Radical Edge of the Manosphere


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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TheException said:
As others have said.....women becoming more s1utty is not the "world burning".
Well, it's not the world improving either. Actually, I can see that from a purely PUA point of view, some guys might see more available slvts as an improvement. I don't really give a rats about the PUA point of view, however.

Maybe the world is burning, maybe it's not. Maybe it's always been burning. It's just an expression. Since some people have some problems with it, let me rephrase: "Who cares about the state of the world, as long as I have a wet hole to stick my d!ck into"?

Danger said:
You call this "fear". I call it quality of life
Quality of life, yes, that's a good way of putting it. If you can't go for what you want out of life, then what's the point?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Right, millions of abortions, destruction of the institution of marriage, 70% initiated divorce by women, 60% infidelity by women not burning at all - Conservative Exception.
Bunch of drama queens. What's with all the overgeneralization?

"Because this thing that I disagree with is happening, the world's over."

Come on.

"Because divorce and infidelity is more common than it used to be, the institution of marriage has been destroyed."


There are a lot of sh!tty things in this world -- woman's right to choose doesn't even crack the top 10,000. And even with the worst things - starving children, ebola, terrorist attacks, ongoing wars - the globe has continued to spin and the human race has been just fine in general.

It just feels like these things we are talking about with women are the end of the world because you guys are so passionate about these particular issues. As this thread has evolved (deteriorated) I start to see that this is less about feminism and more about people standing by their politics and thinking anyone who believes anything differently is wrong - a hallmark of conservatives (by reputation. Don't blame me, talk to Jon Stewart).

But I'm no better. I'm a (social) liberal and look at some of my posts in this thread: clearly I feel anyone who disagrees with my world view has got it wrong. That's just human nature. We're spinning our wheels here.

My hope for those of you on the apocalypse side of the debate is that you can loosen up a bit. Even if we concede that these societal changes as it pertains to women are "wrong," they're hardly cataclysmic. Everything's gonna be fine.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
are you kidding me? When marriage is the WRONG thing to do for most men...how can you say the institution hasnt been destroyed?
I think it's a negative mental filter on your part. Why does it have to be DESTROYED? Why can't you say that marriage has CHANGED? Society has CHANGED! How come, just because it's different, it has to be RUINED?

Maybe marriage is the wrong thing to do for most men now. But like you said, MOST men. I know many happily married couples, as I'm sure you do. So the institution of marriage is still working in some capacity.

EDIT: To clarify my point. Why can't you, PairPlus, look at marriage as it is today and simply say, "Nope, that's not for me." To say that women have destroyed it makes it sound like you are angry about it, like something has been taken away from you, like you're a victim. Life's too short to feel that way. Just shrug it off. Maybe even allow yourself some minutes now and then to look back at the good old days of traditional marriage and wish those days were still here. But to harbor resentment against anyone in this life, let alone an entire gender, is not healthy. Even if you are 100% right and they are 100% wrong, the longer you hold a grudge the longer it will take you to move on. In this case, maybe "forgiving" women for changing things from the way you liked them will allow you to move on and meet a nice girl?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Hey, mea culpa, guys. Sorry if I made it personal or used shaming language. I know lots of guys who aren't slaves in marriage, there are even a couple on here I recently found out, but that's fine. We agree to disagree.

Go Duke!


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Danger said:
If you are suggesting that men are now evolving to recognize the value of their commitment, then yes, it is an evolution in the sexual marketplace.
No. Evolutionary as in Darwin there skippy.

  • My behavior resides in knowing that my commitment has value, and I won't commit to a woman who hang out with other "male friends".
  • My behavior resides in knowing I expect my woman to have the same values as me before I commit to her.
  • My behavior is based on my ability to easily attract more women of quality.
  • My behavior resides in knowing that women who hang out with ex's are a greater risk for infidelity.
We have seen the results of your position, and it isn't pretty. For those who want to listen to Exception, here are the results of his advice on the subject. You even used one of your standard attack words, "insecure". I underlined it so you can't miss it.

Here is something from the same thread for people that don't have selective citing problems like Danger
TheException said:
If she was hanging out with this guy outside of work....lets say friday nights and shes just saying "its work" as a cover up....thats one thing, and I certainly would not tolerate it.
Owned. Feel free to continue to copy and past this though. Makes you look realllll intelligent.
The real question at hand now is......Why is it so important to you that men don't have these expectations from a woman before committing to her?
I really don't care all that much what you do with your women. But being 39 and still searching for women based upon if they have male friends or not is something that I personally am not interested in. I have bigger goals in this life than that. I think the most alpha thing is being able to raise a family, become an alpha dad, and leave a legacy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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TheCWord said:
It just feels like these things we are talking about with women are the end of the world because you guys are so passionate about these particular issues.
Well, this is a forum about gender dynamics and gender relationships. So naturally that's what we're going to be talking about.

Even if you don't think marriage has been destroyed, you have to admit that it has suffered some serious damage. Maybe not from the female point of view. For women, marriage (and divorce) is practically a no lose proposition. For men, it has become so risky as to be a poor investment. A shame, because a lot of guys here would like to be raising families.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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History shows that men have always been accused of crimes since the start of our country. Lots of men never even had a trial they were just hung, jailed, murdered on the accusation of the woman alone. Don't you think that sounds like a feminized society back then?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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zekko said:
Even if you don't think marriage has been destroyed, you have to admit that it has suffered some serious damage.
I agree 100%.

Was talking with a girl who said she wouldn't change her maiden name if she got married and MAYBE she'd do the hephenated thing for the sake of the kids. This is where I'm more traditional: I would expect my wife to take my name.

I would be fine with my wife doing the hephenated name, but not if her attitude is "I guess. Maybe. Only because it makes things easier with the kids.

The reason I don't like women keeping their maiden names is that it seems like that just makes it easier for them to divorce. They won't have to change anything back, they can just revert back to the single world as if they never left. And if they don't take on their husband's last name, it's kind of like they never did: to me, that just says that they always have one foot out of the marriage.

So yes, as someone who, cheesy as it sounds, still believes in marriage being a lifelong commitment, I fully recognize the damage. Many (not all) women just don't take it seriously anymore. "If it doesn't work out, I can always divorce." There are many women who still share the classic view of marriage and will go on to be loyal partners to their husbands, but I agree that is not the norm anymore and that just plain sucks. It's not dooms day, it just makes it less likely that I would get married because I'd need to find someone with the same values. Too bad for me, but I won't be longing for the good ol days. Eyes straight ahead.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Leif_Johnson said:
History shows that men have always been accused of crimes since the start of our country. Lots of men never even had a trial they were just hung, jailed, murdered on the accusation of the woman alone.
That's the phenomenon called "white knighting", which is another thing that posters are often fighting on this forum. They at least try to raise awareness of it. Funny thing is, it's a natural thing for men, in their natural role as Protectors, to try to protect women. Unfortunately, some women take advantage of that instinct.

In today's society, we have to remind ourselves to look at the facts before jumping.

TheCWord said:
So yes, as someone who, cheesy as it sounds, still believes in marriage being a lifelong commitment, I fully recognize the damage. Many (not all) women just don't take it seriously anymore. "If it doesn't work out, I can always divorce."
And the woman can usually come out of divorce rewarded for it, with custody of the kids, half the bounty, possible alimony, and a big fat child support check until the kid graduates college. The woman gets cash and prizes, while the man is more likely to get financially neutered.