Rebuild yourself

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Alot of confusion i've seen has to do with people getting too far ahead of themselves and skipping key parts of their "From AFC to DJ growth".

I see alot of people who skip the first, and by far most important section of getting DJ-fide. Rebuilding yourself.

Lets face it. Society has worked a hell of a number on us. From the first time he plug into the TV we start our social programming. Disney tells us to treat girls like princesses, commercials teaches us that life is all about stuff. Commercials tells us we are ugly and that we need an object to complete us. Our piers are just as screwed up as we are, and when we they reject us we take it personally. From the first time excluded from a playground game to the time the little cute girl tells us she's not interested, society is molding us into spineless, over-sensative women.

So that pisses us off and we become desperate for a solution, a fast way to get laid, a simple plan to get rich, we get lazy because we doubt our personal power because we have been told that it isn't enough. We believe that we need something to do things for us. Tools. Isn't that what mankind is all about? our tools? Well true they can sure as hell make life easier, but what good is an excevator going to do you if you can't even use a shovel?

So now we are pissed off and look for an ******d solution so that we can attribute our suckyness to the lack of something.

Well as nice as it would be if all our problems could be summed up as, "oh, it's because i don't have XYZ", but in the end we must realize that we are the ones to blame.

So first step to rebuilding yourself:

Put women on hold. Yes, put them off until you are ready. No woman wants a broken man. I'm not telling you to give up women forever, but just put it off till a later time, this way you can focus on YOU.

Admit you are screwed up. Take the blame. Get over it.

Now i'm not telling you to get all hard on yourself. But to admit to having a hand in your own failure. By doing so, a change occurs within you. You want to fix it. If you wreck your bike, you'll end up fixing it, or paying out of your own wallet to fix it. If your friend wrecks your bike, you'd make him do it. Now you realize that you've broken your life, and you need to fix it.

Step two: Fix it

What is holding you back? I don't know. You do though. So figure out what it would take for you to be comfortable with yourself. No one will be comfortable with you unless you are too. Love yourself. No one will love you if you can't love yourself. But that doesn't mean you have to get concieted about it though, just be happy with yourself. If that means you need to loose 20 lbs, Look up a thread on weight loss and do it. Need to gain some muscle? Hit the wieghts. Whatever you need to do, do it. No one will like you if you don't like you.

Step three: Enjoy it and maintain it

Once you become happy with yourself, enjoy life. Now you can start hitting on those fly hunnies again, and if you get rejected, so be it, but don't take it personally, there are plenty reasons why she may reject you, she may be a robot or something. Either way, don't get discouraged, and don't let anything undo your reprograming.

Just keep in mind how much power you have. Many people don't realize how much power they have. Teddy Rosevelt was the biggest whimp and he got the hell over it and became one of the greatest men of our time. Single men have altered the course of history. If Lance Armstong can fight cancer, and win the tour de france six times in a row, you can shape up.

You have the power, now use it.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
OK sure you didn't just simplify the storyline of the movie 'Anger Management'

Truth is I actaully know what I have to do but are too afraid to do it!!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
NthDegree said:
OK sure you didn't just simplify the storyline of the movie 'Anger Management'

Truth is I actaully know what I have to do but are too afraid to do it!!!
That won't last too long, I don't think. Eventually you'll get sick of feeling badly. Then you'll grit your teeth and tough it out.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
True Wolf said:
If Lance Armstong can fight cancer, and win the tour de france six times in a row, you can shape up.
You have the power, now use it.
Did you take this straight out of "Dodgeball"? I'm jk, I love that line in the movie and nice post.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2006
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Well actually I am how would you say considered to be a "geek" because of the fact that I dominate in the area of computing.

Not general computing but fixing PCs, optimising PC security and i'm currently learning PHP scripting to set up my own forum (without using exploitable and insecure forum software like phpBB, IPB or vbulletin).

Trouble is i'm not happy with just that, I want more but haven't even started work yet and society has treated me like total sh!t. To top that up people who I considered to be friends who I have known all my life still treat me like cr@p.

My social skills are really bad, partly because I don't have a social life.

I was kicked out of school (for computer related incidents - I decided to bully my bullies a bit ^.^) so although I am at the legal age to leave school and start work now I have no qualifications.

So is it going to be easy to turn my life around NO, it is possible to do it YES.

But how do I accomplish it? I don't know where to start other than getting a job. Even then I don't know where to go.

Oh yeah I ditched my "friends" that treated me like cr@p, so now i'm friendless too >.<

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ok Nth, what don't you like about yourself / your life? Gimme a top 5 list in both.

Oh, and to the other guys about the movies, i didn't intend for it to be that way, but now that you point it out, it makes sense lol i rock.