School Pickup 101


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ottawa,Ontario, Canada
Hey Guys;
I've been getting a lot of requests on how to school sarge and whether or not I do it. To be honest, I don't make a habit of it but I'm not one to pass up an opportunity if something (or someone) falls in my lap. That being said - this is how i do it.
Warning: Sarging at school can either elevate you to the status of a god or if you crash and burn, make things very difficult. Do not practice sarge at school.
I pay too much money for school to not focus in class so as a general rule of thumb I pickup on campus but not in classes. If I see a girl in a class that I want to meet i either sit next to her and start talking or talk to her after class. For those of you that DO want to attempt a pu in class here is what to do.


Think of a classroom as a club. It is a social environment. A lot of the same club rules apply to class. One of the key factors is the social structure of the class. This is usually determined within the first 2 weeks. You can see who the social people are and who the shut ins are. Your goal is not only to be viewed as a social person, but THE social person.
Right NOW is the best time to put this into effect. A new semester has started and things are just settling in. Each day you arrive for class sit with different people for the first week. This builds your social circle, offers social proof and gives you many opportunities to work on later. The nice thing about class sarging is that you can take your time. You will see these people for the next 4 months.
So for the first day, find the hottest girl in the class. Sit beside her and use any opener you wish. Situational openers are good if you can divert them away from school. What you did on the weekend, the water pipe that broke in the girls locker room, or the toga party that's coming up.
On the second day, smile at the girl, say hi and that's it. Go sit w/ someone else and have fun with them. Do this a few times and then go back to girl X . Create attraction and build rapport with her again. Talk about girl Y. Create a jealousy plot line.
Don't always sit with just girls. Sit with your guy friends once it has been established that you ARE the leader. Or even better, get to class early and get your friends and girls to sit around you. You won't learn a damn thing in this class... it's SUPER distracting. LOL
When you open sets keep the school talk to a minimum. The only thing any guy thats trying to pick her up in class talks about is school. This is boring, school is boring. When asked what you do. Do not answer "I work and go to school." Everybody does that... what she is asking (or when you ask her) is what do you do that makes you special or why should i be bothered talking to you. By answering "school and work" you're telling her right away that she should not waste her time with you.
You now have established rapport and a social circle which you are the head of. Find out what her schedule is like. If it allows, suggest you go for coffee, swimming, skating, etc on campus afterwards OR number close her and treat it as a normal sarge.


Treat this just as you normally would a street pickup. Most of these girls are coming from or going to classes. Find that out asap. Find out how much time you have to work and if it's worth your while.
It's difficult to open moving sets without first having eye contact. This is the primary IOI that will thrust you into opening sets. There are a few ways you can open a set after getting EC. This is what I like to do (and actually did 5 minutes after writing this and getting an IOI from an HB8 brunette)

Scenario: You're walking down the hall and you get an IOI from an HB.

"Hey! Stop for a second"

Make SURE she hears you and turn around as you're saying this.
Just from past experience stuff along the lines of "Hi, how are you." doesn't work unless you're both in a stationary environment.

"You know when you make eye contact with someone your eyes go to 7 different locations? It's where womens intuition comes from."

You've hooked her.

“I can't stay long but let me ask you this. Do you have a minute?”
Throw in a time constraint & find out weather she's in a huge rush or not. If she's going to be late for a class then say “It was nice meeting you _______” and next time you see her in the hall continue with the routine.

"Yeah, If you're looking up and to the right - you're lying or if you're making really good eye contact a lot of the time you're zoned out. Your pupils dilate when you see something you like (watch her pupils dilate... it's almost a cue) or if you're looking down and to the right you're thinking. Lets play a fun game... it's about lying."

"I'm going to ask you 5 questions. I want you to lie to each one. I'm going to try and make you tell the truth. If I win, you buy me a coffee. If you loose you buy me a coffee. Deal?" -- i do this on campus a lot.

You: "What is your favorite color"
Her lying: "Green"
You: "If you were a kitchen utensil what would you be?"
Her lying: "A spatula"
You: "If you were a novel what would you be?"
Her lying: "Harry Potter"
You: "Oh ****... did i ask you the color one yet?" - Asking suddenly as though you forgot.
Her telling the truth: "Yeah you did"

You owe me a coffee! as you grin from ear to ear. Most of the time it takes a sec for her to clue in but she'll laugh and smack you or tease you. “Thats soo lame” “Yeah, very lame – but fun. Lets go get my coffee.”

At this point you can either number close or you can venue change.

Tip: Tell her to give you her real answers to the questions and it gives you great cold reading material.

Tip: Do a trust test to initiate kino because “I don't know if i can trust someone i just met.”

Tip: “Hey, i just taught you something cool. You've gotta show me something cool now.”

Questions or comments?

- Syncmaster


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Very nice!! Thanks for the advice!!