Rich Men Are Always Right


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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Boilermaker said:
I prefer to be slaves of women than money, greed and futile ambition.
Not being a slave to the all-mighty-dollar is good, but remember you don't have to be a slave to women either. It isn't one or the other.

There's nothing wrong with living within your means and being satisfied with what your true hobbies are. Take a guy whose passion in life is bicycling. Does he need to work extra hard to start a fortune 500 company and make a ton of money to be happy? Does he need to slave through years of getting a start-up business off of the ground?

No, all he needs is a job that can support him, a bike, and some time off work to enter in local (or national) bike races. That's all. Its not about money. Its about what you value in life. He will be happy

Your values may not take riches. Why become a slave to money just so you don't have to put up with women's ****? You shouldn't have to. If your passion is honestly entrepreneurship, go right ahead and do it.

But don't call people losers for not conforming to the materialistic, keepin' up with the Jones's, superficial, and immoral culture that we live in.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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Julius_Seizeher said:
you should not allow yourself the luxury of dating until you are worthy, until you have EARNED the right to be master and commander of women instead of just another nobody pretending to be something you're not.
Ah, I see what your saying. Unless you are rich, you are not worthy of a woman's time. Women are goddesses that require a minimum 6 figure salary, or else your just a poser.

Talk about putting women on a pedestal :crackup: The "luxury" of dating? And what, do women automatically get to have this "luxury" but not us? I guess so...

This is the biggest load of **** on the forum. Seriously, I expect more from the "mature man" forum. What kind of advice is this for young guys? We aren't worthy? Really? And what makes women so goddamn perfect that we are not worthy of dating them until we get rich?

So here's how it works for you:

Girl- parties her way through life, sleeps around, has endless fun and endless options of guys to pick from. When she gets older, latches on to a rich guy (below)

Guy- Remain celibate until attaining a 6 figure salary, hopefully by age 30. Then and only then can he be "worthy" to date the filthy *****s known as American Women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
The more money you make, the better the quality of women you date.

When I was 17 I dated/sexed a cheerleader working at best buy

when I was 21, I had a LTR with a woman working at dilliards, who had ****ty credit, horrible spending habits, but was a amateur model and was smoking hot.

When I was 24, I was ****ing an English teacher, with at least an 800 credit score, and who used to let me drive the z28 she never touched.. she bought it for her son (this woman was in her early 40's but my god was smoking hot, just divorced) and he didn't like it, so I got to drive it while i was giving her the pipe, even though I had more than one car.

When I was 21 years old, I was making 85k a year, on the dot. My fiancees thought of fun was having her friends over and us playing spades.

when I was 24, actually, on mothers day, I was seeing (i had a 5 deep rotation before my fiancee) who was an accountant, woke me up, and drove me to a bed and breakfast out of time where we ate and ****ed like rabbits all day and night. I had never been to a bed and breakfast in my life. And SHE PAID.

21, women sleep in utnil noon. at 24, I would wake up and would be damned if whoever i was ****ing, didn't make sure i had breakfast sitting on the counter when i woke up. That is the difference between dating to be dating and dating when you actually have something to offer women.

I even posted this here, one day my LTR, I was still 21, she had bought a bible, and she was telling me she was having trouble with the old testament. I said what is the difference between the old and new testament. She told me, the old testament is the book with the old words, and the new testament is the book with the new words we can understand :facepalm: (i knew it was over then lol)

I can go get my girl right now and we can have a very good debate on objectivism right now on the spot. Smart as a ****ing whip. Loves her some Ayn Rand.

I actually LEARN from the women I date now.. well i'm only dating one but you get what I mean. While i was in the scene, and the one I am with now, neat concept isn't it? I speak fluent Italian today becuase of my fiancee, couldn't' speak a word of it 3 years ago. we go out now and when we dont' want people to know what we are saying we speak Italian. She speaks french as well, which I am working on but no where near as fluent as I am in Italian. For a few months that's all she would let me speak to her in. That's a woman who adds value to your life my friend. My 2 and a half year old son can probably speak italian better than 90% of this forum. By the time my son is in junior high he will be able to speak 3 languages better than most people can speak 1.

On a side note, that is how a relationship should be, that person, should make you a better person. I am a better person because of my fiancee. when i met her, while i worked hard, i was a very unorganized person, she, is a time nazi. 3 years later, I'm a time nazi lol and in turn, more productive, and in turn, when I my my taxes in a few weeks, will be the most money I ever made in 1 year, I'm not smarter, I'm just getting more out of my day (fvck you obama lol). she, while not a musician, can play the piano now. not GREAT but she can play a few tunes. While she was a very organized person as far as time, she was just as unorganized when it came to finances, I on the other hand might as well be Jewish as meticulous as I am with money. Which is ironic becuase I make most my money by gambling. It is not supposed to go together. Always have been. I read John Rockefeller bio in junior high and it just stuck with me, to the penny at all times, I know where my money is. now, she does to, and ironically he doesn't' spend as much. When I met her, she was living with a room mate at basically a doom for exercise jockeys. Mind you, she not only had that job, she was gets a check from her parents every month, no reason she should have been living like that, but she was always broke and had nothing to show for it, besides some clothes and alot of crap.

But the thing is, I made significant strides in my personal life between 17 and 21, and against between 22 and 24. I went from broke kid to a dude making 85k a year when he was 21. I went from a dude making 85k a year to a guy who is basically set when by the time i was 24.

The women I reject now, are better than the women I used to date. The girl that had become my friend, emotional GF type girl that I used to get my fiancee, to stop going on power lunches with her hairdresser, that was doing errands for me had a degree in geology, and was a Christina Hendricks clone, to the red hair, but with better looking feet, CH has some jacked up looking feet. This girls feet were on point. Not that I was looking, we did go to the gym and ****.

Make no mistake, you don't have to be rich to get ass. But to get high quality ass, which is all I give a **** about a woman that can no only suck a ball through a TV antenna, can tell you who invented the TV antenna and could at the same time, explain the science behind the ball not getting any smaller while it's going through said antenna, then make you some black tea to put you to sleep and wake you up with a real homecooked breakfast, that's what I want. On my 22nd birthday my LTR called herself cooking for me, made some ****ing warmed up pancakes lol. gtfo lol .I don't want to **** a decent looking skank that works in wal mart just because she has big tits, i want a woman that brings some **** to the table, even if I am just ****ing her, I want a woman that adds value to my life. to get that, you need to do something with your life before you start dating.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Nope, don't trust the government or their shills in the press. The only REAL crook that had money was Joe Kennedy[bootlegging,human trafficking etc] IF they violated the rule of law,they should be in jail. Maybe you should look at the politicians they bought.Not sure how or if you voted in the elections,but I voted for newbies.


Nov 10, 2010
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"Not necessarily money but the power that comes with money"

Money doesn't make things right but rather the power that comes with money or if we phrase it in a different word it would sound like this "Might makes right"

"We use Game to circumvent any genetic flaws or lack of money in getting women."

It is the Powerful people who create the rules and laws.
Rules are only for the weak.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
TIC said:
Ah, I see what your saying. Unless you are rich, you are not worthy of a woman's time. Women are goddesses that require a minimum 6 figure salary, or else your just a poser.

Talk about putting women on a pedestal :crackup: The "luxury" of dating? And what, do women automatically get to have this "luxury" but not us? I guess so...

This is the biggest load of **** on the forum. Seriously, I expect more from the "mature man" forum. What kind of advice is this for young guys? We aren't worthy? Really? And what makes women so goddamn perfect that we are not worthy of dating them until we get rich?

So here's how it works for you:

Girl- parties her way through life, sleeps around, has endless fun and endless options of guys to pick from. When she gets older, latches on to a rich guy (below)

Guy- Remain celibate until attaining a 6 figure salary, hopefully by age 30. Then and only then can he be "worthy" to date the filthy *****s known as American Women.
You fvcking loser.

Here's the way of the world: as much as we value women for their hotness and sensuality, women largely value us for what we can provide. Money is to men what looks are to women. That's the fair and equitable exchange of value between men and women.

So yes, if you don't have your sh!t together, you DON'T deserve to date just as much as an unattractive girl with a shi!tty personality doesn't deserve to date.

This is not putting women on a pedestal; it is about building a throne for yourself.

Keep thinking as you do. See where it takes you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
this is one of the stupidest posts I have ever read. Writing achievement, success, hard road in capitals..

You probably don't have any idea how narrow minded you sound.. Being a "simpleton" doesn't make men successful.

I prefer to be slaves of women than money, greed and futile ambition.
Wow, my display of MANLY AMBITION has really ruffled some feathers here.

You say much more about yourself than me.

You have no idea how narrow minded you are. Ambition to create and to succeed is not the way of the simpleton. As a matter of fact, the simpletons stand on the sidelines and throw rocks at those with the COURAGE to pursue lofty dreams and WIN at the game of life.

You have no self-confidence, you have no self-worth, but rather than try to purge these weaknesses from your own character (using the term loosely), you attack me.

Wake up, kid. The indolent, rebellious punk routine only works with stupid young girls, but even they will eventually dump your ass upon the realization that she is wasting her time with a loser. Men don't want a fattie; women don't want a loser.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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Julius_Seizeher said:
Here's the way of the world: as much as we value women for their hotness and sensuality, women largely value us for what we can provide. Money is to men what looks are to women. That's the fair and equitable exchange of value between men and women.
You are one small minded, misguided fool.

You just said that all women care about is money. How's that?

So looks play no part?

What about personality?

What about "game" and being a dj which is what this entire forum is about??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Moreover, I refuse to adhere to the rule that I have to be the breadwinner for a woman or else I am a loser. Why, you ask? Because feminism has afforded women every opportunity that men have. They graduate at higher rates than men, are starting to out-earn men, and can support themselves independently just like a man. They have equality.

Go ahead and try to justify us providing for someone that is on equal--or even better--economic footing than us. That's insanity.

I'm not blindly "providing" for anyone but my damn self. If you want to bow to the feminists, go right ahead.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Wow, this thread is very different from the pickup theory dogma I usually read on this forum, which goes something like this:

"Heh, heh, these women are just using your beta provider @sses for your money. Meanwhile, they are fvcking me, the broke bad boy, behind your back, because unlike you, I get their ginas tingling. My rebellious lack of financial success turns them on while your money just makes their panties dry."


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Julius_Seizeher said:
Wow, my display of PUSSIFIED AMBITION has really ruffled some feathers here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Julius_Seizeher said:
This is exactly why I am always to preaching to guys about pursuing lofty ambitions-start a business, learn how to invest, create something great.

It is my default response when a guy posts a thread about some girl, because I am saying "What does any of that sh!t matter? It doesn't." Don't worry about the symptoms, fix the disease-focus all of your efforts on ACHIEVEMENT and SUCCESS and the women are just details. When you have money and the REAL, INDISPUTABLE evidence of social value that comes with SUCCESS, women will be the last thing you will ever worry about.


I watched my investment portfolio grow another 18% today. I am going to be a millionaire-it is only a matter of time. And when I put myself back on the "dating market", my IPO will soar! I am also putting together a manufacturing business model with the aid of the main supplier I will use.

These are the things you men should be doing-MAKING YOURSELVES.

Women, though they are alot of fun, are detrimental to ACHIEVEMENT and you should not allow yourself the luxury of dating until you are worthy, until you have EARNED the right to be master and commander of women instead of just another nobody pretending to be something you're not.

The moral of the story is, ALWAYS TAKE THE HARD ROAD, and always delay your satisfaction until you have EARNED IT!
Couldn't have said it better myself! I wouldnt' go so far to say as women are detrimental to achievement... my fiance helps to keep me focused and disciplined.... but chasing multiple women and devoting oneself to being a PUA or whatever can definitely affect discipline, achievement, etc.

I strongly believe that we are the happiest when we work our a$$e$ off in a worthwhile goal and end up achieving it... even if it takes lots of blood, sweat and tears. There's certain things that are fundamentally enjoyable/interesting, at least to me... and I think everyone has stuff that really interests them. High achievement in a field of one's interest requires discipline, dedication, hard work, problem-solving ability, resiliency, etc. These qualities make one a high quality man... and in my experience a high value dude, who's got his shiite together and has a balanced life, has his choice of women.

People w/ business savvy have a pretty useful skill in today's society... as tax breaks and stuff all seem to favor business. Guys like me who work and make a decent living get taxed up the azz... at least it seems to be that way in Canada. I think the US is probably a bit friendlier to 6 figure salaries as far as taxation goes. I already have 2 university degrees and will have a third before I'm 40. Although I make around 100k right now, and plan on doubling that by the time I'm 40, there's lotsa guys out there in the mid 20s who are making A LOT more than me w/ little or no college education. Most of these guys have good business ideas and are adept at implementing a sound business plan and adapting to a changing market place. A lot of times I feel like university/college is really overrated... however, I love learning about my chosen field and increasing knowledge in general (I'm a huge nerd...) :D

It seems as though the main SS board is degenerating into a "how to get hot girls even though you're a low value dweeb" shiite show instead of showing younger guys how to success at life, happiness and getting females as a secondary goal. To me being DJ has nothing to do with getting women, but about optimizing ones' innate potential in service of society, and being happy in the process. Women will naturally flow to well balanced individuals who are high value and have dominant characteristics.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Then there is this bit of pickup dogma: The girl will not have sex with you if she thinks you have money. Because if she thinks you are successful she will want to go for a relationship instead of the ONS. So she tries to act less slvtty to impress you. That one has always fascinated me.

Fuglydude said:
It seems as though the main SS board is degenerating into a "how to get hot girls even though you're a low value dweeb" shiite show
Isn't that what the majority of pickup theory all about?
It's nice that there is a component of this forum that aspires for more. That's probably what keeps me coming back here.

Julius Seizeher said:
Women, though they are alot of fun, are detrimental to ACHIEVEMENT and you should not allow yourself the luxury of dating until you are worthy, until you have EARNED the right to be master and commander of women instead of just another nobody pretending to be something you're not.
I think TIC has a point here when he says this is pedestalizing to some degree. But I see what you're saying also. A woman is basically given her value in the way she looks. But a man has to create his own value.

When I was going to college I was also working full time to put myself through. I didn't have time for socializing while I was doing this, other than talking to the people I saw day to day. This wasn't a balanced life, but it was self sacrifice to create a better future. It was rough, but I'm glad I had the drive to do it.

I don't think you necessarily have to cut yourself off from women to make something of yourself. But if you feel you have to in order to make your business a success or whatever, then that's what you have to do. Only you know your own situation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Julius_Seizeher said:
You fvcking loser.

Here's the way of the world: as much as we value women for their hotness and sensuality, women largely value us for what we can provide. Money is to men what looks are to women. That's the fair and equitable exchange of value between men and women.
Suppose you're right...and I don't agree with EVERYTHING you've said, but a lot of it makes sense.

Doesn't that strike you (ESPECIALLY someone like you, who has business-savvy) as a sh!tty deal??

Why would you want to trade so much hard-earned money for a piece of ass?

What a waste.

I spend my money on niggaz cuz niggaz get me rich...and a b!tch ain't doing sh!t but suckin' my d!ck. -DMX

backbreaker said:
The women I reject now, are better than the women I used to date.
That's kind of interesting...because the women I used to date when I was making HALF of what I make now were "better" than the women I reject now.

Makes me wonder if TIME is the essential element. I.e. the awesome woman a man is dating when he's 40 and she the same mediocre girl he was dating when he was 20 and poor?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Julius_Seizeher said:
Wow, my display of MANLY AMBITION has really ruffled some feathers here.

You say much more about yourself than me.

You have no idea how narrow minded you are. Ambition to create and to succeed is not the way of the simpleton. As a matter of fact, the simpletons stand on the sidelines and throw rocks at those with the COURAGE to pursue lofty dreams and WIN at the game of life.

You have no self-confidence, you have no self-worth, but rather than try to purge these weaknesses from your own character (using the term loosely), you attack me.

Wake up, kid. The indolent, rebellious punk routine only works with stupid young girls, but even they will eventually dump your ass upon the realization that she is wasting her time with a loser. Men don't want a fattie; women don't want a loser.
Your display of "manly (!)" ambition really made me sensitive... Gosh! How can you be so great!

Well, I am not up for the rebellious punk routine ( I am a 4th year PhD student and yes, I make only 25K a year) but I see where you are coming from.

I am sure your lame-ass business "models" will make you a millionaire in no time. And then you will spend hours of your life in shady discussion forums, teaching narrow-minded men important life lessons.

Make a flow-chart in power point, fill the boxes with techno-babble and there you go, you have a model...! Once you are done, show that to your imbecile girlfriend who is fascinated by dating a king like you!

Work on some hard-science, some real data, and with an experimentalist to understand what a "model" is, simpleton!

You are pathetic not because of you are obsessed with money and greed, you are pathetic because you have completely missed the point of life; that is, the definition of success and the purpose behind a directed ambition for a goal, any goal, are violently subjective.

Your point still makes me smile. Give up on the "luxury of dating" and go for the money! If you start now, I am pretty sure you'll be a millionaire soon!... Then indulge yourself in pleasures you were not allowed before.

"Luxury of dating" ... And you call people losers?..


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Where is hal2000, Dorothy, Toto, The cowardly Lion and the Tin man? Because we already have a bunch of binary thinking and straw men in here. LOL. you guys are rediculous.

Any man who is not trying to achieve his dreams is a failure, if a byproduct of achieving them is better relations with women, then that's a good thing. And by achieving your dream, if it's to feed starving children in Africa or if it's to make a million dollars then that is what matters. Success is defined as the person who is actively striving for and achieving his goals.

Should you still learn game? Of course.

Should you stop dating until you "make it"? Of course not.

Should you make women a top priority? Of course not.

What are we arguing about again? Oh yah? Binary thinking and Straw men.

It's not about providing resources for a woman, its about doing what you want to do. I want to be comfortable, I want money in the bank, I want to be debt free and I want to enjoy life.

Now imagine if all things being the same, the difference was a guy who was saddled with a day job and debt up the wazoo, or the guy who was debt free and owned his own company. What would their mentalities be? What would their confidence be like? How would they view the world? What kind of man would they more likely be? Its about being the man you want to be, as a person who has a day job and is saddled with debt I don't want to live like this. It's not even about women, its about me. I don't want this. I enjoy the challenge of making my own way and controlling my time and having others work for me. I do not like being an employee. I hate seeing my work being sold for more money and I'm only getting a paltry cut. I feel like I'm being pimped every day. Screw that. I want my own!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Seems like everyone on the Internet is a millionaire. :whistle:

I never got the whole, "I'm rich, why aren't you?" attitude. Some people have a talent for business endeavors and can immerse themselves in a business that they have NO interest in, just because it's a business. Most of us can't do that...but these people think that just because they have a marketable talent that anyone who doesn't have the SAME talent is somehow inferior. Maybe we are...maybe we should all go shoot ourselves and leave the world to the business-heads. :p

That doesn't mean that there isn't some good stuff here...and you guys don't want to lose this message just because of the demeaning attitude of those presenting it to you.

If there's something good to take from this thread, it's that guys need to stop worrying about being "valued" and start worrying about being "valuable".

There's too much out there in life, be it adventures, pursuits, possessions, castles to be built, races to be run, games to be played, empires to be conquered, money to be made, spend time worrying about making a girl like you.

Build the life YOU WANT...then if there's room in there for a girl, a girl appropriate to that life will find her way there eventually. If you're not happy with where you are in life, you will end up with a girl you're not happy with. If you ARE happy with your life, you will eventually find a girl who makes you happy.

And if you don't...well, it really doesn't matter because you're living an awesome life anyway. :p

Julius_Seizeher said:
I am saying "What does any of that sh!t matter? It doesn't." Don't worry about the symptoms, fix the disease-focus all of your efforts on ACHIEVEMENT and SUCCESS and the women are just details.

These are the things you men should be doing-MAKING YOURSELVES.
I'm not sure on the whole "good women only want money" deal...maybe they do, maybe they don't. I have yet to meet a woman I'd want to spend my life with...maybe if I one day do, she'll explain it to me. Point doesn't matter, because I'm not doing it to gratify what someone else wants, just because she has a p*ssy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2009
Reaction score
I'm astounded at how many readers have missed the point here. Literally blown away. Up until this point I've had faith that the MM forum was a fairly insightful bunch, but some of you guys are bringing the team down.

Nobody is suggesting that you HAVE to have money to get women. No one is saying that WITHOUT money, you are doomed to be single. No one is suggesting that a man with money will let himself be taken advantage of by gold digger broads.

What is being floated here is the idea of success and ambition. Absolutely, a guy can get tail living on girls' couches, having the chicks buy you food and toys, as you float from relationship to relationship. If you have some mad game and can make 'ginas tingle like crazy everywhere you go, you will absolutely get laid. There is no disputing that.

But for many here, that "goal" is either impossible (due to poor game/AFC/whatever), or unwanted. I know I can't stand living like a bum, couch surfing from place to place, and having to rely on strangers and their charity to get by. But that's a personal thing. And if such a "lifetsyle" is somehow unattainable, in the mean time a guy can certainly go out, work hard, and work his way up the food chain of social status and wealth, and at the same time improve on one's game.

The thing about spending the majority of time chasing a nest egg, rather than skirts, is that the one is a sure thing, and leaves a guy with infinitely more options. There are no recorded cases of a guy working hard every day, and getting ****tier and ****tier at what he does. On top of that, you're storing wealth for rainy day, that you can use to enjoy ANYTHING you choose to. Women (assuming you're looking for tail) tend to 1. get you laid, and 2. (sometimes) make you feel good. They are a very limited commodity with regards to uses.

On top of that, ambition and success are an aphrodisiac to ALL women. Yes, the gold diggers pop up, but that's why there are prenups (not to mention a DJ should know how to spot the gold digging monsters.) Most importantly, AMBITION is a hugely attractive thing. As Warrior74 has often stated, as long as a guy has ambition and is working towards something, it doesn't matter what his current status is. So if you have two dudes, one of which is happy to couch surf and get laid (aka Has game), and the other is busting his ass trying to make a dynasty, AND has game, who is more attractive with regards to the future? Who has more inherent value in the long term?

Women are just a small piece of life, gentlemen. Like a fine wine, they are not to be enjoyed in excess, or to the exclusion of all other things. Other things should hold more importance in life, as heavy indulgence is unhealthy. Like I said before, the irony is that if you spend time bettering yourself, and bettering your nest-egg, the women come easily. And no, we aren't talking gold diggers. Women will be attracted to you because you can bring the whole package. Congratulations, you are now a well-rounded Man.

Success in itself is just as powerful (if not more so) than running game. The social proof you get through it can easily cut through any neg-hit or routine you could pull. Game is a stop-gap measure that allows you to "get through the door" with chicks, while you work on getting the rest of your life in order.

A great quote (and while I don't fully agree with it, it does a great job of loosely illustrating the point): "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women." - Tony Montana, Scarface


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
squirrels said:
Suppose you're right...and I don't agree with EVERYTHING you've said, but a lot of it makes sense.

Doesn't that strike you (ESPECIALLY someone like you, who has business-savvy) as a sh!tty deal??

Why would you want to trade so much hard-earned money for a piece of ass?

What a waste.

I spend my money on niggaz cuz niggaz get me rich...and a b!tch ain't doing sh!t but suckin' my d!ck. -DMX

That's kind of interesting...because the women I used to date when I was making HALF of what I make now were "better" than the women I reject now.

Makes me wonder if TIME is the essential element. I.e. the awesome woman a man is dating when he's 40 and she the same mediocre girl he was dating when he was 20 and poor?
IMHO it goes all back to pooks post, I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. But the general theme is, you can have any woman you want, as long as you demand the same things in your self.

I guess i might be different. I never had a problem getting women, seriously. I used to linger in the 5-6 and a half HB scale range and collect them like baseball cards. But would shrivel up when i got around really hot women that I really wanted, like my oneitis who brought me here. it wasn't hat I was ugly, i just.. well, I didn't have the confidence to treat them the same as hte other girls I had been with, and I didn't had that confidence, becuase I knew deep down, I had no reason TO be confident. ON a sub con ious level, I knew I brought nothing to the table that they coudlnt' get anywhere else. In essense, I was a ditxy HB8.. once you got past my looks, there really wasn't anything else. The looks were enough to get the HB 6's. Not enough to get the HB 8's and keep them.

. All the affirmations in the world, aren't going to do anything while you are sitting at home playing metal gear solid all day long. I'm a good looking dude. I had a problem getting, HIGH QUALITY WOMEN.

It wasn't about being "rich" or hitting a certain worth, or having a six pack, none of that. it was knowing that finally, I was fulfilling my potential. Once I started doing that, all the rest of the **** came. Hell some of the most miserable times I had were having money, but sitting at home doing nothing but doing drugs. Never felt worse in my life.

If you want a woman who is in shape and is busting her ass as a pre med student, you need to go to the gym and bust your ass doing something too. You might or might not be physically attractive to her, but all the game in the world is going to keep the frame there when she has alot more ambitious / successful guys around her. that's just the way it is.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Backbreaker said:
I didn't have the confidence to treat them the same as hte other girls I had been with, and I didn't had that confidence, becuase I knew deep down, I had no reason TO be confident. ON a sub con ious level, I knew I brought nothing to the table that they coudlnt' get anywhere else.
I really do think that this whole thing with women just comes down to value. I haven't read anything here to convince me otherwise. If you want a woman of a certain value, YOU have to have a certain amount of value. I don't mean for getting laid, most any guy can get lucky with some hottie, but if you want to hang on to a girl and keep her interest for a relationship, you need to have the value necessary to keep her.

Unless she has poor self esteem to the point of being mentally damaged, I don't see any way around that. Of course, the thing about males is they have more than one way to build value. They can be successful financially, or have very strong social proof, etc.