Really can't work her out


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Hi Fellas. I met this chick (she is 30 so should be mature enough by now surely) several months ago in a bar. We exchanged numbers but then it came out she had a b/f so wouldn't meet up with me as she didn't want to be a cheater.

Anyway, we still exchanged SMSs off and on for about 5 months and she would instigate them probably 40% of the time. Well on Xmas Eve I got a call from her saying her 1 year relationship was off (prior to that she had an 11 year relationship) and did I want to meet up. So we met up and had a great evening, but she made the comments that she didn't want a relationship with anyone at the moment therefore I never pushed anything. We went out a couple of weeks after and again I didn't push anything apart from the odd cheeky kiss on the lips, but she seemed to be happy with that.

Anyway, we went out for the 3rd time last night and again had a really good evening, but this time I ended up confessing that I was very keen on her, but not in an AFC way and I thought the timing was right. Despite this her body language remained very positive and she was completely shocked and surprised and said no man had ever told her this things I said before and she was quite flattered. However, I have been shoved into the friends zone and I am frustrated because I genuinely thought this would go somewhere. I just can't believe for a second that she didn't know I fancied her.

She has admitted that she thinks I am good looking and I make her laugh and she always has a good time with me. So, what more does she want? I am now paranoid it is because I have no real status in life at the moment. I don't have a great job, no car anymore and my living arrangements are not ideal. I'm making ground to get back on track but this is going to take time.

I seem to have this problem with many women. I meet them, they think I am attractive and a good laugh, but then they don't want to take it any further. Believe me guys I am far from being an AFC, but over the last few months I have had more knock backs than I can handle.

Any opinions? Thanks.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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well from wat i read...there are some points that you've done wrong.

1. your way to easy...always available and all... texted her often eventhough shes still with her bf thus,'re no mystery to her...she know you're intereseted in her...i can tell. dated her just amonth before they break up... didnt keep your guard up and invested feelings too early
6.lastly,you dont have other chicks to date...

thats what i can see in your currnt situation...


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
Why do guys always do this? I'll give you a situation.

Guy meets girl. Girl is in relationship. Guy sits around and waits for girl to say "Hey, I'm single now, wanna hang out?" Guy agrees. Girl sh** tests the hell out of guy. "I'm not looking for a relationship" Guy sits around doing everything to help girl see the error of her ways hoping that she'll change her mind and want a relationship with him. Guy finally confesses his love for the girl. Girl laughs to herself. "I got this guy in the palm of my hand... You're nice, but I think we should just be friends." Guy now feels like an idiot but still believes he can make girl see the error of her ways and want a relationship with him, when in reality the only thing the girl wanted was some steady di** because she doesn't want to feel like a slut.

Sound familiar? It should because this is you. When a girl tells you that she's just got out of a relationship, she's not trying to hop back into another one. She's looking for someone she can have fun and "hook up" with. If you ever find yourself in this situation, go out, have fun, then come back home for some casual sex. Eventually you'll find that you're always banging this chick and she'll bring up the whole relationship thing. Never ever ever mention relationship to a girl before she does.

My advice to you in this case. Cut your loses, pick your face up off the ground, and find another girl. This one is lost for now.


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Partially true

Guys there are a lot of points that you make that are true and some not so. Firstly I most definitely haven't been sitting around waiting for this girl to break up with her boyfriend, I've been out with quite a few but none of them have really done anything for me. In fact I am out with another lady tomorrow night who IS interested, but for me I only want one thing out of her and by the sound of it I am likely to get it.

The grand mistakes I have made is being too available for her and saying stuff too early too soon. The reason I said what I said was because she was questioning me about have I ever found a woman I would marry and my honest answer was yes, it's you. I didn't see any point in lying and I was concerned that she may have been getting the vibe that I wasn't interested in her.

I will be backing off now and I won't be doing any more running. Actually thinking about it, she asked me if I wanted to go out with her and some friends tomorrow night and I said no.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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What does she want you ask? She wants a man that can **** her brains out and not be afraid to ever see her again. Shes already had a bf for a good majority of her life shes 30 not married and wishing she was in her 20s. she dosent want a man whos BF material she wants a guy who can show her want shes been missing for most her life
Jan 20, 2007
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yeah, she needs a guy who can plow hard enough to make her immobile for a week