Self Limiting Beliefs


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives.- J. Michael Straczynski

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.- George Washington Carver

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.- Benjamin Franklin

Wanted to start off this post with a couple of quotes filled with both wisdom......and encouragement.

I was reflecting today on a couple of different things. One of these was the concept of "freewill". It truly is an amazing concept when you think in depth about it and how lucky most of us are to have it.

1.) Each and every person is FREE to make their own decisions. I dont want to get into legal debates about society but want to stay focused on "game". If an individual has insecurities(may or may not be consciously aware of them) he will act in accordance with them.....not one other person CAN TELL HIM WHAT TO DO. He will do what he thinks is best, no matter how moronic the action actually may be.

2.) Experience is the way. I can type 25 well thought out, well organized, insightful posts and try to jam concepts and mindsets into peoples heads all I want.....but until something triggers the "ah ha switch".....they wont be able to wrap their heads around it. Therefore I am vehemently against KJs, "internet tough talk", and red pill "overdose". Sitting on sosuave all day and getting into "theatrical" debates just so you get "green bars" and ego boost is pathetic. GO OUT AND LIVE. Take the things we teach here and APPLY THEM. See if they actually work. If they do.....congratulations......if they dont......come back, learn, then try again. the meat and potatoes.

Self limiting beliefs are one of the most poisonous barricades to personal growth. Not only will it halt your progress.....but it can actually make things worse. I see sosuave members of ALL kinds have self limiting beliefs. Some of them are:

-I CANT attract high quality women
-Having "the prize mindset" and thinking this way WONT do anything
-I CANT break up with my would break her heart
-I DONT have money therefore I fail with women
-My race prevents me from having sex
-etc etc

If you are guilty of one of the above.....walk in front of a mirror.....take a nice deep breath......and slap the sh1t out of yourself for being a b1tch. Im sick and tired of seeing the words "CANT", "IMPOSSIBLE", "DONT" etc to describe how an individual fails at a given task. There is a reason you arent having success and it starts with your mindset.....lets get started on the remedy.

First and must have a "DJ MINDSET" aka "inner game". This is your sanctuary. This is where your feelings develop and the lense through which all influence and stimuli is filtered. You must be rock solid and believe in yourself. So.....what if you are not a DJ right now? START ACTING LIKE ONE AND THAT STARTS BY THINKING YOU ARE ONE!

Thought precedes action. Before a task can be must be confident in the task beforehand. You will not become a DJ by accident! Heres how the winning formula gets started.

Thinks hes a DJ > Begins to carry himself like a DJ(has a swag in his step) > Begins to act like a DJ, which reinforces the fact that HE IS A DJ > Becomes more of a DJ

So you see....results stem from the belief and confidence in yourself to actually accomplish your goals. Its exactly how athletes go professional.....they think they are good......then they win a championship, reinforcing the fact that they ARE GOOD...... = MORE CHAMPIONSHIPS.

Do yourself a favor and model professional athletes. Stop making excuses.....stop b1tching.....stop moaning.....stop limiting yourself with your belief system and INSTEAD start thinking your way to tangible success.