"Sarging" is For LOSERS


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2004
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I think that the point that chickenlegs is trying to make is that people should have more positive things that they can be doing than " sarging". Take me for example. If I wanted to go out on the town in..... we are looking at an hour drive there and later back. Since I would get back late at night.. then the next moring would be likely wasted, and with it the only conditions were outside work is reasonable.. its 90+ after 10 am here. So basically, by choosing to go sarging I would kill my productivity for an entire day following. I have better things to do with my time than that.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2006
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KoalaKing said:
You obviously veiw the hot babes as being the ultimate prize and not yourself, I feel sorry for you, there are so many opportunities to meet hot babes in everyday life situations, if you are desperate in your search for a hot babe you will never meet one, never think about them until you see one that you like then approach her and speak to her, you should be the prize and not her, live your life for yourself, not for a hot babe, they are everywhere that you go, you don't have to specifically spend all of your time searching for them, they appear in your everyday life, if you build a power within they will come to you, walk like a King, talk like a King, see yourself as the Prize and do what you want to do, don't let them control how you live, I used to and it caused me nothing but heartache misery and devastation. :D
This couldnt be any further from the point.
The point is that sarging is used as a tool to practice with getting better with women. People get better and learn things through repetition and constant exposure. What's being said here is similar to telling a basketball player "dont set a specific time to play every day, just play when you feel like it or happen to be at a gym, focusing too much time specifically on getting better at basketball is a waste of time, stop putting so much value into it". Sarging women isn't about making women the prize, its about making yourself a better person and increasing your social skills, and theres nothing wrong with putting value on that.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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I agree with chickenlegs. Sarging only really works when you get buying signals. Other then that? A waste of time if you ask me. There's other ways to meet chicks besides just walking up to them on the street and pourin on "the flavor" or whatever you think you're doing lol. Meeting friends of friends is a great way to meet chicks!

Unless of course you have no friends. Then you're ****ed.


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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chickenlegs03 said:
Sarging, or approaching lots of women just because they are hot, shows you have no understanding of attraction. It's a waste of time, and you're just proving that your time isn't worth anything else.

When you start treating yourself as already being what you want to become, you have a lot more self-respect, and don't waste time on petty sh*t like "sarging." You grasp the fact that time truly is money, and you just wasted your money.

Women choose you, as Player_Supreme says. And then you go talk to them.

The more you start to chase your dreams and passions, the concept of sarging becomes more lame. I just don't get it. I see women during the day and I go talk to them. Why should I dedicate or schedule a time to go out for the sole purpose of meeting chicks if I am already taking the opportunities life throws at me?

I work in an office setting, in front of a computer nearly all day. And after my day job, I spend several hours working on my businesses. If I was a lame-ass moron, I would use that as an excuse to never meet any women outside of my workplace.

Luckily, I am smarter than that. Rather than sulk, I go out often. I'll go do my business work at a local coffee shop. I spend my afternoons walking in town, talking to people.

You must be able to enjoy your own company for anyone else to enjoy it with you. I have had a hard time grasping this for most of my life, and I am finally getting the hang of it. I am starting to just go out and do whatever. Treat myself to dinner at a fancy restaurant, going to just check out the Maserati at the dealership, just doing whatever that I feel like doing, and having FUN with myself. Managing my time wisely, and not using work as an excuse to be boring. Everyday is an adventure.

That's why I think sarging is lame and boring. I live everyday...I think most people just exist, and sarging is not nearly as exciting.

If you don't get it now, I hope you do someday.

Thanks for your time, you may now go back to your bullsh*t discussions.
I give this post two thumbs up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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sjchris said:
chickenlegs03: Obviously YOU are the one with little to no self respect or confidence when you sit here condemning a practice that allows us to achieve our GOAL of meeting and attracting beautiful women. I have goals too, business and leisure oriented, but I'm mature enough to understand that you need to devote time in your life to women, or else you will never truly be happy.

And your whole concept of women choosing you really makes you look an AFC. I would recommend you delete your post if you want to save some dignity on this board.
In my own experience meeting women by cold approach is worthless. It has very low success rate. I don't like trying to convince a girl to talk to me when I could already have the initial interest and get to know her without effort.

If the woman show interest (chooses you), then you'll have alot easier time. Some will be AW, that is given but the success rate will be very high.
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Nice reply

I agree with player_supreme that "the woman chooses you." I also think that your entire day can become a sarge without even trying-- I've met women at banks, in the checkout line, in bookstores, at gas stations, and just randomly. I can't bring myself to llook down on guys that are out in the field trying to gain experience. Yes, they might be "ho chasers," but who gives a fk, because some of these fools are trying to build confidence, and are overcoming their fears.

One step at a time.

BTW What a regurgitative post...
I second it... would like to also add.. that there is a difference between a women "chosing" you and being "don Juan" who is a seduction artist...

Lastly, what you described in the post is "sarging" i.e. sarging is not limited to clubs, it also is encouraged in work place ..etc... i.e. ALL PU>SSEY is open to business :)
Jun 18, 2006
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Create Reality said:
Sarging only really works when you get buying signals. .

MAN>>>> IM MAD AT YOU>.. you obviously havent read everything on this site.. listen, obviously if you get buying signals you will have more sucess, DUH.. but this does not mean that sarging will not work on a girl with zero buying signals.. let me tell you something.. i.e. have you heard "right place at right time"

I ended up having a 3some like that.... I fcked girls in the bathroom cause I was at right place at right time... plenty of stories... and it was obvious to me that the girl was out of my league... i.e. a hot model that I hooked up with just cause i happen to sarge on her at the right time...

i.e. she might be completely not interested in you.. and you say something like "wow, you dont look like your in such a good mood, i tell you what, i just moved here and im looking something to do, lets get of here and go chill back at my place" CASE CLOSED...

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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DonJuanByNature said:
MAN>>>> IM MAD AT YOU>.. you obviously havent read everything on this site.. listen, obviously if you get buying signals you will have more sucess, DUH.. but this does not mean that sarging will not work on a girl with zero buying signals.. let me tell you something.. i.e. have you heard "right place at right time"

I ended up having a 3some like that.... I fcked girls in the bathroom cause I was at right place at right time... plenty of stories... and it was obvious to me that the girl was out of my league... i.e. a hot model that I hooked up with just cause i happen to sarge on her at the right time...

i.e. she might be completely not interested in you.. and you say something like "wow, you dont look like your in such a good mood, i tell you what, i just moved here and im looking something to do, lets get of here and go chill back at my place" CASE CLOSED...

Dude, of COURSE their are always exceptions. But their are always gonna be diverging patterns from what most people would consider "the standard" of picking up chicks. Maybe from what I consider buying signals (body langauge, pointing, facial expression, and direct come ons), I see sarging a girl with no visible interest as a wildcard. It could work, it might not. It also could be a test from her, like testing you if your man enough to approach her. Some girls probably like being approached by random strangers (thats a good question to ask the ladies on the forum). Anyway, there are always gonna be exceptions to what we think works with women and doesn't. And then there is the "right time right place" strategy. Good luck trying to get laid on a consistent basis with that one.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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KoalaKing said:
You obviously veiw the hot babes as being the ultimate prize and not yourself, I feel sorry for you, there are so many opportunities to meet hot babes in everyday life situations, if you are desperate in your search for a hot babe you will never meet one, never think about them until you see one that you like then approach her and speak to her, you should be the prize and not her, live your life for yourself, not for a hot babe, they are everywhere that you go, you don't have to specifically spend all of your time searching for them, they appear in your everyday life, if you build a power within they will come to you, walk like a King, talk like a King, see yourself as the Prize and do what you want to do, don't let them control how you live, I used to and it caused me nothing but heartache misery and devastation. :D

listen to this guy if you wana save your mental health. he is right.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2006
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This all depends on age and experience. Through my teens and early 20s, all I did was sarge. I rarely went out without the sole purpose of finding a piece of ass. If I didn't do that, I probibly wouldn't have had many friends and I definately wouldn't have had much of a social life.

In fact, sometimes I wonder if a lot of older guys here have problems with women because they didn't sarge when they were younger.

As for older guys, sure, eventually you lose interest in the whole process and find more productive ways of getting the same thing. But even then doing it once in a great while isn't a bad idea. There's nothing wrong with a guy every so often just blowing off some steam, deciding to go out and wing it to see if he can get anything.

But all in all, I think sarging is something most of us have to do at some point in life before we can get to a better place.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
You guys (at least most of you) still don't get it. You are the prize. By 'sarging' you may get a girl, but often a very insecure one who is desparate for a guy. These girls are often the damaged and/or jerk chasers that have been dumped often.

In short, these girls have less respect for themselves than you do for yourself! It may be good, but the relationship is just based on sex usually. For most guys here, that's all they care about so that serves them well. It will catch up with you though. You'll have to grow up and be a man sometime, and if you don't meet that challenge, then you won't be successful in life.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
"Men are stupid and women are crazy, and the reason why women are crazy is cos men are stupid"

in this topic you can really tell how men are stupid.

btw, I think sarging is cool.. yesterday I had nothing to do.. so I went to a party by myself.. and I practiced some skills.. it felt cool and now I feel closer to what I want to become.

this topic is pure insecurity.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
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I think playersupreme has a point. There is nothing wrong with sarging, but I think that you will get more flakes etc. You can get girls interested and/or attracted, but how many of them flake out on you? (By the way, if you are just looking for a quick f*ck, then obviously it doesn't matter if they flake later!)

If you wait for signals from her that she is interested in you, I believe that you have a greater chance of success in "putting that ho on your team" as PS would put it. Therefore, more interest, less flaking.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with either approach, you will improve your game either way. BUT I think you will improve your conversational skills quicker if you just sarge instead of waiting for signals that indicate interest.

Just depends on your goal in the game I suppose.
May 23, 2006
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I'm thinking of sarging soon, at the places recommended by mASF, that is at the food-court at a local mall at certain times and at the local library ancilliary to going for my daily walk (which it's usually on path anyway). Close to home, convenient, and best of all, it's summer, and you have good eye-candy as the ladies are dressed sexy in this season. You get a rush simply eyeing a hot girl that pops you up and going up to her or getting her attention.

The past places I used to sarge were bookstores, but I'd usually go duh, at certain times, I remember the girls would even talk to me first, I'd just creep up around them not know what to say, but want to say something, and sometimes they would talk first. Bookstores have a coffee shop where it would make it possible to have an automatic date (i.e. would you like to go out for coffee NOW, there's a coffee shop just upstairs, would you like to join me?) - and you wouldn't have to rely on a #-close as much.

Flakes on #-closes and sarging is a given - but that's all fine - because flaking takes away the 'meaning' from it, it makes acceptance or rejection less absolute on the closes - you learn that a rejection can be better than a false or flaked #-close and get more comfortable with those types of closes. So if you are unable to close someone, big deal, just the same if you closed someone and got a flake.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
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chickenlegs03 said:
Sarging, or approaching lots of women just because they are hot, shows you have no understanding of attraction. It's a waste of time, and you're just proving that your time isn't worth anything else.

Thanks for your time, you may now go back to your bullsh*t discussions.

hey guys,

i havent read alot of the other threads as i simply do have time so i'm just going to give my 2pence to this one.

dude this is one of the better posts i've seen here, not because your entirely correct but because it shows your no longer neeeeeeding HBs, that non-needyness in itself is an atractive quailty to girls, also that desire to better one's life is important as its through this that you will find interesting this to talk about and will thus make you more interesting and exciting.

on the filp side, sarging with the intent of going out to sarge i really wouldnt consider lame, when i go out with a few wings we have a great time, not just opening millions of sets but hanging back and talking about stuff as well as just getting to know HBs, thus in my opinion sarging= hanging out, especially now that i dont have to open 1-20 sets for one to hook, i now only need to open a few sets and they'll all hook making it more productive and generally more fun.

ultimately by being more fun and just having a good time, even without game you become attractive, as fun and exciting things are attractive.

oon another note, perhaps the thing that lets ppl down on this forum is all the animosity, this shows there are alot of close minded people out there who arnt willing to trynew things or see things from another perspective, out here in the uk, thats definately something we avoid as it shows a weakness in inner game, why waste time tooling some one when you could be doing something far more productive? regardless, if any of you are interested: www.thelss.com and www.darksideseduction.com


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Mmmm, what a strange thread, look... if you enjoy going out and doing something (that something, being sarging) then there is nothing wrong with going out and doing that thing (Sarging). I could care less about a bunch of insecure men repeatedly telling themselves that they are the prize (because that's the only reason I can think of that explains why you repeat that damn line so much) If you like something, you do it. I like sarging, it's fun. It makes no sense that because when I'm out I like to be social/meet new people/SARGE, that that qualifies me as a loser.

This thread to me just feels like someone just blew up because of his failure with sarging, it doesn't to others? But on top of that, it feels like half the forum is on his side, which would mean that... well, chances are, they don't enjoy sarging either. Well fine, then don't sarge if you don't want to. But you've gotta see there is a flip side, plenty of guys who just want to have fun and meet girls while having fun, and at the same time, building up your social network which... i've never seen as a bad thing. But then again... with your mindstate as it is (saying sarging is for losers), I can't imagine sarging being very effective for you anyway, right? Because the second that you start to sarge, you'd also be seeing yourself as a loser for doing so...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
This thread has good intentions but is giving people the wrong advice. You can't tell some guy who has been sheltered his whole life and has no social skills with women to just walk around believing he is the prize and this will get him laid. He doesn't have the social prowess to be able to even know what to say to hot women that he meets when he finally does meet them. The entire point of sarging is to get the skills necessary for him to be able to interact with the women that he WILL come across in his daily life. What has happened to this board? lmao. And implying that men should get better with women by just talking to girls in their social circle is bad for a few reasons. The first one being is that it keeps his options limited and stunts his potential for growth with his game.

Theres plenty of women in this world not in his social circle and if he doesnt have the skill necessary to open/attract females every day in any situation, he's just like every other AFC. Clinging to getting girls from your social circle is a crutch and not the atittude that many great PUA's and Don Juans have. The second reason is that if he tries to learn how to talk to females through only girls in his social circle and he does bad, the word will spread and it may end up being very embarassing for him to interact with them. It's much easier to get blown out at a mall where you don't know the girl and won't ever see her again, thats the purpose of practicing on them. There are plenty of guys out there who have social circles and still can't talk to women in a way that attracts them... telling them to just talk to girls in their social circle is not helping them. They have to get out there and push their comfort zones instead of walking around thinking women will flock to them because they are involved in their own lives.

Theres PLENTY of men out there who have their lives together but still cannot get women. Sarging is practice, nothing more... and practice is what makes perfect. You get more practice sarging than you do with talking to women in your social circle or ones you just run into occasionally while doing your own thing. I think some of you may be forgeting what it's like for a guy who just completely sucks with women because the advice given here is pretty bad :(


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
chickenlegs03 said:
Sarging, or approaching lots of women just because they are hot, shows you have no understanding of attraction. It's a waste of time, and you're just proving that your time isn't worth anything else.

When you start treating yourself as already being what you want to become, you have a lot more self-respect, and don't waste time on petty sh*t like "sarging." You grasp the fact that time truly is money, and you just wasted your money.

Women choose you, as Player_Supreme says. And then you go talk to them.

The more you start to chase your dreams and passions, the concept of sarging becomes more lame. I just don't get it. I see women during the day and I go talk to them. Why should I dedicate or schedule a time to go out for the sole purpose of meeting chicks if I am already taking the opportunities life throws at me?

I work in an office setting, in front of a computer nearly all day. And after my day job, I spend several hours working on my businesses. If I was a lame-ass moron, I would use that as an excuse to never meet any women outside of my workplace.

Luckily, I am smarter than that. Rather than sulk, I go out often. I'll go do my business work at a local coffee shop. I spend my afternoons walking in town, talking to people.

You must be able to enjoy your own company for anyone else to enjoy it with you. I have had a hard time grasping this for most of my life, and I am finally getting the hang of it. I am starting to just go out and do whatever. Treat myself to dinner at a fancy restaurant, going to just check out the Maserati at the dealership, just doing whatever that I feel like doing, and having FUN with myself. Managing my time wisely, and not using work as an excuse to be boring. Everyday is an adventure.

That's why I think sarging is lame and boring. I live everyday...I think most people just exist, and sarging is not nearly as exciting.

If you don't get it now, I hope you do someday.

Thanks for your time, you may now go back to your bullsh*t discussions.
Agreed 100%. I simply don't do it, there's no point in it. :down: A girl that is interested will give the 'look' and its plenty easy to pick up on if you make a little effort to be in tune with it. This F'ing site should be more about how to elicit that 'look' from more women before pointless convo begins and less about game bulls**t. I'm not a car salesman tool, and don't care to con women into thinking I'm attracive and cool... I am and should exude that from the second I walk in the room.