Reality Check


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
If I have to intentionally delay my response to a woman or more in order to not appear clingy or needy and have that abundance mindset, I have no life and I am not ready for a girlfriend.

Using other women to appear unavailable would work artificially, but would not let me focus on my purpose in life or help me understand the true meaning of abundance.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
Agree with String - you are overthinking it. Text/call a woman when you want to. Obviously, if you are blowing up her phone that is not good, but if it is a matter of a response, there is no magic thing about responding when you can within a few minutes if you are free or artificially deciding to wait 3 hours. A lot of these delay response tactics were created back in the early 2000s, and in this day in age with our cell phones basically a part of our bodies, you can spot people who are just waiting to respond for the sake of waiting.

Have the IDGAF attitude -- aka do what you want without any regard for how they feel about it. You may respond instantly because you are free one day, but the next you are busy at work and it takes 4 hours. That is legit.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
Agree with String - you are overthinking it. Text/call a woman when you want to. Obviously, if you are blowing up her phone that is not good, but if it is a matter of a response, there is no magic thing about responding when you can within a few minutes if you are free or artificially deciding to wait 3 hours. A lot of these delay response tactics were created back in the early 2000s, and in this day in age with our cell phones basically a part of our bodies, you can spot people who are just waiting to respond for the sake of waiting.

Have the IDGAF attitude -- aka do what you want without any regard for how they feel about it. You may respond instantly because you are free one day, but the next you are busy at work and it takes 4 hours. That is legit.
Agreed. I can sniff that BS out, and they can too. But if you have a job or just generally doing things like working out, shooting hoops, yard work, etc. wait until you’re done before you text back. It not only tells them they’re not the center of their universe, but it also sets an expectation that sometimes you just cannot text at the moment.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
If I have to intentionally delay my response to a woman or more in order to not appear clingy or needy and have that abundance mindset, I have no life and I am not ready for a girlfriend.

Using other women to appear unavailable would work artificially, but would not let me focus on my purpose in life or help me understand the true meaning of abundance.
You used to come across as confident and self-assured in your postings. Seems like you are struggling a little as of late, everything okay?