"

that one is golden
"Texts from 2005"


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
If I read this right there is one text that you sent that she did not reply to. Not a big deal. As others have said call her. If she doesn't answer or never gets back to you after you call...then you may have a problem. But call first and see what happens. Good luck bro.