Sebastionay's Tip List.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ok guys ive learned quite a bit from these forums, I wouldnt say its been the bulk of my learning but it certainly laid strong foundations that enabled me to learn much more or perhaps just made it all happen alot sooner :)

Anyway im going to share with you guys useful little things I came up with of my own accord, they may have been used before but i havent seen them written anywhere else and i want to give something back.

Scenario one.

You go for a night out, you get drunk or perhaps your memory isnt great, either way you get one or more phone numbers you would like to persue, and you cant remember theyre names!

Ring her the next day and use a tone as though you remember everything clearly from the night you met (she may well not remember very well herself!)

After some fluff talk on the phone, ask her if her friends have a nickname for her. 'so what do your mates call you? :)' in a jokeing tone, and she'l just say 'nah im just kate :) ' or whatever her name is.

Used this one many times guys, never had one suspect i way playing games by saying it, only ever had it work out as me finding the name withought entering an embarissing situation where she thinks she didnt make a big enough impact on you for her to remember her name OR that you wouldnt have had the balls to make that first contact with her withought being drunk.

Neither is good!

Anyways i hope you remember this if the situation arises for you guys in the future :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Scenario Two.

Your gameing a girl in a club, she seems keen and she's all dressed up, short skirt, stockings, whatever, Its obvious from how theyre dressed how likely they are to be persuaded into sex.

Anyway! you keep conversation rolling untill she asks you for her number ideally, or you ask her. Either way when she agrees, you tell her you dont have your phone, regardless of the fact you do have your phone :p

And so the deception continues... lmao!

You say 'oh i dont have my phone on me, come and write it down in mine (my place), its not far :) (regardless of how far it is :p)'

Take the lead, walk her out, kino her in the taxi, continue the conversation during all this and maybe even show her the phone in your pocket once she's entered your bedroom ;) haha

Ive used this twice, and its worked twice :)