Sex date scheduled, how to proceed?

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Met this girl on an internet chat site.

We've been texting for awhile, yesterday had a 3hr phone call which she "confessed" to never having a serious relationship but rather a series of ONS, and said she never really "enjoyed" sex (most likely bad partners).

I felt giggly since I haven't had sex in close to half a year and somehow I arranged for us to meet at a motel on Friday, she again played the "I don't put out on the first date", I said "GOOD, neither do I" and added "we will just have two dates at the same day then".

The conversation then went to the sh!tters since I started talking all sorts of bullsh!t and became needy and validation seeking, I didn't mess it up totally, but I wouldn't be surprised if she will flake.


Two main questions
1) What to do after scheduling the sex date? Do I text her until Friday? How to keep her IL during these two days?
2) I planned to bring some type of spirit (red wine most likely, although she said she doesn't like it; screw her) and a laptop to "watch a movie" (and 5-6 condoms of course). Is there a better idea than that?


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2013
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""we will just have two dates at the same day then" is where you fumbled.

Next time, leave it at "I ain't planning on sex either" tone - this way, if sex happens, it "just happened" in the girls mind. If you put such an overt innuendo in conversation, she knows you are expecting sex.. and we all know you cannot really negotiate a girl into sex (not a real desire, at least).

How to deal with the flaking:
Until Thursday, you do not contact her at all. As someone said, hamsters run best in silence. Girls love the rush they feel anticipation, wondering why you did not text them, if you are maybe on dates with other girls and so on.

Thursday / Friday (depending on your arrangement) text/message her: "Change of plans".

This is how you check/rekindle her interest - see how long it takes for her to reply.

If she replies near instantly - great, you did not screw up. Wait some time (longer than it took for her to reply to you). Text/call her. You should say something along the lines of "We are meeting at 8 PM instead of 7PM. Dress nice." (make it later, not sooner.). or change the location, or something like that.

If she does not reply, do not contact her again - you got too needy, too overt, and it is likely she will flake. She might contact you sometime later (i.e., after Friday) - if she does so, continue as if nothing happened. If she asks about this Friday, just say "Something came up".

If you have already contacted her after last phone call - you just cut any chances by 50%.

If a girl is meeting you for a "date" in a motel, I wouldn't spend too much time with foreplay. She knows why she's there, all you have to do is not to turn her off.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Vega, I am concerned that this girl may flake on you. Red flags:
- a 3hr phone convo is too long. Chicks chat with their girlfriends like that.
- you ate her emotional vomit talking about lack of relationships, bad sex, etc
- you mentioned you got needy

Definitely no texting between now and date time. If you absolutely can't help yourself, send a funny pic or joke that doesn't require a response.

When date time comes, be funny and casual and not too eager. Keep the mood relaxed. If possible, get a few drinks in her before hitting the room. Maybe somewhere you can kino and have some friendly competition (shuffleboard, billiards). Her ASD and emotional baggage will ruin your night if you let them out.

Now, I could be wrong about all of this and she may show up hot and bodthered and looking to get a good d!cking, but that would be quite the surprise.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah I might've screwed up with the "two dates".
I screwed up x2 when I told her I'm keeping myself till marriage, she said Me too and asked when I'm getting married so I said "Thursday", she said "Oh really? Me too" so she really threw me a big bone there.

She kept telling me that we won't screw but seemed eager for me to book a motel room. Plausible deniability at its finest.

I don't think I sounded like a horny dog since I kept busting her balls for being a perv and being sexual, told her "I think you're gonna fall in love with me, please don't" and that sort of stuff. She responded nicely but not as expected.

I disagree with your first point; we never met IRL so going from the computer straight to ****ing without a few hours of conversation in between is quite impossible (unless drugs or alcohol is involved), especially when you have no idea about the nature of the girl (at first I was sure she's an inexperienced virgin!).
Mystery said that it takes 5-12 hours from the point of meeting a girl to the point of sex, I got about 4 hours in so I'm about 1 hour short, hahaha.

I told her to invite me for ice-cream first and then we'll head to the motel and she agreed so I guess that's what we're gonna do...any more tips/suggestions? I haven't contacted her and she hasn't contacted me either nor I plan to until tomorrow afternoon (good idea about "change of plans")

I thought of offering my icecream and them smudging abit on her cheek/lips, and then say whooops sorry, here, let me get that for you and lick/kiss.
I'm also renting the motel for 4 hours, I hope it's enough time for 3 rounds :D
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
CerwinVegaFan said:
Yeah I might've screwed up with the "two dates".
I screwed up x2 when I told her I'm keeping myself till marriage, she said Me too and asked when I'm getting married so I said "Thursday", she said "Oh really? Me too" so she really threw me a big bone there.

She kept telling me that we won't screw but seemed eager for me to book a motel room. Plausible deniability at its finest.

I don't think I sounded like a horny dog since I kept busting her balls for being a perv and being sexual, told her "I think you're gonna fall in love with me, please don't" and that sort of stuff. She responded nicely but not as expected.

I disagree with your first point; we never met IRL so going from the computer straight to ****ing without a few hours of conversation in between is quite impossible (unless drugs or alcohol is involved), especially when you have no idea about the nature of the girl (at first I was sure she's an inexperienced virgin!).
Mystery said that it takes 5-12 hours from the point of meeting a girl to the point of sex, I got about 4 hours in so I'm about 1 hour short, hahaha.

I told her to invite me for ice-cream first and then we'll head to the motel and she agreed so I guess that's what we're gonna do...any more tips/suggestions? I haven't contacted her and she hasn't contacted me either nor I plan to until tomorrow afternoon (good idea about "change of plans")

I thought of offering my icecream and them smudging abit on her cheek/lips, and then say whooops sorry, here, let me get that for you and lick/kiss.
I'm also renting the motel for 4 hours, I hope it's enough time for 3 rounds :D
Bro, I've banged plenty of women I've met online with no phone calls and only a handful of texts before meeting. Of the ones that happened on the first date, most were within an hour or hour and a half on the first date.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
I'll take your word for it then.

She texted me just now "So you disappeared now? Right before?".
I replied 2 hours later "Hi, I'm busy today" followed by "Red wine or Martini? Choose quickly"
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The only dates I have are sex dates.

Understand there's about a 50% flake chance. That's just how it is. Don't make a hotel reservation. Find a big, mostly empty, cheap hotel that takes cash. Then find a bar nearby. Meet her at the bar and get her drinking.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
CerwinVegaFan said:
Two main questions
1) What to do after scheduling the sex date? Do I text her until Friday? How to keep her IL during these two days?
2) I planned to bring some type of spirit (red wine most likely, although she said she doesn't like it; screw her) and a laptop to "watch a movie" (and 5-6 condoms of course). Is there a better idea than that?
1) no i wouldn't text her at all until friday and only then to confirm the time you are meeting

2) bring vodka

3) expect to get flaked the fvck out of by this chick and don't be disappointed if she does

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Get ready for some poor man's erotica and a long post...

We met on the train exit, she looked WAY HOTTER than on her pics which kinda caught me off guard.
I told her she should invite me for ice cream. Things didn't go so well at the beginning when I couldn't find the ice-cream shop, and when we eventually did find it, it was closed. Then I received a text message "The room will be ready in 2 hours", at this point I started to panic, called the motel owner and he told me "don't worry your room is ready, it was a mistake"...whew!

So she bought us ice-cream from the local kiosk, I wanted to do the ice-cream kiss I mentioned earlier but it didn't go as expected.
Things didn't seem so well at this point but I didn't lose my temper. I kept busting her balls, although there was very little kino and almost no IOIs from her.

We went to the motel, I haven't told her about it and she was all super curious about where we're going. I didn't cave in and let her find out by herself when we got inside.

The room was very nice and had a private jacuzzi, I told her to go change, I started to change to bathing shorts and she kept coming in and out of the bathroom, I guess she wanted to "check the merchandise".

I poured us Martini and she came out with her bathing suite. Thin and sexy body. Big breasts. When she took the glass I noticed her hand was all shaking, she seemed very nervous.

We went inside the hot tub and I told her to come near me, we played a little the "hand slap" game, along with kisses on the cheek when she hit me. I saw it's going way too slow so I decided to spice it up.
We went out of the hot tub and I threw a pillow at her. We started fighting and I dropped her off to the bed, I held her firmly below me and slowly went for the kiss.

We started making out, she was very responsive. We made out for a while and then I suggested I'll give her a massage.

Gave her a good, long massage, afterwards I started kissing her every part of the body and blowing hot air and nibbling on her neck and ears, she was grinding her ass and pvssy on my c0ck through the bathing suits.

Fast forward, I took the bathing suits off, super thin body (in a good way, not a skeleton thin way), big breasts, perfect nipples, perfectly shaped tiny ass, tiny *****. Her bikini underwear was soaked with bodily fluids.

Told her we should 69, she started working on my c0ck right away. I licked her pvssy for about 5 minutes until she started to squirm and moan. She gave those little tiny moans which was kinda sexy but not what I'm used to.

She came and then I put a condom on, she wanted to take a shower and I told her no. Put her into missionary and started making out again, slowly putting my c0ck inside of her. I could barely fit in there...she was all moaning hard and asked me to go slower.

The following 30 minutes or so we tried to find a comfortable position so I could fvck her properly but she always seemed in pain once it got a bit fast, not to mention I couldn't fit more than 1/2 of my d1ck (I literally felt she's 100% full), I kept asking her if she's OK during the whole thing and told her that if she's in pain I'll stop, she kept telling me "I'm ok, just don't go so fast and deep"...I was going about 5 seconds between each stroke which sucked.

Anyway, she asked for us to "rest" for a while, after resting a little I started getting her aroused once again, fingered her till she came again, again tried to have sex and she was in pain. The whole sex thing lasted about an hour and a half, I didn't even *** once. At the end I took off the condom and jacked off and came on her breasts.

During the whole "meetup" I said a lot of unproductive ****, especially at the shower.

I told her I brought 6 condoms, she said "I guess you will now go back home and have to use them huh?" I told her "jealous much?" and we both laughed. Another thing she mentioned is me being a "good guy" and "not so bad like you say you are". WTF is that?

We sat and talked a bit about our dreams and interests, she told me she's not into relationships, I told her we can be FWB and she said "yeah that's cool" but didn't seem REALLY THAT into that, then we walked together to the train station, she seemed a bit distant but when I was talking she held eye contact 100% of time. She told me she's thinking of leaving the country in 5 months, so I (stupidly) told her I am leaving too to study. Anyway, when my train arrived I hugged her and aimed for the cheek but she kissed me on the mouth. Nice.

Later when I got home after about 2 hours I called her (stupid huh?) to make sure she got home safe. We talked for a while and I asked her when she's not working next week. She said Thursday, I told her I need to check if I'm free on Thursday so she could come over, although Sunday would've been perfect.
She said she needs a few days to recover after today (hahaha)

I said some more stupid **** which I can't remember but it was fine since I totally nailed it.

mr. kennedy

Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
CerwinVegaFan said:
Another thing she mentioned is me being a "good guy" and "not so bad like you say you are". WTF is that?

We sat and talked a bit about our dreams and interests, she told me she's not into relationships
In other words, she wants a bad boy. Give her what she wants, stop talking about your dreams and interests.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Ha, easy to say. I'm into PUA for over 2 years but yet I lack the skills to calibrate myself.

The only thing I can say is I totally dominated her in bed, she was 100% submissive, however I've never seen a person in so much pain (and I'm not HUGE...just above average).
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