Self Improvement: Phase 2


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
I finally reached that point. I'm tired of who I'm becoming. I've turned into a lazy, antisocial, pessimist. I haven't worked out in 3 months, and I gave up on my diet around that time as well.

I was much happier when I was dieting and exercising although it was a grind. Some days it would frustrate me, but as long as I kept at it, I was getting better every day.

Here are my addictions;

I fap every night

I spend hours on playstation daily

I eat whatever I want when I want it

This shift to a sedentary lifestyle caused me to gain 5 lbs over the last few months.

I don't know how either of these things started becoming a problem but one thing i will say is because I swapped out my positive habits for these self-destructive ones.

I am being very honest.

I want to grow as a man and I never will if I sit on my ass all day.

I need to get back to work.

I am tracking my food intake once again using the Loseit! app. It was a great reason for my success.

I'm gonna focus on cardio to lose weight at first.

Today I'm going to see if I can run a mile with out stopping. If not, it means I've really gotten bad.

On my way to school now...



Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
man, read. Seriously, drop the games and read something you are interested about. I'm not saying don't play anymore, but limit your time to 1 hour a day at most, just to relax at the end of the day. Read about taoism, theravada buddhism, about bodybuilding, about your country's history, about some person you admire, whatever you are into. It will make your mind expand and you will have a lot of topics to talk about, and you will meet more interesting people.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
You need to find activities..... book a sport club.... stuff you pay and forces you to go. Get a gym trainining program with multi-level (every 1 month or 2 if you succeded you get to the other level)

About the gym: START SLOWLY .... like maybe 3 reps per set but you add +1 per week.... so after 4 weeks you at 7 reps per set

Pick up dancing (you'll meet women of all ages and be social)

Food wise: eat twice the size of your hand for lunch/dinner/supper.... with snacks in between.

Take a day for you and write what you love, what you dont like, what you always were curious about, what you want to improve, what are your weakness..... put all your weakness and stuff you want to be in the ''goal'' section

You need challenges.... you play video games cause you still searching yourself. If you like gaming... find a gaming club to meet other ''gamers''.... heck I have a friend who is still lost but he got like alot more friends than me because he found other ''gamers'' and he does get laid with the girl of the group... in short he got a social group.

Eat well, good portions, workout, have a monthly or weekly goal.... you'll progress.... if you go at school... join the clubs there. Otherwise, also give yourself mimimun task to do per day (like 1 hour cardio, talk to 5 women, 5 guys, 30 minutes reading) etc...

Start slow, growth (being in hurry is never good and it will discourage you).... so Start Slow, but grow/progress on a weekly-monthly basis.