R.A.P Mini method


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
R.A.P Mini method.

Figured I always give guys this to tie up GWM1 and GWM2 as an "action plan" in interactions with women. Figure I'll contribute it here as well.

Ok this isnt a what to say deal here, but its what you need to do action wise for basics.

R: Relax. I know i know this is hard, BUT must be at least attempted. What i
mean is this, is first of ALL, totally try to feel like you are in your living
room at home. Relaxing takes care of 2 things at 2 stages of development.
At the basic level it makes you easier to be in rapport with, she will not go
in to rapport with you if you are scared and stammering and mumbling and
looking at the floor. Dont ask me why for SURE, but people just dont like
nervous people. This is the basic first thing you must do til it is natural.

Second this relaxing means to as well be relaxed as far as the encounters
outcome goes. To simply relax will cover a GIANT amount of social dynamics and
vibing without even thinking about them individually. Things such as Making decent eye contact, and not being overeager for approval with your body language will be covered if you are relaxed about the outcome of the encounter.

A: Assume rapport. I dont care what school of PU you come from, this must be
done at some point. Congruency is DIRE(dont ignore the whole post if you dont
know what congruency means, LOOK IT UP IT IS VITAL to understand and be). You
can of course become her friend or lover(over time), but it is much better to ASSUME the
rapport of one internally as this is WAY faster. DO you have the next 5 years
in which to **** 30 women? About 6 a year without any rapport assumption is
what you are gonna get with herculean efforts if you dont assume rapport or any
sexual comfort at any point.

P: Persist. This is in direct contrast to relax you say? NO, persistence is NOT
EJECTING but being rejected. Your mind reading skills tell you she isnt
interested? Well you dont have mind reading skills *******, so stick in there
she might have done what she did cause its a habit, not to show you she doesnt
want you. She rejects you for sex at the end of the night? Get mad at her,
maybe pout or beg? NO you stick in there and push/pull to gauge for comfort til
it goes down. SHe wont isolate with you? Say "ok nice meeting you" and walk
off? NO, wait and ask again when it feels right, dont run off and eject. She is
saying she isnt sure if she should give out her #? You say ok and offer her
yours? NO, you ****in wait and ask again.

Adaptable to many of the things you do wrong im sure in some bizarre idea that
women if "gamed right" will be some love slave offering themselves to you
verbally. NO, YOU must make it happen. Not in some massive pushy way, but by
sticking in there and striking while the irons hot. Women will not jump your
bones if you find the right magic or game. People who want you to believe in
magic are themselves using the only magic there is, hope of or belief in magic
to influence people.

You are relaxed, assume rapport and sexual congruence of a lover or at least a
friend and dont eject? You are doing R.A.P? You will do FAR better with any
style of PU if you aren't leaving one of these out.

"make the ho say no"


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
How in the world was I the only one to read and reply to this little gem.

My two cents.

Relax- Great idea, and unfortunately not always so easy for me and the bros without a bit of alcohol. The only other times I'm so relaxed is when I don't expect it.

Assume Rapport- This is awesome. First off, most of us assume just the opposite with a hot girl. We have her on a pedestal and we assume she will be *****y. If you can assume rapport it will be great.

Persistence- Most guys myself included only know persistence as applied to a clear losing game. But we have ejected many times too quickly as well.

Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
This is absolutely golden... I've been doing this a lot without even realizing it, and it's a huge important tool in my arsenal.

There's two seperate yet equally brilliant gems here: PERSISTANCE, which is key, and rapport, which is also key. Fycking spot-on tip!


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world

been reading Gunwitch's old posts lately, lots of awesome articles buried here.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Gunwitch must have noticed almost all the guys "learning game" go up, run the opener, and bail within 2 minutes. In MMInterview Series I this was also mentioned. I believe it is stimming from guys who have never talked to a woman before, so when she doesn't rape them on the spot they just bail.

Ironically, I've noticed when I wuss out and just go for #s (which is what most guys will do no matter how many times they hear to bounce/timebridge/extract) I get short of about 10-15 minutes are always flakes, so even when these guys manage a 5 min convo it's pretty much always useless.
