recomend some books


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
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I've recently acquired the 48 laws of power and the art of seduction by mr robert greene. Im looking to read something more along the lines of changing your life/thinking on money and career tho. Thanks!

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
"Think Like a Winner" by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples.

Check out the reviews on Amazon.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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For changing your life? I would like to ask you where you want to go in the future. But for raw suggestions my choice wouldn't go to books or seminars. It goes straight to the great posters on SS, if you are new here I would recommend the following posters:

- KontrollerX
- Rollo Tomassi
- Str8up
- Jophil28
- Snow Plowman
- Pook <*With The book of Pook*>
Along with the DJ bible its a bit dated but still better then most books that costs money.

And ofcourse there are many more who I have forgotten but this will keep you busy for a while and if you could do me a favor, can you post a little about yourself? This forum can help you reach your goals if you ask for direct advice from the right people ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
"The Secret" changed me for the better. Its one of those things which will either do wonders for you or be waste of time. It depends on how open you are to new beliefs.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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r0cky said:
"The Secret" changed me for the better. Its one of those things which will either do wonders for you or be waste of time. It depends on how open you are to new beliefs.
I remember "The law of attraction" from a year ago! I wanted to link a website where a discussion was about 9/11 was going on. Somebody started a topic saying "Is the 9/11 incident the fault of the people inside the WTC?" Well soon enough the mods and other forum members where responding with "Yes they must have attracted it, conscience or unconscience it was thier own fault :kick: " but its in Dutch, so not much of use here but the logic would work like this

1 I shoot you
2 You get mortally wounded
3 It is your own fault for having attracted my bullet :eek:

Sounds like a nice belief to have :cool: Being open minded is cool but don't be carefull not to get delusional. But on a more personal note, I don't know if you are like this but i'm posting what I have seen people do with "The Secret". :up:


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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Dedication said:
I remember "The law of attraction" from a year ago! I wanted to link a website where a discussion was about 9/11 was going on. Somebody started a topic saying "Is the 9/11 incident the fault of the people inside the WTC?" Well soon enough the mods and other forum members where responding with "Yes they must have attracted it, conscience or unconscience it was thier own fault :kick: " but its in Dutch, so not much of use here but the logic would work like this

1 I shoot you
2 You get mortally wounded
3 It is your own fault for having attracted my bullet :eek:

Sounds like a nice belief to have :cool: Being open minded is cool but don't be carefull not to get delusional. But on a more personal note, I don't know if you are like this but i'm posting what I have seen people do with "The Secret". :up:
Thats is the same problem with any religion. Why did God allow 9/11, the holocaust, etc? If he is so powerful and so loving, why does he allow you to have so much pain sometimes?

My answer to arguments such as "according to the law of attraction, jewish people wanted the holocaust" is that the law of attraction is just like like any other law. A. It ALWAYS works B. It can be unfair to those who are unaware of it. C. It serves a purpose.
Take the law of gravity. A. It never fails. B. It can be unfair for those that slip off a cliff. C. It keeps you from floating into space. So, although you benefit from it, if you dont know how to use the law of gravity it will treat you unfairly.
The Secret is about allowing you to make use of the law of attraction so that you can benefit from it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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r0cky said:
Thats is the same problem with any religion. Why did God allow 9/11, the holocaust, etc? If he is so powerful and so loving, why does he allow you to have so much pain sometimes?

My answer to arguments such as "according to the law of attraction, jewish people wanted the holocaust" is that the law of attraction is just like like any other law. A. It ALWAYS works B. It can be unfair to those who are unaware of it. C. It serves a purpose.
Take the law of gravity. A. It never fails. B. It can be unfair for those that slip off a cliff. C. It keeps you from floating into space. So, although you benefit from it, if you dont know how to use the law of gravity it will treat you unfairly.
The Secret is about allowing you to make use of the law of attraction so that you can benefit from it.
I think that 'the law of attraction' is more like a 'rule of attraction' when you see a group of children playing together there is usually a leader, everybody goes up to him and listens to the leader. Could it be that he attracted everybody? I think he does with his body language, voice tonality and the way he handles the moment he is in.

But then I come here and commit myself to approach the first 10 women I see on the street, did those 10 women attract me? No! I would have approached them anyway. I think that "the law of attraction" is something you can use to make yourself aware, that the way you are decides what you attract. But it doesn't work on a big scale like 9/11, I don't believe there was a huge negative vibe that attracted a plane to crash.

Theories, rules and laws are just instruments to make you aware of the way you can percieve reality, use them as you please.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a MUST.

It will steer you in the right direction for becoming financially independent, wealthy and not taking part in the rat race.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Some things are worth more then money. If someone offered me a million dollars to erase these books from existence and my mind I'd have to decline.

Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
Basic Writings of Nietzsche - Friedrich Nietzsche
History of Western Philosophy - Bertrand Russell
Informal Logic: A Pragmatic Approach - Douglas Walton
Our Final Century - Martin Rees
Consciousness Explained - Dan Dennett
Tricks of the mind- Derren Brown
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
CaptainJ said:
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a MUST.

It will steer you in the right direction for becoming financially independent, wealthy and not taking part in the rat race.
Couldn't disagree more. Kiyosaki's advice wasn't even applicable during times of easy credit when the real estate markets could do no wrong. I stopped reading "rich dad, poor dad" after about 10 pages; I know garbage when I read it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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synergy1 said:
Couldn't disagree more. Kiyosaki's advice wasn't even applicable during times of easy credit when the real estate markets could do no wrong. I stopped reading "rich dad, poor dad" after about 10 pages; I know garbage when I read it.
I almost made it half way through but couldn't continue. Tedious.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
I'd strongly recommend reading the "Accidental Millionaire". I really don't read a lot of nonfiction, but this one was SUCH an easy read that I read it in one day. It is very inspiring with an emphasis on thinking outside the box, and a JUST DO IT mentality.

There are also some added benefits of seeing examples of extreme AFCism, as well as his shift into a more "DJ" mentality and lifestyle, and well, how that all works out. ;)


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
ya I read half of rich dad poor dad.... his writing style is crappy and it bugged me. plus his advice is so so. I can see where he's coming from, like taking risks and thinking outside the box...but some of his advice is crappp


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is the grandfather of every self-improvement book ever written. Read it.

"The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran is an awesome experience. It is a philosophical take on all the facets of life, and Gibran's voice is what really made it, he flows like Ecclesiastes. It is a religious experience to read this book. Actually, here is an excerpt, this book is never far from my desk:

And a man said, Speak to us of Self-Knowledge.
And he answered, saying:
Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.
But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.
You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.
You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.
And it is well you should.
The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;
And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.
But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;
And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.
For self is a sea boundless and measureless.
Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
Say not "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path."
For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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synergy1 said:
Couldn't disagree more. Kiyosaki's advice wasn't even applicable during times of easy credit when the real estate markets could do no wrong. I stopped reading "rich dad, poor dad" after about 10 pages; I know garbage when I read it.
It's probably because you only read 10 pages that you didn't fully understand what the book was about. The book is not about getting credit, or getting into the real estate market, or get rich quick schemes. It's about getting out of the rat race. It's an introduction into furthering your financial mind. It's about dispelling the myths behind the rich. It's all about the MINDSET behind being rich, and how important it is to have an understanding of money and business.

If you approached Rich Dad Poor Dad with the intent on learning how to get rich, then no wonder you put it down. It will not tell you how to get rich, you have to figure it out yourself. It will merely give you a kick start in the right direction and give you the mindset of a rich person so you realise the importance of gathering assets rather than money.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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CaptainJ said:
It's probably because you only read 10 pages that you didn't fully understand what the book was about. The book is not about getting credit, or getting into the real estate market, or get rich quick schemes. It's about getting out of the rat race. It's an introduction into furthering your financial mind. It's about dispelling the myths behind the rich. It's all about the MINDSET behind being rich, and how important it is to have an understanding of money and business.

If you approached Rich Dad Poor Dad with the intent on learning how to get rich, then no wonder you put it down. It will not tell you how to get rich, you have to figure it out yourself. It will merely give you a kick start in the right direction and give you the mindset of a rich person so you realise the importance of gathering assets rather than money.
Amazing that everyone who spews Kiyosaki's crap says nearly the same thing. Like I said, I read part of it, and thought it was laymen **** packaged in pretty antidotes tailored to appeal to imbeciles. Timing has as much to do with hitting it big in money as does mind set...maybe more. The SAME person with the mindset to get rich off real estate could have done that in 2001 when borrowing and free credit was the norm, but they would fail miserably now; odd, the mindset is still the same.

Anyone who wants to get rich, do yourself a favor. Read a real book about money. Millionaire next door is a much better glimpse into the mind of a millionaire. Kiyosaki will disillusion you into thinking that educated people who work for a living are chumps. Read about the banking systems, the value of long term investing ( heck short term if you want), or how corporations work. There is way more value in reading something substantial than reading a bunch of 'you can do it!' type books with absolutely zero value to them.

1- Millionaire Next door
2- Intelligent Investor
3- Buffetology ( recommended by a successful stock investor on these forums)


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
synergy1 said:
Amazing that everyone who spews Kiyosaki's crap says nearly the same thing. Like I said, I read part of it, and thought it was laymen **** packaged in pretty antidotes tailored to appeal to imbeciles. Timing has as much to do with hitting it big in money as does mind set...maybe more. The SAME person with the mindset to get rich off real estate could have done that in 2001 when borrowing and free credit was the norm, but they would fail miserably now; odd, the mindset is still the same.

Anyone who wants to get rich, do yourself a favor. Read a real book about money. Millionaire next door is a much better glimpse into the mind of a millionaire. Kiyosaki will disillusion you into thinking that educated people who work for a living are chumps. Read about the banking systems, the value of long term investing ( heck short term if you want), or how corporations work. There is way more value in reading something substantial than reading a bunch of 'you can do it!' type books with absolutely zero value to them.

1- Millionaire Next door
2- Intelligent Investor
3- Buffetology ( recommended by a successful stock investor on these forums)
Yes you are correct, time and opportunity are just as important as mindset when it comes to business, even Kiyosaki admits this, but he places value in finding opportunity in ANY situation. You say that the situation right now has left Real Estate in the ****hole. You may be correct, but you are missing out on the opportunity. Low Real estate prices + retiring Baby boomers = a buyers market, ripe time for people to snatch up a lot of real estate cheaply from motivated sellers. Slumps are always only temporary, the demand for housing as the population rises is always increasing and minor setbacks like this are only breathing periods to allow new people to get into the game. That's an example of finding opportunity in any bad situation.

Kiyosaki even mentions a similar example in the book when the depressed real estate market in Pheonix gave him some instant good deals. The name of the game is creativity, and making opportunity for yourself. Kiyosaki does not bang on about getting easy credit and borrowing from banks like you say, he puts more focus on no money down deals and being creative to get the deal done. That's how it should be. You have to be creative and be ready to take the situations the market throws at you.

I'm reading around the subject, not just Kiyosaki, but his book Rich Dad Poor Dad is an important starter for getting someone going in business.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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As someone who is still in the starting stages of a small business themselves, I find 48 laws of power being very useful. That book gets enough press here so I won't really elaborate.

As for Kiyosaki, we respectfully disagree with one another and it can be left at that without cluttering up an otherwise good thread. If a book motivates people, I guess there is no wrong with promoting it. I just offer the other side of the coin!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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synergy1 said:
Kiyosaki will disillusion you into thinking that educated people who work for a living are chumps.
Now that you mention it, this is what has really confused me. Afther I read 'Think & grow rich' with 'the 4 hour workweek' I really thought that anybody who worked in a 9-5 job was a chump. I looked around and interacted with alot of people but some of them where really happy and gratefull with that hey got even tough they the miserable 9-5 job.

"They must've been brainwashed by society" is what I thought. How can it be otherwise? Doesn't anyobody like to have a passive incoming cashflow without having to lift a finger?

I believed the books because I didn't had any real experience with the 'normal working man' but now that you pointed this out I can clearly see where that I was in the wrong for having these thoughts.

Thanks for pointing this out Synergy1 :up:

Darles Chickens

Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Artist of Life - Bruce Lee

You don't have to be an expert or even a fan of martial art to understand Lee's exploration into living a fulfilling and happy life. It's a little repetitive in parts but overall I found it very inspirational.