Second Date Advice


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2015
Reaction score
West Coast
I met a girl two weeks ago at a concert, talked to her for 20 minutes and told her I was playing a concert the following night. She came by herself and stayed the entire time, and I only had about 10 minutes to talk to her. I got pulled away and didn't get her number as I had to deal with band stuff. I found out we have a mutual friend, I got her number from them, texted her two days later, once saying hi and thanking her for coming to my show, and the second asking her on a date. She agreed, I picked a lunch spot two blocks from her place, met her there, had lunch for an hour, we both had plans later and had to go.

First date was typical family, where you from, what do you do, and we talked about mutual friends. No crazy spark, but also no long pauses, I made her laugh twice really hard (her whole body went back and she covered her mouth), and I told her about the farm me and my brother started. She said "I'll have to check it out sometime."

Left the date with no kiss, semi-awkward hug, and thanked her for a nice lunch and conversation. She seemed pleased. I didn't do much KINO at all, except she put her leg beside mine at one point (sitting on barstools). I texted her 4 or so hours later telling her to have a good time on a two-day trip she was going on that same day and that I'd call her after she was back in town.

My next move is to set up a second date. I was going to wait another day (three days total since the date and two days after she got back from her trip) to call. Keep it short, say that I'd like to see you again, would you like to go to XX and have drink with me this weekend? OR, should I just call and not set up anything? This second idea I got from this website, but it seems that I should just call and set something up. She's going on a 2 week vacation soon. Thoughts?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
You're being too nice.

If you get a second date make sure you end it with a kiss at the very least. Things are only awkward if you make them so. Even shy women will eventually warm up if you behave as though everything is cool as a cucumber.

She may like you so don't beat around the bush, let loose and be confident. Try not to think about the outcome, focus on enjoying the moment and if it doesn't work out, so what?


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2015
Reaction score
West Coast
Thanks G_Govan.

I'm OK with the outcome that she may not like me. Obviously she has some interest if she went out with me and has responded to my texts, but I need to up my game on the second date and be a little more outgoing (if she accepts).

I'm new to dating after being in a LTR/Marriage for a combined 6 years (I'm 31), so I'm overthinking it right now. I know I'll get back into it after a couple dates and a few girls. I had a 2 month booty call that just ended (or so it seems, she'll be back though...) and now this is the first new girl that I've actually "dated" since 2009.

I don't even really know her, she's just really cute and is in her last month of residency so I know she's smart too. She likes the same kind of music/fun that I do and we have good conversation.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2015
Reaction score
West Coast
Update: This girl is on vacation all week. Have only had one date, texted a few times about playful things about 4 days ago, nothing since. The question I have is, should I text her at all while she's gone or wait until she's back? Or, do I just wait to see if she contacts me. When she's back it will be 3 weeks since we've hung out. We have mutual friends, I'll probably run into her again. Maybe I should just play it that route?

I'm new to the manosphere and am too nice like G Govan said. I just need some guidance here while I'm taking these red pills.