"Rejection is God's protection."


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2014
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This is allegedly an old saying but I just became aware of it recently. How many of you have struck out with a girl you really liked only to realize later on that you're probably better off? I can think of a few instances where I would have ended up unhappy in the long run if I'd gotten my wish. Just something to think about.


Sep 25, 2014
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Electro67 said:
This is allegedly an old saying but I just became aware of it recently. How many of you have struck out with a girl you really liked only to realize later on that you're probably better off? I can think of a few instances where I would have ended up unhappy in the long run if I'd gotten my wish. Just something to think about.

It's like during that "fantasy of perfection" stage, knowing someone, they seem cool etc. meanwhile your subconcious is aware of the red flags or things you decide to over look to not be contstantly "negative" = realist. Things wind up not working out and or she rejects you for whatever reason, it may sting a little at first but you look back and realize red flags you chose to ignore that were there all along.

I've done that before with one chick. Glad she rejected me. Chick was cool as hell but at the same time had several red flags and belongs with someone on her level.

Some chicks may actually reject YOU as they are not only insecure as hell and know deep down they aren't on your level, but have nothing to offer except looks followed with tons of issues.

These same chicks you'll look back on at a time and think "WTF was I thinking even bothering."

Simply looks and a cool personality doesn't mean quality or someone who offers anything else.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
Happend all the time with my EX's lol. A better girl comes along everytime... Unless your a clueless, no hair on your balls - nice guy; Taking whatever you can get and not learning from the past.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
GettinMyMindRight said:
I can think of 2 instances where, looking back, I realize I'm much better off for not ending up with the girl.

I can think of a very good one that came into perspective last weekend. When I was rejected by this girl, it was a good friend of mine's friend. I realized, after hanging out with him and just having a great time that losing a friendship over a woman is the dumbest concept ever fathome . Women come and go but good friends stay for the majority of your life.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2014
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Houston, Texas
Strangely enough, this is an exceptional quote to live by. Solid game advice for anyone that takes rejection personally. Understand that rejection is apart of life and if you internalize that belief, your ego would be a pro instead of a con.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback. Here are three of my own experiences from recent years that illustrate the truth of that maxim.

1. I was in a relationship with one girl for a whole year. I fell hard for her and I would have done just about anything for her. But she was a raging narcissist and repeatedly f**ked with my head, emotions and self-esteem before she finally dumped me. I was devastated at the time but now I look back and realize I dodged a bullet, to say the least. It was a definite case of "what the f**k was I thinking?" She tried to contact me not long ago to try to patch things up but I ignored her and will continue to do so forever.

2. On the rebound from girl #1, I fell for an old acquaintance who had unexpectedly become flirty with me. When went on a couple of dates and had a good time, but I tried to move things along too fast and was rejected. I'm still friends with this girl and from my vantage point, I can see now what a trainwreck she is. I don't think I would have ended up happy with her.

3. Girl #3 is a stunner, an online friend I admired secretly from afar until she broke up with her boyfriend and then, not long after, suddenly took an interest in me. We went on several long dates and I saw a lot of potential for a relationship developing, but then she ceased all contact for reasons unknown (although I have my theories). I'm reasonably sure at this point that she was just using me to alleviate her boredom and now she's moved on to something else and no longer has a use for me. I was pretty upset because I really had feelings for her, but as the gauze of "pedestalization" falls away from my eyes, all of her flaws that I ignored earlier are coming into focus. A relationship with her would have been fun for a while but probably would've come to an ugly end due to our very different personalities. This happened recently enough that I'm still bummed about it, but I know that someday I'll be glad that it ended before I got in too deep.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
God is not watching over us because we are no angels.