Red flags or is it just me?


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
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Been reading this board for a while and currently reading the DJ Bible. I know this is long, but would really appreciate your advice! Thanks!

My history:

- Dated a fair amount and been in a couple LTR's, the last one with a BPD that was higly toxic and devastated me mentally/emotionally (single 2yrs since).

- BPD relationship killed my self-esteem resulting in me taking a long break from women altogether (I also lost a lot of money to her).

- Started dating again 6 months ago but admit I need to work on my game and myself. I'm a "work in progress".

- I have a great job, do well financially, am extremely fit, dress well, 7-8 on looks, early 30's, never married no kids.

- I do well getting looks from women and the initial interest, but my lack of confidence means I don't jump on opportunities or I self-sabotage my relationships.

I recently dated this girl for 2-3 months and think she may have been a "good girl", but it ended so quickly I do not know what to make of it. She's also in her early 30's. Give me your advice!

I met the girl at an art function and asked her to make a piece for me. It took a few weeks to make and when ready I picked it up at her place. As I was getting ready to leave she asked if I would like to stay and have a drink, so I said yes. We conversed and she mentioned another art event held once per month and asked if I'd like to go. I said yes. I left and that's it (no close but it wasn't a date... or maybe that's just weakass game?).

A month and half pass and she contacts me about the event (in that time we did not communicate at all). She bought my ticket and invited me to dinner with a few of her good friends who were also going. I was thinking she wanted her friends to "assess" me, so I gave an excuse that I was working late and could not make dinner but would meet her directly at the art event instead. At the event things were great, she stuck by my side the entire time, always made effort to sit beside me, etc. When I decided I needed to get going she also said she needed to leave, so we both left together and I drove her home. Unfortunately, I did not kiss close due to weakass game and it ended cordially.

I contacted her the next day to thank her for the night out and asked about another art thing she mentioned. The art thing did not happen, but long story short this lead to an official dinner date, to which I drove her home and SHE kissed me goodnight on the lips. From here this led to more dates and more kissing and touching, but no sex.

Here's where I need your help. Although I believe she had really High Interest, some things concerned me which I don't know are red flags or just me???

- She mentioned multiple times (4-6) that she'd like to come over to see my art collection (she's an artist and I collect art). Due to lack of trust I would always brush this off which I
now see is a huge mistake... she wanted to come over and I rejected her multiple times. I would always go to her place and she never saw mine.

- One time, she flat out asked me how much money I make and when I wouldn't answer she asked if it was higher than this or lower than this amount. I told her I do well.

- I drive a nice car and she asked if I lease it or own it outright.

- She asked if I have a lot of debt and I told her I have no debt.

- I mentioned once that I invest a lot and she would ask me questions about my portfolio and which stocks to buy since hers was not doing well (I could tell she did not know much about investing and she would try to pick my brain about it).

- Whenever we'd go out for dinner I would pay and I notice she would not always say thank you or even at least offer to pay.

- A couple times when we were out drinking, she'd order drinks quite liberally on my dime and not even offer to pay.

- I believe she's a heavy drinker and one time she went out and sent me drunken txt msgs and ended with XOXOXO. I wonder if she does this regularly and with other guys?

- She mentioned early on that she was on an online dating site, which I was as well. During one of our dates, she told me she went out with a guy the previous week and he took her to a cheap restaurant and compared it to the nice restaurant I took her to (insinuating I was the "better" guy so far). I played it cool and told her if that's her style then to role with that dude.

- She told me her two previous relationships were with men 40 and 50 and one of the guys would regularly spoil her with five course meals. This is her past, but I couldn't help but think
she wants to be rescued bc she is ready to have a family yet does not make a ton of money (she has a mortgage which I believe consumes most of her income).

- I will be honest, between dates we would not call/text/email that often. On my end, this was partly due to me trying to be a challenge and but maybe I pushed it too far.

Anyhow, after a really good date I told her something between us was "off". This was immature of me because my intention was to see if she would fight for me (I honestly did not know if she truly liked me... see, this is where my game starts f*&king up and I do stupid sh*t like this!!!). This caught her by surprise, but suffice to say I did not hear from her for a week. I discussed with my good female friends and they said she was probably hurt and felt rejected by me, so I got in touch with her and she said she thought I was mad at her. After this we
started going out again.

A few dates later I told her I felt like I was investing more into the relationship and she needed to invest to balance it out. So, the next date she organized it all and paid for it all. Prior to going out, we were at her place and got hot and heavy. I was fingering her and she was playing with my c*ck, then we went out to dinner. During dinner she invited me to stay at her parents house who live two hours away (they would not be there) for the entire weekend together. She also mentioned again that she'd like to come over to my place and watch a movie I had, to which I brushed her off yet again. Dinner ended, she paid, I drove her back and there was more hot and heavy action yet no sex. This was prob our best date nonetheless.

Two days pass after after that date and there is no communication btwn us (I guess I was testing to see if she would reach out to me). Finally she txts me and basically says she is really confused with me, that she likes me a lot but gets mixed signals and that something probably is off, and she's not sure if we are a right match. The next day we talk on the phone and she says the same thing but that we have amazing dates and she is not sure if she is ready to walk but that she does not want to waste her time nor mine. She ends it by saying I have a dry
personality and emotionally she wants more. She also questioned if I was married or have a girlfriend, bringing up the fact that I never invited her over. I basically say ok and the convo ends. Now that I've typed this I can see where my fault lies. But, were the red flags above justified? Are they even red flags?

A couple days pass and my insecurities and immaturities come out. I contact her for some stupid reason and ask if she has any STD's. This pisses her off and we bicker back and forth,
calling each other names and me calling her a gold-digger. This was very juvenile of me and I regret resorting to this level. The next day I apologize to her but do not hear back, and that's how it has been since going on a month now.

So guys, guess what I am asking is for you to pick me apart and help me see what I do not see. I do believe she was a girl good and had potential for a LTR, but my vision is distorted.

Feedback is welcome!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
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The first part of your novel was great. The 2nd part was okay, I needed to take a break and strech for a while. When I started reading the third act I'm not sure if I started back at the same place but I skimmed over it because I need to go to bed sometime tonight.

Seriously, from what I could conjure up, she dug you. You did well at the beginning. Sometimes girls mis-read guys. You didn't want to do this and that because you didn't want to be judged or you were nervous. She read it as he's too cool and has other more important sh1t to do. Whatever.

Not sure how to pick apart this whole scenario but I will give you some advice.

Spin plates.

Boom, I'm out, and drunk.


The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I would be very cautious of this girl. The fact that she inquired about financials multiple times tells me about all I need to know. I'd make this girl just another one in the lineup and only make time for her when you dont have anything better.

Also someone getting irate when asked a simple question is another red flag. I don't know if she has an std or not, but its a legit question. Regardless, its a ding on her personality. You get into a relationship with this woman and you will see more of this behavior any time you ask something that makes her uncomfortable.

Just by the questions she asked, I'd say she has dated some real losers or is one herself. It all goes back to the old saying "birds of a feather flock together"! ;-)

You did a good job of not being too available. You played it cool and were indifferent and it amped her attraction for you.

Try to surround yourself with some higher quality women that behave better. I know they are very rare! lol. But it will do wonders for your outlook towards them.

Don't let another one of them drag you down. This one definitely has the potential.

ps. and to answer your question about her drunk texting.......oh yes she does this on a regular basis. She probably sends the same text to 10 different guys.


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback guys.... and thanks for taking the time to read! :)

I guess some of her actions/words just didn't feel right, like there was an agenda behind it.

I also figure at her age she's looking to settle down and find a prince to rescue her and make her dreams come true. I hate chicks who focus more on the money than the guy.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
CaliMan007 said:
Thanks for the feedback guys.... and thanks for taking the time to read! :)

I guess some of her actions/words just didn't feel right, like there was an agenda behind it.

I also figure at her age she's looking to settle down and find a prince to rescue her and make her dreams come true. I hate chicks who focus more on the money than the guy.
You held your end pretty well. Sounds like she is looking for a savior, with her checking your portfolio and questions as such. The no sex beyond petting sounds like a control freak once she gets engaged! spin those plates!


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I dont like the woman that ask direct questions about my financial status , she is usually even in hurry to hunt the boyfriend/husband and doesnt have a time to ask one question per date or she have no respect to me so she not feel embarrassed to ask this question .
I think she find you kind of nice rich guy so she found it is ok to be more direct with you because (in her mind you have no self respect to stop her )

I personally started hating her the moment she asked you if you own the car or it is leased


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
"One time, she flat out asked me how much money I make"

I can understand a woman's desire to want to gauge financial security with a man she sees potential in. On the other hand, I can't get around how disgusting I find this question. It makes me walk away and completely lose attraction.

My guess is this broad wants to sit on her a$$ and be taken care of. Spin those plates.


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for clarifying these red flags gents. I knew they were bad signs, my gut knows best.

Regarding finances, I think I even read somewhere that people nowadays are even asking for credit history and whatnot. Anyone finding this to be the case? Part of me can sort of understand this given how many deadbeats there are out there.


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
glass half full said:
You held your end pretty well. Sounds like she is looking for a savior, with her checking your portfolio and questions as such. The no sex beyond petting sounds like a control freak once she gets engaged! spin those plates!
Yes, but had I invited her over to my place that probably would have led to sex. I am thinking this is where I went wrong. I rejected her one too many times?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
origin138 said:
"One time, she flat out asked me how much money I make"

I can understand a woman's desire to want to gauge financial security with a man she sees potential in. On the other hand, I can't get around how disgusting I find this question. It makes me walk away and completely lose attraction.

My guess is this broad wants to sit on her a$$ and be taken care of. Spin those plates.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Well, I MAY check credit history BEFORE I'd marry one. IF she can't handle her own money, she has NO right to think I'm going to share or listen to her "wisdom" on what to buy or invest in


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for confirming my gut instincts guys. This feedback really helps me to learn to trust in myself again.

It's ironic that she paid for one date (a nice bill to boot), and consequently that turned out to be our last date.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2010
Reaction score
Somewhere around 25-30 women begin to trade solid commitment for the money train. Just like they traded confidence and fun for a reliable future around 25. Could be she was just checking to see how you would respond or trying to get you to man up and make a move.

If you like her (and that she's post worthy shows you do) go have some fun, and make a move! Show her you're a man. Doesn't have to be an x-rated night, just some confidence from you. If things are going so great for you (and it sonds like they are) show her you're proud of yourself - Confidence = MAKING A MOVE!

If you're not too confident, we should go out next time I'm back in CA. I'll help you get your groove back bro


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
- One time, she flat out asked me how much money I make and when I wouldn't answer she asked if it was higher than this or lower than this amount. I told her I do well.

- I drive a nice car and she asked if I lease it or own it outright.

- She asked if I have a lot of debt and I told her I have no debt.

- Whenever we'd go out for dinner I would pay and I notice she would not always say thank you or even at least offer to pay.

- A couple times when we were out drinking, she'd order drinks quite liberally on my dime and not even offer to pay.

- I believe she's a heavy drinker and one time she went out and sent me drunken txt msgs and ended with XOXOXO. I wonder if she does this regularly and with other guys?

- She mentioned early on that she was on an online dating site, which I was as well. During one of our dates, she told me she went out with a guy the previous week and he took her to a cheap restaurant and compared it to the nice restaurant I took her to (insinuating I was the "better" guy so far). I played it cool and told her if that's her style then to role with that dude.

- She told me her two previous relationships were with men 40 and 50 and one of the guys would regularly spoil her with five course meals. This is her past, but I couldn't help but think
she wants to be rescued bc she is ready to have a family yet does not make a ton of money (she has a mortgage which I believe consumes most of her income).
"Danger, Will Robinson! DANGER!"

After reading the rest of the interaction, bro, you need a lot of work. I would just put off [hot] women until your Game gets a WHOLE LOT better. At this stage, you're just gonna keep fucking up...

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
CaliMan, please put your age in your profile so I don't have to move it out of Mature Man.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
What's the problem here? You should have escalated and gave her a really good pounding. Then you'll find out where your "relationship" with her is headed.

Sure there are some red flags, but why not see where this goes?

She was/is really interested. POUND HER!


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
CaliMan, please put your age in your profile so I don't have to move it out of Mature Man.
Sorry man, age is up now. I think I qualify as being "mature".


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
To address some of the replies:

Yes, I did (and honestly still do) like this girl but had inclinations that her intention may not have been the most honest. Something in my gut held back. In analyzing this growth experience, I know now I should have invited her back to my place and tried to bang her. I guess my growth moment is realizing that I need to play the game, and this is part of it. My mindset is quite "traditional".... man and woman fall in love, honesty, unconditional acceptance of the other, forever and ever, blah blah blah. This is an awakening that I need to change the way I view relationships and women altogether.

Other red flags which I just thought of:

There was one time when she mentioned that I am wealthy and that she is poor (meaning house poor because she has a mortgage which I know basically eats most of her income). Keep in mind, I do well but I would not say I am wealthy although I carry myself very well.

Early on she was embarassed to admit she drives a beater car. I said I don't give a sh!t what car she drives but I found this kind of odd as though she needed to impress me with her ride?

One time she asked me why I don't date lawyers and doctors. I said I have but it just didn't work out. I guess she associates me with this type of "class" and that she is not part of it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
CaliMan007 said:
One time she asked me why I don't date lawyers and doctors. I said I have but it just didn't work out. I guess she associates me with this type of "class" and that she is not part of it.

I honestly would have laughed in her face for that one.

Then I would have answered it with a question. Then when she tried to explain her reasoning, asked her a question again about it. Dug as deep as I could go.

I know why it matters to her, but my goal would have been to get her to admit it, and realize how shallow she is.
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