Rich Men Are Always Right


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Being rich gives you a huge edge in the dating game. It allows you to be more creative and it broadens your horizon. Women like men with money. Fact. A poor guy can be creative too, but the reality is that he's not good on money! If you're rich, you'll have a kick-ass life with or without a woman. Being rich also allows you to date better looking women, get plastic surgery if you're ugly, and get more women to approach you!

The rich get richer! Rich guys can stand out more, can look for more exclusive excitement, get invited to exclusive parties, and all that high class jazz that comes with it. Its got perks, just watch out for gold-diggers. I know rich folk who don't allow women near them during business hours, and I know some who became millionaires as teenagers but were constantly ridiculed and were virgins. It's also true that smart rich guys (or those with an iota of common sense) get prenups before marriage. I know when I get my millions, I'll have to get one!

A girl can feign interest very easily and is actually into your money, not you. In college, I was a nerd. I knew I had to either sell drugs, pimp my ride, or get popular cuz I wouldn't be getting a lot of women otherwise. I pimped my ride and got popular by rapping, which really helped me get girls, but these girls were into what I had, not me. I knew that when my pimped out 98 Nissan Sentra went in the shop, I used my dad's 95 Dodge Intrepid which wasn't pimped out at all. I was just happy to get around, but I noticed how girls were much less responsive to my approaches. I may have proven the fact that I wasn't rich, which made me appear less attractive.

That Scarface quote is very true! It's just like the folks who got rich off real estate. You need to have some actual money to invest in it! Women love being around guys with power. Building wealth is good for the long term, but you won't get rich off a woman unless you knock up (impregnate) a rich girl.

These days, why do you see more guys trying to LOOK rich? Cuz it's an ego and confidence boost and it's attractive to females. It also gives you a better chance of being chosen by a woman and gives you more choosing power. It works for guys trying to get quick ass, but won't work for the long term.

Women are short term. Wealth is long term. You can't buy class, but you can buy love/ companionship. Being wealthy guarantees you a woman, regardless of how you look. Being poor means you have to work that much harder to get a girl, especially a hot girl. Even if she's in her 60's, you'll have to have something to offer. You've gotta be equal or greater value to the girl to keep her. Getting a girl can be skill for a natural and luck for an average joe, but your true market value will shine eventually. That's when the cheating and breakups and etc. come into play.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Look, I'm in little rock like I said in another thread. my old oneitis introducted me to this programmer guy friend of her husbands, who was out of work and was looking for some extra cash. I met the dude, he seemed like a decent guy, I had a very, very, very, very simple wordpress project that had to be finished, would take a decent php programmer 2 days if that to finish, told him i would pay him $300 bucks when he was done. If He did a good job, I could probably even have more work for him. Not only did he piss off 300 dollars, he pissed off a chance to get work thrown at him constantly, becuase of my old oneitis's plug in.

This, was Thursday. He submitted some crap to me on monday, that wasn't close to being right, then when I tried to call him, he told me was working on it, and I hadn't heard back from him since.

Zeko, I don't care how much social proof this guy has. I don't are how good he looks. This guy, isn't going to get anywhere with a woman worth a damn with that work ethic.

Everyone talks a good game about how they work, and how they have some bad breaks but if given the opportunity blah blah, it's no different than women talking about how all their ex's are jerks.

A woman, who pushes her self to be someone, would be re-palled by this guy's behavior, regardless of how many friends he knows, regardless of how talented a musician he is, regardless of how he looks. he might get IOI's, I got IOI's before I came here, but I couldn't seal the deal with the top notch ones, nor will this guy. he will troll around the wal mart's of America for women as long as he works the way he works.
Too many people want something for nothing. Want smart educated driven well rounded women, without being smart, educated, driven and well rounded themselves. you can't scheme or game your way to that.

this site in that sense, helps you keep that woman in line, helps you decipher her BS, but it does not attract them to you. That, comes from living to you potential.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
zekko said:
I really do think that this whole thing with women just comes down to value. I haven't read anything here to convince me otherwise. If you want a woman of a certain value, YOU have to have a certain amount of value. I don't mean for getting laid, most any guy can get lucky with some hottie, but if you want to hang on to a girl and keep her interest for a relationship, you need to have the value necessary to keep her.
It's not just about women. It's about everything. I'm finishing up a job for a client right now and one of his secrets for success is providing value to your customers. Real value. Not just hype. Sell the sizzle AND the steak. If you want customers, give value. If you want friends, give value. What is the upside of being with/working for/buying from or dating you? The key is to make sure you get what you want in return for your value.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
While there ARE some benefits to owning your own business, there are more headaches than most employees know.I'm not the first one in-my receptionist beats me by 10-15 minutes most days.BUT I'm the last one out by 40 minutes or so. While I make more money than the rest, I have 8 years of school and probably 500k invested in equipment,remodeling etc.So, I should earn a return on that money and time-say 40k. A salaried Dentist makes maybe 120k. SO for the extra money what do I do?

I order supplies[staff doesn't care what it costs-not their money], I worry about the checkbook[staff doesn't know-for the most part- when we are a week from broke. Only takes 3 bad months in a row], I get to tell my staff they don't get a raise until business picks up[ever tell a child they can't have candy?],I get to fire people I like-because the economy is affecting business.I get to deal with the idiots who think I'm too expensive[when a fee that would have me broke in 2 weeks would still be too expensive]. Toothache on the weekend? mine,staff doesn't come in for THAT-THEY have a life.

THEN, when I get home, I get to watch AZZHOLES in Washington talk about the evil rich-we need to tax them more. Anyone read "Atlas Shrugged"?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
sodbuster said:
While there ARE some benefits to owning your own business, there are more headaches than most employees know.I'm not the first one in-my receptionist beats me by 10-15 minutes most days.BUT I'm the last one out by 40 minutes or so. While I make more money than the rest, I have 8 years of school and probably 500k invested in equipment,remodeling etc.So, I should earn a return on that money and time-say 40k. A salaried Dentist makes maybe 120k. SO for the extra money what do I do?

I order supplies[staff doesn't care what it costs-not their money], I worry about the checkbook[staff doesn't know-for the most part- when we are a week from broke. Only takes 3 bad months in a row], I get to tell my staff they don't get a raise until business picks up[ever tell a child they can't have candy?],I get to fire people I like-because the economy is affecting business.I get to deal with the idiots who think I'm too expensive[when a fee that would have me broke in 2 weeks would still be too expensive]. Toothache on the weekend? mine,staff doesn't come in for THAT-THEY have a life.

THEN, when I get home, I get to watch AZZHOLES in Washington talk about the evil rich-we need to tax them more. Anyone read "Atlas Shrugged"?
Actually reading it now lol.

I had never been as stressed out as I was when I was 21 and my business, really started growing, almost too fast. Yes I was making a ****load of money but hell, it doesn't matter when you are never out to spend it. Poor.. let me rephrase that. guys working 9 to 5, think well if you gave me this much money I wouldn't have these problems or If I had as much as that guy, i would never have to worry about X. However, fail to compute what goes into making that much money. I was going to work at 7 and leaving sometimes at midnight, 5-6 days a week sometimes. often slept at work. it's alot of stress, that the avg person just isn't ready to deal with, and you can't go to your employees and tell them how stressed you are because well, they would be looking for a new job and rightfully so.

Even the few times you do get to go out, all you can, or all I could think about was work. Why do you think I started using drugs? it wasn't for ****s and giggles my friend.

Like I said in the other thread, just because, a person doesn't have your problems, doesn't mean they don't have problems. Money, causes alot of problems, not all of them are direct problems associated with money.

Something I wanted to add to what squirrles said that I really didn't think about. YOu actually had a point in that, while I was running hte business, the women I dated when I did go out, weren't all that great, because I didn't have time to comb the market. but you have to remember, I basically took 2 and a half years "off" and while I was playing the horses, I didn't have what you would call a full time job. But, when i DID have a full time job, the only thing I could do is date women around me that I could see. I didn't have time to sit in barnes and noble or go to the clubs or whatever. I did the bill clinton move, ****ed what was convenient and decent looking.

You look at most millionaires who are workaholics, most will be married to 1. someone they met in church, 2. someone they met at work or 3. someone they met through work. almost never fails. usually they are the first decent looking woman to look at them in a sexual manner.

We live in a capitalistic society, where money has been touted as a cure all to one's problems, nothing that a little money can't fix. Having money, has nothing to do with keeping my woman in line. Hell when we get married in june she has all the more reason to get OUT of line lol so she can get half my ****. I came here to learn how to get A girl. Over time, the reason I stay here, is simply to be in control of my dating/ marriage life. To learn how to wear, and keep wearing the proverbial pants so to speak. How to make sure I am still getting laid 3 years into a relationship. To know that if something were to happen, and I had to leave, I can have the skills to get another high quality women, or women in my life and not be 100% dumbfounded when I rehit the scene. More than anything, this site, helped me cut "out of the matrix" and help me to face the reality of how relationships work, and that as great as my woman is.. she is a woman, and what we have, might not work, and I need to be prepared for that.

Being rich gives you a huge edge in the dating game. It allows you to be more creative and it broadens your horizon. Women like men with money. Fact. A poor guy can be creative too, but the reality is that he's not good on money! If you're rich, you'll have a kick-ass life with or without a woman. Being rich also allows you to date better looking women, get plastic surgery if you're ugly, and get more women to approach you!

I think people have been watching too many infomercials lol, thinking about a guy with the Tommy Bahama (great clothes btw) shirt on, shorts and flip flops, while he's sitting on his laptop pretending to work in the middle of a tuesday, and his kids come out side and he says "oh well i had enough work today, I will quit after 1 hour of "working" to play with my kids, then I will drive them to go eat ice cream in my Bentley, becuase, i'm rich"

There is nothing "Kick ass" about working 80-90 hours a week lol. I woke up today at 4:30am, I got about 15 hours worth of work to do when it's all said and done. That HAS to get done today, no putting it off until tomorrow or next week.

Most people who are well off, are workaholics. I am a workaholic, I just can't NOT work. I leased my business out 5 months ago, and took it back becuase I'm bored, lol, and even before that I was busy. There was a phase in my life where I really wasn't doing all that much but going to the track every day, and in that phase, yes, I had time and money, and had plates out of this world, but for the majroity of my life, I bust my ass, because that's what I do. More than women, or cars, our houses and ****, I want to accomplish goals, and you can only do that by busting your ass. And while I do take time for myself, an hour here, an hour there, a saturday here or there where I do nothing but chill, it's not like I am sitting in the kitchen just rubbing on my GF all day long. We can be in the same house all day and I might see her 2-3 times utnil it's time for bed.

You know what, that lifestyle is not for everyone. most 27 year old men would rather play than work as hard as I work,I get that. There is nothing WRONG with that, its' a lifestyle choice. I don't look down at people who don't work as hard as I work, hell sometimes I don't ant to work as hard as I work. But, money, is the compensation for working as hard as I do, and truth be told, at times it's not enough compensation.

I am having to find a balance, becuase I have a family now, and they need me. I have a son, and I refuse to not be there, I make sure he gets his daddy everyday even if it's inconvenient for me to do so. I will drop, and have dropped everything I'm doing to take him outside to go play basketball, or go get some ice cream, or whatever he wants to do.

I would suggest reading as a man thinkith by james allen. In it,the third to the last chapter there is a quote that says

A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being; but whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty, and should devote himself to its attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and imaginings. This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must until weakness is overcome), the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph
It's not about money. I have said it before and I will say it now, I don't give a **** if I made 40k or 4 million dollars a year, I would be doing what I am doing now, and working just as hard. I HAVE worked just as hard if not harder making LESS, lol, much less than 40k a year. It's not about impressing anyone or accumulating things, it's about knowing what has to be done on my end, to open the pathways to make certain things I want in live to happen. For me to achieve what I want to achieve, certain groundwork has to be laid by myself.

Successful men are not pushedguarantee by objects but ideas. You think mark zuckerberg gives a **** about how much money he has in the bank? I you he cares more about his vision for facebook than he does about his bank account. While he is filthy rich, or at the very least worth billions, that's not his motivating factor in life. That is the difference in mindset between the haves and the have nots. It's alot like women actually, when you strive to be the best guy you can be, you get women because of it, lots of them if you want, moreso than when you just strive to get women.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
One thing, that you learn or have to learn that is a trait that I notice not alot of people have, is reliance on self and not looking for others for validation. That is something else that is a byproduct of really doing something with your life. it's sexy.

If you start a business like I did for instance, you are going to have some growing pains. It all starts out great, then a client here, a client there, late payment here, decision there, a few past bills, having to borrow money there, etc... my mom, treated me like utter **** when I was starting my first business. she would talk to me anyway, and no respect for me in the least bit. That **** hurt, alot actually, even more so, that I was the same person before I started my business, and after I had some success as I was through those hard times. Honestly if it wasn't for my son I probably would not have bothered talking to her again. But it taught me, that you should not look to other people for validation, because most people don't know what the **** they are validating in the first place, and as long as I can go to bed and I am happy with myself, that's all that matters, regardless of who I am or am not ****ing, regardless of all the material ****, because that comes and goes.

At the age of 27, I have been through more in my life than some people twice my age. But you can only go through stuff, if you actually put on your hiking boots and start walking somewhere. Journey builds REAL character, REAL self esteem, REAL determination and a REAL life.

This is why I believe alot of men have problem keeping women. women are looking for the real mccoy. a man that really doesn't put a woman first in his life. A man that has his own life. A man that is sure of himself in all situations. Alot of men talk a good game, but in the end, it's just that and once they sniff it out the gig is up.

You think those traits don't shine through when I'm talking to women? And that's not some false bravado ****, lol, have your mom call you a piece of **** for 2 years and have everyone around you look at you like a lost cause because you made some sacrifices to have a better life or to achieve a goal, it just goes to show you how superficial some people are. Man, money, cars, women comes and goes.

It's a catch 22 situation.For instance, if you took away the materiel things I have,I don't think my fiancee would go anywhere. That girl loves me to death. But then, if you put me anywhere in the world, with the same character traits I have now, I honestly believe I will be right back where I am now in 5 years if not less.

You defiantly have your gold diggers out there, but, there are certain traits that successful people have, that other people just don't have, and I think that more times than not, this is the attraction, the money is just a byproduct / gravy


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
You defiantly have your gold diggers out there, but, there are certain traits that successful people have, that other people just don't have, and I think that more times than not, this is the attraction
A very attractive female friend told me this when I was younger, and I've always rememberd it. A cynical person might say it is just BS, and excuse to get closer to the money. But it makes perfect sense to me.

A successful man is going to have successful traits. And that's attractive. What do you think this alpha male stuff is all about? The alpha male is the guy that's on top. And that's the successful man.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
TIC said:
So here's how it works for you:

Girl- parties her way through life, sleeps around, has endless fun and endless options of guys to pick from. When she gets older, latches on to a rich guy (below)

Guy- Remain celibate until attaining a 6 figure salary, hopefully by age 30. Then and only then can he be "worthy" to date the filthy *****s known as American Women.
rofl! quoted for truth and because it should be somebody's signature! :up:

As funny as that is it's also sad because a lot of guys believe in it. Countless guys believe they need to "make it" first before they are worthy to get these women.

American women have no value. They are just like the dollar which is based on faith rather than backed by anything. Once it crashes it will be worth less than toilet paper. The same can be said for these women the only value they have is what we put into them with our minds but nothing else.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
The more money you make, the better the quality of women you date....
You know backbreaker, you sure do like to brag a lot about your successes. I don't think I've ever seen any posts made by you where you don't mention at least once about how many women you bang or the company you built. Me personally, I don't really care. You're not the only successful mofo on this planet.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
The more money you make, the better the quality of women you date....
I'm pretty sure I recently read about you dating cheerleaders and models before you made your money, so maybe that's not as true as you might think. I know you're saying the difference is that you can now get women of substance, but if you get one hottie you can get others.

Speculator E:
This isn't directed at Backbreaker, but I'd like to see some of the more "elite posters" on here talk more about some of their weaknesses, what they still need to work on, what bothers them, where they make mistakes, etc.
Because it seems to me that the way to build "cred" on this board is to never admit to any (current) weaknesses.

I know a man fights through regardless, but recently I've been trying to show my weaknesses more, just to keep it real. There are no gods on this forum.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
You know backbreaker, you sure do like to brag a lot about your successes. I don't think I've ever seen any posts made by you where you don't mention at least once about how many women you bang or the company you built. Me personally, I don't really care. You're not the only successful mofo on this planet.
Dude what do you expect he's only 27 you can't expect him to be humble :D

It takes a very long time for a man not to give a ***** and become humble with success. It's something that happens once you made big money year after year till you retired and are now a private member of a ultra exclusive country club and are living off your money.

I know I worked in one. The guys I saw if you didn't know who they were you would think were your average old geezers driving regular cars (which a lot did). It was a very humbling experience for me seeing millionares and billionares (i met 2 billionares) the way they behaved (normal) even with all their money compared to your average young balla wannabe bragin about how much they make.

That is the point when you know you are really successful. When it comes to women the point when you just don't give a **** about them anymore and the same for money. Unfortunately this is something that only happens to a very select few and a very small percentage of men in our society.

Only a select few men become master PUA's to where they can bang any woman they want and only a select few will be able to afford 100k + just on the membership of the golf course and live off of their investments till they die.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
f283000 said:
Dude what do you expect he's only 27 you can't expect him to be humble :D

It takes a very long time for a man not to give a ***** and become humble with success. It's something that happens once you made big money year after year till you retired and are now a private member of a ultra exclusive country club and are living off your money.

I know I worked in one. The guys I saw if you didn't know who they were you would think were your average old geezers driving regular cars (which a lot did). It was a very humbling experience for me seeing millionares and billionares (i met 2 billionares) the way they behaved (normal) even with all their money compared to your average young balla wannabe bragin about how much they make.

That is the point when you know you are really successful. When it comes to women the point when you just don't give a **** about them anymore and the same for money. Unfortunately this is something that only happens to a very select few and a very small percentage of men in our society.
Successful people usually are very humble, which is what makes me suspicious about backbreaker's claims. There are people who like to make up fantasies and the internet gives complete animosity to do it.

One example I have that comes up in mind is Robert T. Kiyosaki and how he is a fraud. Here is a website that does an expose on him and his Rich Dad, Poor Dad book:

John T. Reed's analysis of Robert T. Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad, Poor Dad

For some reason, when I read one of backbreaker's post, it makes me think about that website and how similar he writes like Kiyosaki. And the fact about quiet millionaires are well documented in a book called The Millionaire Next Door.

Of course, backbreaker can always provide documentations of his successes. I'd like to see him back up his claims with some hard evidence. And someone here can go look through backbreaker's post history and do what John Reed did. I bet the mofo isn't even consistent with the claims he makes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I hope for backbreaker's sake that his claims of financial successes are not of the same caliber as the claims he's made with regards to weight lifting in the Health & Fitness forum, because we H&F regulars all know that they're completely BS.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
zekko said:
I'm pretty sure I recently read about you dating cheerleaders and models before you made your money, so maybe that's not as true as you might think. I know you're saying the difference is that you can now get women of substance, but if you get one hottie you can get others.

Speculator E:
This isn't directed at Backbreaker, but I'd like to see some of the more "elite posters" on here talk more about some of their weaknesses, what they still need to work on, what bothers them, where they make mistakes, etc.
Because it seems to me that the way to build "cred" on this board is to never admit to any (current) weaknesses.

I know a man fights through regardless, but recently I've been trying to show my weaknesses more, just to keep it real. There are no gods on this forum.
I could give 2 ****s about e cred, what the **** do I want to impress a bunch of hard ****s for lol? You either believe me or you don't, it's not my loss. I make posts to provide what little insight on this world that I can provide, if you want to take form that, great. If not, it's fine with me. Instead of getting your panties in a wad about this or that, realize that I am someone who 7 years ago was walking around homeless with holes in his shoes, living out a car and since then has over come a nasty drug addiction (funny how no no ever wonders if i am lying about that lol. not once i have i got questioned in my crack cocaine addiction) which, by itself, is an accompli8shment, but to do something with his life. That should be motivation for anyone here to get off their ass and make something of themselves, whatever that something is. Nothing in my life is going to change if some guys on an internet forum are going to believe me. I've been here since 02, and my can track my history from my posts on this forum. From the time I was living with my business partner in my first apartment, to the time where the only "fun" i had was going out on friday nights bowling with my two best friends at the time, to the time I got my own place, to the time my business got it's first REAL office building and I used to try to show off to my oneitis lol, to my first real LTR (she even posted here a few times lol) to the day i sold my company, to my old oneitis's BF tried to kill himself and I basically dropped my LTR at the time for the chance to date here/. after being here for what, 3 years and knowing better and being told by everyone here i was ****ing up, to the time i started using drugs, to the time i moved to cali, to the time i had my son, to the time i proposed to my fiancee.
man I have come a ****ing LONGGGG way lol. the first what.. 4 years of me being here, was about my oneitis. The fact that I can look at her now and just feel nothing is nothing shot of amazing becuase that girl was the only thing I thought about from the time i was 18 until i was about 22-23 years old.

zarko, it took me 4 years to really "get it" as far as plates are concerned. But once I got it, I got it. It's not like I just came here and got everything automatically not how it worked. I bumped my head a few times, if not had all out concussions. I spent 4 years basically just approaching my oneitis in different ways all with the same result. It was not until I was 23 (came here when I was 18) and I finally figured out that I need to move to cali, and that the only reason I was still in little rock, was becuase of my oneitis, that the light bulb went off in my head. YOu read my posts but you have to remember, there are not very many people here who have been here as long as I have. You are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY further ahead than I was 1 year here. Hell at 1 year, i was telling everyone here just how stupid they were and that my oneitis really did like me and they didn't get it lmao

I am extremely humble, you can't not be humble if you have went through what I have been through in my life. No one here, knows what car I drive, no one here knows how much money I make (never once have i put a number on it), no one here knows what neighborhood I live in, no one here knows how much money I have in my bank account, no one here knows anything besides the fact that I work for myself and I don't do half bad for myself. I leave it at that, on purpose, because I don't like to talk about those types of things directly. I never said I was a millionaire lol, some of you just assumed that. I might be I might not. All I have ever said is that I'm well off, and I am. I have for the most part every tangible thing I want, besides my dream house which is going to take some years and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

zekko you are reading WAY too much into my posts. I dated a cheerleader in HIGH SCHOOL lol. In fact, she was the girl who introduced me to the girl, my senior year in HS who eventually brought me here. Re read that post, I was 17. I never had a problem dating decent looking women, I'm a good looking guy.

One thin you learn quickly, is that there will always be haters, people trying to poke holes in you and your game. It lets me know I'm doing something right. I used to get all hot but know I understand how people operate, or at least more so, could care less. IN fact I'm thankful for them. Everyone likes a lovable loser. When people go out of their way to try to piss you off, get under your skin and to make find flaws in you, it's because they don't like you, and they don't like you because you pose a threat to some type of security with them, which means you are doing something right.
That's about all the mention that my fans will receive from here on out. If you want to waste yoru 10 post limit per day harping on me, be my guest lol. As long as there have been successful people on earth, there behave been the guys in the corner that are butthurt. I'm sure there was a dude 2000 years ago in the corner pissed at king solomon for ****ing all the hot women around town and complaining about it, and happy as hell when god casts down his rath upon his house.

Anyway to answer your question, I thought it would be apparent what my weaknesses are by reading my posts, but I defiantly have them as does everyone. I don't to the balance thing very well, or not as well as I would like to. I am short tempered, I am arrogant, I'd be the first to admit. I like me. I don't go around bragging, but at the same time I do think I'm better than most people becuase I am lol. I don't know if that's a good trait or a bad trait, it rubs some people the wrong way (See this thread lol) but on a side note I have alot of confidence in myself and my abilities. That is a trade off I am willing to take.

When I am single, I generally don't approach women, which could be seen as a flaw, I wait until I get a real strong IOI and then take my queue. I don't cold approach.

If I had to name the biggest flaw in my game, it would probably be my stubbornness. Stubbornness to give up on a plate when all the signs say to leave, stubbornness in general when it comes to being "right", getting my "way". I am stubborn to a fault. I've gotten better at this, but it's still something I'm working on. That stubbornness has gotten me where I am in the business world, I just refuse to give up when I put my mind on something. But it also for instance, got a vase busted over my head by a woman I that I know I should have stopped seeing 2-3 dates into my plate spinning, I knew she was crazy then (you can find that on this forum too). I trust my woman to a fault. I don't know if that is a flaw, I guess that ties into my arrogant level. I just don't think she can do better than me, so I don't get all bothered when she goes out with friends or doesn't answer a phone call or whatever. It has worked out so far. When she says something I generally take her word for it.

something that is not a "game" flaw but a life flaw that I KNOW is a flaw, is that I am unreasonably hard on myself, I'm a prefectionalist. If you saw my to do list on a normal basis you would be like dude, get the **** out of here. And every lat bit of it has to be done, or I 'm pissed and get down on myself. There is no middle ground with me. It goes back to that 100 days thread I made a few years ago. And times I get some hellbent on accomplishing things, that I don't spend as much time with the girl and the son as I would like. She "gets" me more than anyone else I have ever dated so she doesn't take it personally but still, I need to do the balance thing a little bit better, I just can't help it. I like accomplishing things and getting closer to goals, going to sleep knowing I had a kick ass day. My to do list today has 72 things on it... on a sunday.. while I'm out of town. As I have said before I see a physiologist and have for a while, and this is something we've discussed at length, and I have tried the whole balance thing and tried the whole "it's going to be okay" thing, then this voice just comes and says "no bb it's NOT okay you ****ing loser, you are a failure, get the **** up and do what you need to do". That is the only way I"m really happy.

You have to remember, I have been here 9 years in april. I was basically raised by the old cats on this forum, my game is pretty freaking solid. Not perfect, but I don't have what I would call extremely huge flaws, because I came here while I had AFC traits, as a pretty blank slate. The flaws I did have, the clinginess, the unwillingness to walk away, the listening too much to what women said and not what they did, the not being sexual enough (I used to be petrified to touch a pretty woman.. my oneitis one night, in a brief instance of okay here is your chance, lied to her BF about where she was, came over my house, spent the night over my house, and I didn't' touch her one time. too scared.), the not being afraid to ask for what I want, are all flaws that I have worked out in time.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
One has to do nothing but to go back over my very own post history to learn, that money doesn't guarantee you success with women. I was 21, had known my oneitis for 4 years then, I had just sold my company had a new crib, new car, had money to burn and would have been more than happy to burn it on her to have her on my arm, she wasn't dying. she stuck with a guy who was jobless and tired to kill himself over me. oh she flirted. got free ****, clothes, buy her and her mom a new pc, actually built them myself, bought her a new dog, money just for the hell of her having spending cash, i fixed her car, even paid her tutition, twice. No nookie. not even so much as a kiss. it was nothing for me to go shopping for clothes (i always have liked nice clothes) and she would "be in the neighborhood) and would show up, knowing i would buy her whatever she laid her eyes on happily. I got used like this for a few years and did so with a smile on my face, as to you guys who are stupid enough to wonder why guys with money need a place like this. It's all on this very site. That girl played my ass like a fiddle for a while and I got absolutely nothing out of it. I remember one day, she had gotten dressed and we went to the strip club (she had a thing for strip clubs). So we went, and after I had bought drinks, probaly 150-200 dollars worth between the two of us, paid strippers, all in all probably spent a good 400 dollars that night, she starts grinding me in the club, obviously drink. we get in the car, she spreads her legs, and starts playing with herself, and then starts chanting "you aren't getting any, you aren't getting any" then started sing the "but you say he's just a friend" song. just basically mocking me. . that's when I realized, I was not the coolest dude in tghe strip club becuase i had the hottest girl there (And it wasn't even close, she was that hot, the manager even asked her did she want a job lol), i was the biggest fool there for putting up with this **** for as long as I did. My attitude toward her changed after that night, she spent the night, drunk i would not let her drive home, but after that i really did not fawn over her like i used to. but it took thousdans of dollars an hours o my time to get to that point. that pissed me off even typing that out.

The most depressed I have ever been was when I was 22 years old, had gained 80 pounds, my ltr had left because she realized I wasn't going to marry her (golddigger) and my oneitis wasn't leaving her LTR for me, even though I had everything she wanted. All I wanted to do was smoke crack and eat. How you can smoke crack day in and day out for almost a year and GAIN 80 pounds is beyond me but I did it. It was then that I realized the guys here might know a thing or two and I started to really pay attention to the principles and not tactics. 8 months later, I could have had both of them, and wanted neither. That's when I realized I could have ****ed my oneitis, being broke lol, had I listened to this site. But, my oneitis isn't that high quality of a woman and the woman I mess with now, while might not be as physically striking, are alot more well rounded.

And that my friend, not the "e cred" is why I come back and will be here for as long as you will have me here. Because, there were alot of extremely patient people with me, that helped me through alot, through my ****ups, through my not wanting to listen, to become a better person, to get some things, that I would not have learned otherwise. And it was this forum, not my dad, who tried to **** every woman I brought home, nor my mom, nor anyone else that basically, helped me grow up. I owe this place alot and I am a living testimony of what you can do if you apply the principles of this forum. If not for some on this forum, I would have probably never had given up hope after once I got a little money, I still could not get what I wanted. God knows I owe people like Senor Fingers and A unit. There are alot of people here, that even though I might (or might not) make more money than I look up to. There are MEN on this forum, and a man is not defined by his bank account. Just paying it forward by helping out where I can. So one day, some dude can start a post saying "man, who is this zarkko dude, he's ****ing all the hot women, he has his **** in order, he is in shape, he always says the right things, he does the right things, **** that faggot, he can't be real, he has to be fake" and you can just say "man i'm just here paying it forward, like someone did to me ;)
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Backbreaker said:
I could give 2 ****s about e cred, what the **** do I want to impress a bunch of hard ****s for lol?
I believe I specifically pointed out that I was not directing that comment at you. I've always felt that you were pretty straightforward about your mistakes.

You are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY further ahead than I was 1 year here.
Meh, my life is over really. I'm 50, I've got my girl, I'm following the path I've set for myself. My main focus right now is retirement. Most of the building your life stuff that is talked about here is behind me. I just have to finish the course (although the economy has put me behind where I wanted to be right now). Of course it's never too late to self improve.

zekko you are reading WAY too much into my posts. I dated a cheerleader in HIGH SCHOOL lol
Well yeah, that's what I figured. The point was you were able to get hot/valuable chicks before you made your money. In high school, cheerleaders are probably at the top of the female food chain.
Honestly, I dated quite a cutie in high school also (though she was no cheerleader). So I guess you don't need much game as a teenager.

You have to remember, I have been here 9 years in april. I was basically raised by the old cats on this forum, my game is pretty freaking solid. Not perfect, but I don't have what I would call extremely huge flaws, because I came here while I had AFC traits, as a pretty blank slate. The flaws I did have, the clinginess, the unwillingness to walk away, the listening too much to what women said and not what they did, the not being sexual enough
A lot of what you went through just sounds like growing up, gaining maturity. I'm sure this forum has helped you. But I'm not so sure you wouldn't have come to a lot of the same conclusions yourself and made yourself a success without it. As a guy who grew up without SoSuave, I don't see a lot expressed here that is unique. It might have taken you a bit longer though. I would have loved to have had access to this place when I was coming of age.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
if not for this forum i know myself enough to know, li would have deciated my life to putting women on pedistools, and always chasing them. in that sense this place did help

my dad is 51 and if his life is any indication, you should be fine in the women department. dad gets laid quite often my women my age.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Backbreaker said:
if not for this forum i know myself enough to know, li would have deciated my life to putting women on pedistools
I know guys do it, but I don't understand why.
You seem like a sharp guy.
After you bang your head against the wall enough times, you learn not to.

my dad is 51 and if his life is any indication, you should be fine in the women department. dad gets laid quite often my women my age.
I'm not looking.

Well, I may look, but I'm not shopping.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you know that's pretty easy to say, man i don't think so. by the way my post was not directed at you at all, i just quoted you becuase i wanted to answer your questions

i was talking to some dudes the other day at an arkansas basketball game that I know. we are all about the same age, i know them from LR grew up around town together. just talking to them, one dude has been dating a girl for like 4 months and is thinking hard about popping the question.. he's 25. one guy is jobless and is engaged lol. umm priorities lol? one guy got married right out of high school. she has left him 2 times, but "he still felt he made the right decision". I have no doubt in my mind if not for this forum i would have married the first girl that would have stuck with me. had i did that, li would not have ahd the freedom to do what I had been able to do. I was raised ou like a girl you marry her. no one every told me to wait until i'm 30 until I came here. NO one ever explained to me that women deteriorate and men mature. well not deteriorate lol. society defiantly doesn't. My mom told me my whole life 'they are the ones missing out". some guys here was the first time someone stuck their foot in my ass and told me that the common denominator between all my problems and myself is myself. You know them now, the guys who can't find a "good woman" and they have all the "bad luck". I also know that i would not have had anything to believe in as far as self confidence that one day i can control the women in my lfe instead of having such low self esteem, and the onlffy reason it was so low was becuase i was putting t inm the hands of ignorant people. thorse are things that i learned here and things that the avg person still doesn 't get.

btw my dad is 51, gets ass likes no ones business. dont' see him slowing down either. and by ass i don't mean senor citizen ass, i mean, women 30-35 years old ass.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Backbreaker said:
I was raised ou like a girl you marry her. no one every told me to wait until i'm 30 until I came here
Maybe it's a regional thing, but around here I've always heard you should shop around. It seems like this is something that is especially drilled into girls, but I figured it applied to guys as well.

btw my dad is 51, gets ass likes no ones business. dont' see him slowing down either. and by ass i don't mean senor citizen ass, i mean, women 30-35 years old ass.
My girlfriend is 35. Most girls who give me IOIs are younger than I am. In fact I don't think I get many IOIs from women my age. Maybe they want someone older, I don't know. They say women like a guy to be about four years older than them. Or it could be that I just don't notice them giving me IOIs, since most women my age are off my radar :/

But yeah, 51 is not too old to be able to pick up decent women. I firmly believe that.