Sarging Solo


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
In an effort to improve my game, I try to go out whenever I can. Unfortunately, not always is there a wing available so I have to do it alone. I'm just wondering what kind of struggles guys here face when they are also in this situation. Whenever I have my wing, I can pretty much approach any set on my own with no trouble. For me, the need for a wing is psychological: I feel more comfortable knowing that when I meet random people I can prove that I am here with someone and that I am not alone because it is so low social value to be so even though it is truly the case. Here it becomes difficult for me to make any approaches because I feel so self-conscious. Anyways last night I was in this situation and here is what I did: I tried to look around for groups of guys in the bar that were doing just like me, hitting on random chicks. I befriend them and then afterwards whatever set I try to open I would be comfortable lying that I came with them. That night until I found these guys, I could'nt initiate any random approaches. Is this the way to handle sarging solo? of course it is better to find a wing, but this kind of help is not always available if you want to go out every night. I am curious to hear what other solo sargers do to handle this.


Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
I just came back from the clubs/bars, going solo. I do pretty much the same thing as you, find a group of guys who are chasing after some chicks. Usually the guys don't have the balls to initiate, so (kind of unfortunately), I initiate. Then, they get into a conversation, and I get left out, as if they forgot I was the one who got the whole damn thing going. I just don't get it. I've kind of come to the conclusion clubs/bars are not much my scene any more, especially since I go solo all the time - solo is kind of tough.

Anyway, during the day I do fine. I can approach pretty good and have no problems. At nights, I think having a wing could be a lot more enjoyable, but in many situations I can "wing-it" and just find a guy to wing with right there, on the fly. The only problem with that is you don't really trust that guy, and you can't tell what his intentions are, so it doesn't always go too well.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
Reaction score
BadJadder said:
For me, the need for a wing is psychological: I feel more comfortable knowing that when I meet random people I can prove that I am here with someone and that I am not alone because it is so low social value to be so even though it is truly the case.
Because of this reason, I have only been able to do it when I've had a few drinks. I would like to hear some more on this, cause short of simply passing through a place on the way somewhere else, whether it's true or not, I have not been able to figure out a comfortable story. Or I know the bartenders/waitresses.

Anyone else feels just a bit weird when you walk into a place and everyone else there is with a friend or a group and you're the only one solo?