Remember "as you think, you shall become"?


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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I'm reading Pook's Kill that Desperation, and we all know (since everyone read it) that to become DJ, we must think and believe. Pook also mentions greatest man is the person who CHANGES the way he thinks.

Ok. I know that I should think myself as Great Catch, as Prize, but in order to BELIEVE that, do I just think in my head "I'm Great Catch, I'm the Prize"?

There, I know for sure, is big difference b/t consciously thinking and actually believing it. How can you think that you actually believe and become it, like Pook said?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Pook was actively working to "become the prize" even as he was believing it. He was working out a lot at least, and working on his inner game. But there is something even more fundamental here:

"Be the prize" counteracts the idea that the female is the prize. Why should the female be the prize? She needs a guy just as much as you need a girl. Thinking the girl is the prize just puts her on a pedestal, which we all know is wrong. Why should she be higher value than you? Yeah, she may be nice looking or whatever, but she's not the only girl out there with a set of boobs - all the others have them too.

So you really are the prize - at least just as much as she is. In fact, you are even MORE the prize than she is, because you are a MAN. And men are what make the world work. Men are proactive. They build the roads, they lead, they make things happen. What does a woman have to compare with this? Just her beauty, which is fleeting anyway. So yeah, you are the prize.


Zekko is spot on!

I think I'm handsome, I work out, I'm planning on a good career, I've got everything going for me, I've got a good sense of humour and a quirky personality, I'm easy going and make friends easily! Therefore I am a catch, therefore I stand on a pedestal and any woman would be lucky to have me.

I never used to believe this, but slowly and surely my opinion changed of me and now I get far more attention than previously, but it does take time, so don't expect instant results. Keep the faith and all will come good in the end. :)


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2010
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Actually there is a known fact to this and I am going to get a little weird on you all for this. There is a book I am currently reading, it has nothing to do with picking up girls but it does have to do with how you think and feel and how the universe reacts to it.

Here is the first 20 minutes of the film based off the book

I know it seems way out of left field but seriously its a good read and the concept for which pook applies follows the same theory.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
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Not just think u gotta believe and keep pushing yourself through all circumstances to have the mentality of being the prize. After a while physical body does all it can to stay consistent to what your self-image is. Napoleon hill elaborates on this in his books.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2010
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i agree with zekko

good point. Why is it the world seems to be tilted to viewing women as the prize? Men make things happen.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2010
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Actually there is a known fact to this and I am going to get a little weird on you all for this. There is a book I am currently reading, it has nothing to do with picking up girls but it does have to do with how you think and feel and how the universe reacts to it.

Here is the first 20 minutes of the film based off the book

I know it seems way out of left field but seriously its a good read and the concept for which pook applies follows the same theory.
Yeah, I've seen it. I've got the full movie on my computer, a friend sent it to me years ago. He is using it in his daily life. And it is true, if you really believe in something, and if you can imagine something, it happens. Have you read any of Napoleon Hill's books?

Btw, does anyone how old Pook is? And does he still go on sosuave?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Pook was by no means the first to make this assertion.

It is no coincidence that, through the ages, every teacher, prophet, wise man, and sage have agreed that "thought determines reality." They disagreed about many things, but it is only on this one point that they were in complete and unanimous agreement.

My favorite passage from the Bible is from Christ's Sermon on the Mount. I will share it with you:

"If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain: Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

This quotation is never far removed from my mind. The mountain of which Christ spoke was not a physical one, but a mountain built of all the things we fear, all the things we believe we cannot do, all the obstacles that stand in our way. They become a huge and intimidating mountain inside our mind, but if you create within yourself the virtue of FAITH you will say "Be gone!" and it will be gone.

More and more I come to see deeper and greater meanings in the teachings of Christ. Particularly, "seek, and ye shall find". What I take away from this is that whatever we believe is true about ourselves and the world, is what we are going to seek proof of, and we will always find it. If I believe the world to be a miserable craphole with no chance for myself to "move up", I will not be disappointed. If I believe that health, wealth, love, and happyness are off-limits to me, I will not be disappointed.

Yet, if I believe that I may accomplish anything, armed with my grains of mustard seed, I will not be disappointed!

Seek, and ye shall find!

Another work of which I am quite fond is James Allen's As a Man Thinketh. Originally published in 1902, it was an inspiration for the great works of Napoleon Hill that came later. I will share some of this as well: "The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, this you will become." I heartily recommend this book to all men who would make themselves.

The gist of this message, is that the only thing in this world over which we have complete authority, are our own thoughts. And consequently we discover that it is our thoughts that make us or break us. So if you can master your own mind, you can master your own reality as well.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2009
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"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was."
Muhammad Ali

Believe that you are and you will become.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Don't make the same mistake as I did first!
JUST believing it won't make you great. Sure, self-hypnosis and whatever, but ultimately this confidence has to be built step by step with small victories, with real women.

So walking around saying to yourself "I'm so cash" can be fun, but if you don't do anything to MAKE yourself awesome, then you will wake up the next day and notice that you can't believe it anymore. It is NOT your magical solution, but it is very nice food for thought.

If you don't have this confidence to begin with, you won't be able to fake it for too long.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Congruence, my friend. Congruence.

Unless you are indeed The Prize, "wishful thinking" will only take you so far...

You need to work on your inner and outer selves in order to be The Prize.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Wow, you guys are making great points here. Like Zekko and Julius mentioned, I must master my mind, not just for woman, but for I am a great man, and that I must strive hard in actions, practices, and habits to become the great prize and the prince. Thank you!


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
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Vatoloco said what I was trying to put into words.
you just cant think it and it'll happen.
you can think you're great with women all day long, but sitting infront of the TV eating a bucket of KFC isn't going to make it happen. Have to take action... going to the gym, making effort to meet new people and such.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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Love Shogun's Rule Zero:

Always know where you stand. How much money you have, who your real friends are, what you're capable of, what you aren't capable of (yet). Know everything about yourself.
After that, take these steps:

1) Know where you want to be, and be okay with failing a lot to get there - if you could do everything perfectly, you'd already BE successful. Want lots of money? Start a business. Want to be an actor? Take classes. Have no money for classes? Get a job. Have no job? Get one - and don't be "too good" for anything. If you were too good, you'd already be successful.

For 99 percent of your goals, there will be a simple path to get to them. The path only gets complicated when you try to ignore/bypass the obstacles that will inevitably appear instead of confronting them head on.

2) The most important step: Get there. Excuses never wrote anyone a paycheck.

Finally, notice that women are not part of this equation - that's a whole other topic.