Relationships Early 20's Waste of Time?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
As some of you may know my girlfriend has been on vacation for a few days and I've been stressing about a lot of what-if-situations. What if she cheats on me? What if she comes back and she's changed? The claws of insecurity and jealousy have struck me but today I had somewhat of an epiphany. Why am I bothering with a relationship when I'm so young? Don't get me wrong I like my girlfriend a lot but right now at this instance I don't think any girl is worth settling down with knowing that it probably won't make the long haul. I'll be 22 in a couple months and I should be trying to fyck as many girls as I can before I should think about settling down. I should be finding what traits and qualities I like in a woman instead holding on to a relationship that won't likely last.

My father had mentioned this to me afew weeks ago but much more indirectly. He said to me "Experiment and find out what you like and don't like." He was referring to jobs but I think he was also implying women in his tone of voice. I've realized lately my girlfriend hasn't been treating me very well. Her attitude isn't the greatest at times and she can be a bit b1tchy. I don't know why I continue to put up with this behavior. A little story: Her birthday was about a month ago and she had slept over my apartment only to leave her cell phone on my bed. When I came home her ex-boyfriend was calling her. I confronted her about the issue but said he was just calling to wish her a happy birthday. She will mention him every now and then but I haven't let it show that it affects me.

These behaviors on top of being young have made me think lately about my priorities and if this relationship is worth it when she treats me like this. I'll be taking the next couple days to evaluate my situation and if I should break it off. A note to all of you young guys, don't stay in a relationship unless you're 100% happy, you're too young for that shyt! Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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I think that in the early 20s, we find ourselves learning a lot about our own goals and interests and seeing ourselvies as who we want to be in the next 5-years, 10 years, etc. We finally have the capability to visualize our futuree beyond the immediate and start making plans for it. Our lives can revolve around our goals and hobbies, but if they are centerred entirely around women we will end up losing focus on the very core things that attract women to us in the first place: Good health, passion for life, excitement, strength, security.

Worrying about what she'll do is similar to oneitus. If your gf wanted to cheat on you, she'd be doing it here in town and you may never know. Your jealousy and worrying will do you no good and will only make you lose confidence in yourself as a man and in the quality of your relationship. If something feels wrong when she gets back, communicate about it. Remember that the relationships take two of you, so its not entirely your job to make sure things work nor is it entirely hers. You have to BOTH want to work on things, otherwise you'll have a nightmare of a time getting along for any stretched amount of time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Yeah man. Go out there and at least socilize with as many women as you can. Trust me when I say 22- 26 is a SHORT journey and it will be over before you know it. While you're young get out and meet as many girls as you can. It'll be a really good time and you definately won't regret it. Will you find the exact type you like? Probobably not but you might and it'll be a bangin good time while you're out doing it. You'll find yourself in interesting situations that will make for awesome stories in years to come as well.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
Yes in your early twenties you should be out there trying to bang as many women as you can. Get as much experience if you can. If you want keep your g/f on the side, see her a few times a week but date other women.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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dont limit yourself to one chick... there are way too many hot girls out there to be stuck with one. this week ive been out with 4 diff chicks. might as well enjoy it while we can.