Sex before relationship... But what if shes a virgin?

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
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heres a question thatd be great to get some feedback on.

a common 'rule' around here would be to not accept a relationship from a woman until, among other things, youve had sex with her. so that she wont play the pvssy on a pedestal game.

however, what if shes a virgin? if she has morals and wants to wait... maybe til marriage? a girl who rarely drank, didnt smoke and wasnt into the party scene. assuming everything else was great and you really like her, would you be exclusive with her?

or would you keep her at arms length until she "puts out"?


Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
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If you are enjoying your time with her even if you may never get sex from her, then go ahead and be her boyfriend.

If you would be bitter about the time spent with her unless she would put out, don't spent lots of time with her unless she puts out.

Just don't go into a relationship just because you want her pvssy, they are neither mutually exclusive nor a cause of one another.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Same thing applies

Why? because her waiting for marriage or any other "Rules" that she have is just her logical mind. An sometimes it may just be her way of being "Hard to get" in order to look like she has high value.

Go about it like every other girl. While I've never laid a girl who had the "Wait before marraige BS" I did practice on one. The first day I ended up touching her breast and she would invite me to trips and stuff. I just stopped talking to her for some reason. She'd always compliment me saying I look nice today, stuff like that.

But really when it comes down to it once she becomes all emotional and her Buying temperature goes up, you can close.
May 23, 2006
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You should test the strength of her convictions. Is she really waiting for sex until marriage because of strong spiritual or strong religious convictions (she has a real experience or relationship with the Lord and views her body as the temple of the Spririt and intends to honour the sancity of sex in marriage), or if is she going to waver on that point and say 'well you have to see if there is sexual compatability before marrying' -- if you see any crack or any hole in her conviction - then dump her if she doesn't put out. She's also looking to lose her virginity if the right guy comes along and would put out pretty fast.

If she has very strong convictions about sex until marriage, then you should respect her boundaries. If her convictions are not strong - then she's just displaying high-value and will put out you know how to play her right - in fact you just need some good game and it should work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
however, what if shes a virgin? if she has morals and wants to wait... maybe til marriage? a girl who rarely drank, didnt smoke and wasnt into the party scene. assuming everything else was great and you really like her, would you be exclusive with her?
Yes!! You'd have a 'one-in-a-million' girl. You'd be the only man to explore her pleasure dome. There would only be one flag posted there, yours! You wouldn't find any other class rings down there.
May 23, 2006
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tmpgstx said:
Yes!! You'd have a 'one-in-a-million' girl. You'd be the only man to explore her pleasure dome. There would only be one flag posted there, yours! You wouldn't find any other class rings down there.
Make sure you dump her immediately afterwards, or she could latch on to you if you are her first-time because she'll likely get over connected to you emotionally. Women release the 'bonding' chemical oxyclyn or whatever it's called, and soon you wont be able to get rid of her. Run for you life once you deflower her and dont answer any phone calls from her, go on no contact. Then brag about her on here once you've completed your conquest. Make sure you dump her like a hot potatoe because that's all she is, a worthless two bit ho, a dirty rag once you've done using her.

<Ok, I really hate my oneitis and offering advice here because I'm insane - it's like I have this lingering vengence to get even with this oneitiis and it comes with 'trigger threads' like this one. You understand, this is the advice of a mad-man. Leave the virgin woman alone and save your conquests for women who have already popped their cherry with someone else. Her first time being someone else's conquest is going to put her guard up and be resentful of guys. >
Last edited:

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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With my parents
Luke Skywalker, you're a fvckign douchebag. You are a disgrace to your namesake. I have never read such an utter bunch of bullshiat in my life.

P.S. The chemical you're blabbering about is oxytocin, and it's released in mammals of both sexes in many species, not just human females. Dumbazz.
Mar 18, 2006
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Actually you have it backwards - you are NOT suppose to have a relationship with a hor but only with a virgin - a relationship leads to long term commitment leads to marriage/children/family!!!

Don't trust a woman who is not a virgin before marriage - they are not loyal but only pretend to be!! Well if they are old and their looks are fading or they are fat then they may be loyal because they know that their marketability is approaching zero!!!!

I'm just the next pimp in line!!

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
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thanks for the replies guys.

when we started dating she was pretty upfront about saving it and not rushing into anything. she goes to church and i have seen how strong she has her faith and religious beliefs/morals. the big thing though, after dating for a while we became a lot closer... and she confided in me that she was nearly raped one time. always a terrorfying experience... although thankfully she got away before he could actually get inside her. she told me that knowing how she was already trying to save herself and hold out for someone special, the experience of almost losing what she held so dearly fortified her reasoning to hold out.

when we first started hanging out, she was timid and would set the pace. id enjoy myself and playfully push the envelope until she stopped me. each time wed spend time together it seems like we get closer. by babysteps, building something great together. we have a ton in common including a love for the outdoors. the other night i took her hiking to the top of a mountain and we sat on the very top peak, at night, overlooking the entire valley. as much as i was excited, she was wide eyed and speachless.

ive been around the block a few times and i cant remember the last time i enjoyed being with a girl so much.

every time we hang out shes more comfortable with me and im slowly rounding the bases... the hornier i make her, the further she lets me go and progress is definately being made. im not really uptight or super driven on getting in her pants. im actually enjoying the slow courtship. for the first time in a long time im not really interested in seeing other girls. shes told me she feels the same and i believe her. she does so many nice things for me like cook for me and bake me desserts, always comes to see me when i ask...

i didnt even realize it but last night we were talking and its been 3 months now that weve been dating. still feels brand new like its only been 3 weeks. and lately shes been telling me that she loves me...

the condenser though is that shes young. she hasnt gone thru the 21yr old party stage yet. although she doesnt like to party now, so theres hope she might be one of the few nice ones.

after the path ive travelled, its definately different. i have gone thru my wild times and i wouldnt mind settling down. i really dont know what to expect here and im just taking it one day at a time.

May 23, 2006
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The Shocker said:
Luke Skywalker, you're a fvckign douchebag. You are a disgrace to your namesake. I have never read such an utter bunch of bullshiat in my life.
Guess where that BS came from - the oneitis - she wrote it herself, she called herself a hot potatoe - she's a tramp - that's why real guys dump her, she's worthless - she said 'dumped like a hot potatoe after she got conquested' or something like that -- and I looked up to tramp and thought hey, here's a respecable girl. So, what I write didn't come from my mouth, it came from her lyrics so the heck with her and all of them - do you understand?

The Shocker said:
P.S. The chemical you're blabbering about is oxytocin, and it's released in mammals of both sexes in many species, not just human females. Dumbazz.
No, males are the superior sex, thus we release testosterone, while the inferior sex, women, release oxytocin.

My oneitis had big breasts which probably accounts to the fact she had more of that chemical release from her mammiary glands, which would accuentiate the suffering.
Mar 18, 2006
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Strong Bull - be careful with this one -- many claim the virgin title but are virgin hors because they let men do other things to them and have done things to men - everything but penetration - and yet act as if they are clean and virginal!! If she is letting you do shyt to her then she may be this type!!!

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
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insteresting. so where do you draw the line? and how do you tell?

i imagine i wasnt the first guy to finger her although that doesnt bother me too much. she definately feels and acts like a virgin in bed. even with her fully warmed up, with my two fingers inside her, she squeezes and presses my knuckles on my fingers together so hard that it hurts ME and she kinda whimpers most of the time.

something else interesting... shes told me that lately shes been having recurring dreams of her and i living in a house together, and raising our kid.

Mar 18, 2006
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Strong - Here is a strong warning - do NOT trust this girl!!!! I repeat - do not trust her - she is not a virgin and is dangerous and manipulative!!!! Be careful!!!!

How old is she and you?

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
22 and shes 17

why not trust?

Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Why not trust her? Because I know what she is about and she is dangerous!!! Why is she dangerous? Because the most dangerous people are in disguise when they want to do harm!!!

She is not a virgin!!! She is a hor!! Do you really think that she is a virgin because a penis did not enter into her? Yet she freely allows men fingers to intrude her inner sanctum???? What is the difference between finger and a penis? HUH??? Nothing!!!

It is the mindset that defines her and not a penis or a finger!!!

Hors play the innocent act with men they like to entrap them into a relationship that benefits them!!! She wants you but is portraying a false image of herself to get you -- this is a dangerous woman!!!!



Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
It took me 8 months and 3 weeks to get into my gf's knickers, was worth the wait cause like she said she was a virgin, I didnt believ her untill I just couldnt get it in and felt her hymen break and saw the treickle of blood.

And I waited cause I was too busy hanging out with her havning fun.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Strong like bull,

There is absolutely no relationship between a woman's virginity status and her trustworthiness. Anyone that says otherwise is a fool, or probably got burned by a woman in the past and is expressing bitterness. I have met many a virgin (mostly when i was younger) that you couldnt trust not to break a steel ball, and I married a non-virgin I trust with my life.

A good rough rule of thumb, Strong like bull, is to basically ignore anyone that deals in absolutes. These are the "masses" types that are controlled by princes (read: Machivelli). Wisdom is not found in common men.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
Why are you guys letting a chick convince you of what you want....

Last I checked, I had a peni$ that demanded sex... I'm sure yours is no worse.

so if peni$ wants sex, peni$ gotta have it.... kapish!!!

don't waste your time believing this chick.... just let her believe what she wants while you go in for the kill.... persistence pays of!!! and don't worry if she freaks out about losing her virginity, no chick is worth the wait and virgins in particular.