RSD Instructor Blown out


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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I've read a lot of the RSD stuff and while I think it's true that a lot of what they do is about making money, they really seem to be able to help guys. I like Tyler, I've read a bunch of his stuff and watched some videos and he is a smart guy that seems very aware of men/womens dynamics. I honestly think the guy is genuine and while they hype and hype and hype to make some cash (I can't blame them for that..they are trying to make a living by helping men to be themselves...good for them on that), it does seem that where he is coming from is a very good place (abolishing your ego, being your real self etc.). There are a lot of similarities between that and SS. If I had the money I would do it.

I also wouldn't for a second believe that just because a guy isn't 100% successful with every approach etc. that it means that he isn't like 20 times better than average Joe natural. I have seen a lot of their videos (including some live pick up stuff) and they do seem to have some serious game.

I would only wish that the information was more available and that they didn't only speak in their lingo (frustrating as hell reading their they talk about the "shining nimbus of glory" and sh*t which you can't really understand without a bunch of research to find out what that means).


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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Yeah the material and DVDs have some good stuff but the bootcamps are so expensive and I've been finding nightmare stories concerning guy's experiences. I understand they gotta make money but by exploiting newbies? This also goes against their you don't need money philosophys. Plus this video certainly goes against the philosophys of Tyler saying to stay away from alcohol.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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that girl is obviously blacked out hahahahaha i have never seen any other "rsd" video or whatever rsd is but that girl is totally drunk as ****. however, that is the same game i would pullo n her


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
One thing fishy about rsd is that they completely refuse to release any infield videos of themselves.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2008
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iambrian81 said:
One thing fishy about rsd is that they completely refuse to release any infield videos of themselves.
Well there were some field videos of Tim on the Flawless Natural DVD, though they didn't show all that much.

After watching that video i've got no idea what that guy was doing. To me he came across as intimidating and totally obnoxious - this is NOTHING like any RSD material i've seen before.

If i were you i'd buy/aquire the Flawness Natural DVD, it's eye opening. I doubt you'd even need a bootcamp afterwards.

Edit: thinking about it i wouldn't be suprised if they were trying to hide it simply because it's a bad example of what they're about, clearly that guy didn't have a clue.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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iambrian81 said:
One thing fishy about rsd is that they completely refuse to release any infield videos of themselves.
I've actually read that they never do approaches in bootcamps too. Look even celebrities get rejected at some point. I think these instructors don't want to take the chance on it happening in front of a student....OR THEY AREN'T THAT GOOD

dav27 said:
If i were you i'd buy/aquire the Flawness Natural DVD, it's eye opening. I doubt you'd even need a bootcamp afterwards.

Edit: thinking about it i wouldn't be suprised if they were trying to hide it simply because it's a bad example of what they're about, clearly that guy didn't have a clue.
I've seen Tim's stuff, I like Jeffy and Tyler's stuff better. (Which I assume dav27 does too) Yet there are stories of them acting unprofessional in bootcamps as well. It seems that Tyler is trying to make a ton of money by having anybody instruct a ton of guys grouped together in any country. This goes against his theory that money doesn't matter. These guys in this video are clearly drunk. that goes against of allot of Tyler's teachings as well? This guy Alex is an instructor? Then i am far more advanced then I thought.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
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dav27 said:
Well there were some field videos of Tim on the Flawless Natural DVD, though they didn't show all that much.

After watching that video i've got no idea what that guy was doing. To me he came across as intimidating and totally obnoxious - this is NOTHING like any RSD material i've seen before.

If i were you i'd buy/aquire the Flawness Natural DVD, it's eye opening. I doubt you'd even need a bootcamp afterwards.

Edit: thinking about it i wouldn't be suprised if they were trying to hide it simply because it's a bad example of what they're about, clearly that guy didn't have a clue.
I downloaded the flawless natural dvd from tim FOR FREE and all i saw was him making out with a fat chick. Sorry man, but rsd needs to release some REAL pickup videos

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I didn't see anybody getting blown out. What's the problem, though I don't like RSD. I don't care for much of them, but I'll take the bits n' pieces from each method and develop my own style.

On another note, girl bartenders will talk your head off. Last night, I had one not only open me, but ask me ALL the questions, and then she number closed me. Never had that happen but once back in high school by a crush on me, of course, by a chick I didn't want.

But last night, she had no tits, but she was blond young and petite kinna the way I like em. Her female manager interrupted her every now and then during our convo, but she persisted in getting to know me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
I've never taken a bootcamp but RSD would be the only one I would do for fun, if i had money like that to blow, and I knew Tyler, Tim, Ryan, or Ozzie was the teacher

RSD got a ton of negative reviews before they revamped and went natural. I read one review where they went in field and Jeffy was watching an NBA game in the bar instead of instructing. But this was before the Game came out and forced these guys to grow up.

Now there are a lot of good testimonials about them, it's kind of remarkable they've gone from hated (after the Game) to having a positive rep. Even Thundercat, who loved bashing on them, softened up a bit.

If their material and principles resonate with you and you really want to get this part of you down as quickly as possible, I think you ahould take it. Just make sure you get a good instructor


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wolf said:
Agreed dude. Same with Mystery... The only chick he was actually filmed picking up was a fatty who wasn't even hot. I mean seriously... If they wanna be taken seriously they should at least release videos of them picking up HOT girls and not just fat chicks : /
You know what, i would've agree with you except i've met mystery in real life and saw him game the entire room. Hb9s left and right were approaching him hugging him. His gf at the time is also a 9 and she was there.

Currently, mystery has more credibility to me than rsd.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
iambrian81 said:
I downloaded the flawless natural dvd from tim FOR FREE and all i saw was him making out with a fat chick. Sorry man, but rsd needs to release some REAL pickup videos


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
ready123 said:
I've never taken a bootcamp but RSD would be the only one I would do for fun, if i had money like that to blow, and I knew Tyler, Tim, Ryan, or Ozzie was the teacher
Tyler is instructing in LA right now. But I've read bad reviews on him in the field too. Always on the phone. Puts you in a large group. no one on one etc.

iambrian81 said:
You know what, i would've agree with you except i've met mystery in real life and saw him game the entire room. Hb9s left and right were approaching him hugging him. His gf at the time is also a 9 and she was there.
well he does have a TV show on VH1 now. duh

Wolf said:
I mean seriously... If they wanna be taken seriously they should at least release videos of them picking up HOT girls and not just fat chicks : /
be careful if we keep calling Tim out he might just pay a hot girl to be on his next video. By the way if there arent bars over these girls eyes, they signed a release form.

ready123 said:
If their material and principles resonate with you and you really want to get this part of you down as quickly as possible, I think you ahould take it. Just make sure you get a good instructor


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wolf said:
Alex just plays "*******" game... In the video he's just acting like a total arrogant prick, and that's not being natural (maybe to him).

I can imagine his game consisting of walking up to a girl like "Oi *****, suck my ****."

Here's another video:

Nice style huh?
That's hilarious but i think its actually guys ripping on RSD. There is another one called the ultimate circle of Oi! which is funny too.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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sosilky said:
Interesting video that apparently RSD has been trying to hide:

This is part of my research I have been doing because I am considering trying an RSD bootcamp. Try googling RSD bootcamp review or RSD bootcamp rip off you'll find an interesting rabbit hole to tumble down.

Any comments?
Might as well drop some valuable info...

This video...hahaha...there was another video out during the time as I say just look at how he acts...Now everyone knows RSD changed my life so I'd always say "Look into RSD products". I still consider myself unbiased because I don't really care too much about there business aspect, I'm more happy about the people who helped change my life...You can take what you want from what I'm saying.

I know 9-10 people who I know took a BOOTCAMP an had remarkable change, it was a trend that they'd come off bootcamp and you'd notice the subtle difference...One of my good friends just took a bootcamp with tyler an he said it was AMAZING, another friend who was a virgin going in bootcamp, 6 months later he pulled three times and 4 of those 6 months he was in a non-english speaking country where logistics were HORRIBLE. Second week he came back to U.S he pulled...Another guy I know his goal is to have more public sex, another pulled first night on bootcamp...

Now would I say "Take a bootcamp"?

It depends...If your willing to put in the work after bootcamp then go for, but if not then your just wasting your money. I've seen many guys on bootcamp who never went out after there bootcamp, I've seen guys who just quit and guys who just aren't committed...

Now I've met a few RSD instructors and seen them approach before, you can tell they all have some form of skill, just by the way they act...I've met Alex, Nathan, Brad, Ryan...I wouldn't be able to say how AWESOME they are as I haven't been around them that much...
- Alex was a cool guy to just chill with, as we both have crazy personalities. First time I met him in a night venue he took a chicks bottle of grey goose and just drank from the bottle...He later demo's for his client and splits the set in 30secs...He then demo's again by going in one room and pulling a girl to the bar 30secs in and just making out, the girl replies "Who are you?" and he says something and continues making out then pulls her back into the room and then back out.

- Saad I've met MANY times, we've chat many times, his vibe is very MASCULINE-like, nothing flashy about what he does...I met him before he was a RSD instructor an his daygame skill was good at the time, also had a few wings who've hung out with him alot and can vouch that he's REAL GOOD, as if I'm underrating him.

- Nathan changed my life so when we first met he sort of gave me a free 10min bootcamp, most people doubt Nathan's skill but you can tell he's good with chicks just by the way he acts. I can vouch that he has some unique mindsets some very similiar to mines but overall he does things differently from me. (I learned alot watching him do a quick demo)

- Ryan I've only met when he was demoing his LOW KEY game, it looks so NORMAL you'd think he was chode. But at the sametime you'd be wondering why is he always isolated with a chick.

My advice is if your not already going out, committed to learning this by yourself then a bootcamp will be a waste, cause you'll come back home and never really be going out...It surely isn't a magic pill.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Wolf said:
Agreed dude. Same with Mystery... The only chick he was actually filmed picking up was a fatty who wasn't even hot. I mean seriously... If they wanna be taken seriously they should at least release videos of them picking up HOT girls and not just fat chicks : /

Meehow has some great footage on the field, yes Meehow has been blown out, But I have seen video footage of Meehow making out with a chick with their boyfriend right there, or picking up two hot chicks, and AFC trying to blow him out but the girls where drawn in his state (his sub communication is just amazing),so deep they wasn't paying attention to anybody but him.

AFC Adam also has some good field footage of him making out with a chick after only one minute, etc etc.

My point is this, if these guys weren't official to some point, they wouldn't be banking these millions, IMO they charge way to much. 3g's for a boot camp? are you kidding me? trust me the boot camp I went on was priceless you wanna know what it was called? the boot camp of life.....

Everyone talks about Mystery being the goat, yet every time I seen a tape with Mystery in it, the girls are average at best, I was kinda baffled because IMO if you the greatest wouldn't you go after the best?

I think Pooani is right(on this one), IMO you take bits and pieces from any method that you think is congruent with you, having versatility is what makes your Game potent, imagine being able to adapt in any environment(I wish a dude would run a canned line in the hood, or a magic trick, it won't happen)


Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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Snow Plowman said:
My advice is if your not already going out, committed to learning this by yourself then a bootcamp will be a waste, cause you'll come back home and never really be going out...It surely isn't a magic pill.

So fvcking true. You can take any bootcamp you want but if you are not going to work after it , you have done nothing.

You can watch Blueprint 1000 times but if you don't take action , you've done nothing.

I frequent RSDNATION more than sosuave , and from testimonials , field reports and other sh1t there , you can see that bootcamp changed many lifes.

On the near future , there is no doubt that i will take the bootcamp :D.

All i can say is that RSD products changed my life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Daddy The Pimp said:
So fvcking true. You can take any bootcamp you want but if you are not going to work after it , you have done nothing.

You can watch Blueprint 1000 times but if you don't take action , you've done nothing.

I frequent RSDNATION more than sosuave , and from testimonials , field reports and other sh1t there , you can see that bootcamp changed many lifes.

On the near future , there is no doubt that i will take the bootcamp :D.
I've peepd RSDNation myself and them cats get it in (one field report I read some guy was fuccing a model/stripper)

The problem with SS is, half the sites loves to KBJ(people respect the KBJ more then the Field reporter and that's backwards to me), I know all the guys who go out on the field (on SS) because well yup you guessed it, I read their FRS, then I took bits and pieces from them that I thought was congruent with me, and my game just took off. I rather go to Rsdnation and read a field report then some guy posting about why his girlfriend is doing this and that crying on SS


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Just Remeber guys the RSD forums are heavily regulated even the slightest unbiased post will be deleted and you will be banned. As a matter of fact words like mystery and sosuave are starred out like swear words. by the way I do go out constantly and get results. But anyone who is good at anything can benefit from more training or knowledge. Just trying to determine if the $2,000 dolars RSD charges is worth the investment.

Snow Plowman said:
One of my good friends just took a bootcamp with tyler an he said it was AMAZING, .

why was it amazing?

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Solomon said:
I've peepd RSDNation myself and them cats get it in (one field report I read some guy was fuccing a model/stripper)

The problem with SS is, half the sites loves to KBJ(people respect the KBJ more then the Field reporter and that's backwards to me), I know all the guys who go out on the field (on SS) because well yup you guessed it, I read their FRS, then I took bits and pieces from them that I thought was congruent with me, and my game just took off. I rather go to Rsdnation and read a field report then some guy posting about why his girlfriend is doing this and that crying on SS
Exactly. People here appreciate something that they think is the MAGIC PILL. If you write a thread with an "opener" or a "magic response to a sh1t test " they will love it. But if you write something about how to train to get better with women , they will just close the thread and continue their life looking for the magic pill.

About RSDNATION , there is huge amount of value over there. Most of the posts are positive. Field reports are gold. Guys trying stuff out. True players. There is Vegas Crew that posts field reports with pictures and video reports
all the time. Girls on videos are TURBO. Also , there is a lot of stuff but not for KBJ. Mainly is for guys who go out and have their sh1t together.

Just look at sosuave. 80% of the threads are made by KBJ. Some of them giving "tips" , some are looking for help.

Also lately , i got some negative rep points saying that im LOOSER ADVERTISING RSD. Its not true. Im advertising them and their products because thats what helped me. Thats what changed my life.

I keep RSDNATION on my signature because there is a huge amount of free gold over there , not for advertisement purposes.


I recommand you to start approaching and going out constantly. Get better with women. Than , when you go on bootcamp , instructors will fill the gaps of the game that you lack and your game will reach the point that you want. Read some reviews on rsdnation , some guys give great tips WHEN TO TAKE THE BOOTCAMP.

Good luck. If you take the bootcamp , ill be waiting for your review.