Just came back, went 5 days actually... quite an experience it was really
Almost got caught by the cops, got chased by some thugs good thing some stores open 24/7
So nwayz i spend most of my homelessnes in the downtown area, tried
2 go to the homeless shelter but they woudn't let me in :cuss:
but good thing i didnt cuz i probably woulda caught aids.... So nwayz clever me went 2 the local church around there and spend the night there for 5 days
To make a long story short, it was fucing HELL!!! I was smelly, hungry and frustrated but somehow i felt really really good at the end of the journey..
I met a couple homeless people, got 2 know their life stories.. met these buncha hippies helped them out by talkin 2 people about the environment.. Went 2 to local bdancin place where i showed and improved on my move'z a bit...
Actually i made some approaches with some of the breakerz i met ahah !!! That was fun i tried out some lines they taught me :crackup:
Nwayz i noticed i did somethin i never did BEFORE!!!! It was somethin really special, somethin i havent done since i was lil, somethin i havent felt since i was little..... But i can only describe it as inner peace and staying in the moment. I realized that these 2 things all i need 2 be succesful in life. Before this journey i had so much free time, so mandance life with the s ame old, lived in a box house, drove in a box car, ate from a box cereal...:yawn:
I was so busy that i had no time 2 worry and really pay attention to all that B.S. i use 2 think about, all my insecurites, all my bad thoughts and fear got somewhat eliminated
But i noticed somethin really important, somethin i realized never before...
I asked myself the question, would i ever go out with myself? would i ever want 2 hang out or date my self ???? The answer WAS HELL NO!!!
OMFG i just realized how fucin stupid I was, how fucin insecure, how fucin fearful i really was... I realized how fucin pathetic i was, i was disappointed in myself.... All i gotta say is imma different person from now on...