Question about looks in hs dating.


New Member
Jan 19, 2010
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I feel myself letting up on opportunities because i feel like i don't look good enough i know this is weak and im building up on it gaining confidence and such and suggestions/ how much do you think looks affect dating in HS? thanks


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
haha let's get straight to the key points.

1. Girls care more about looks in HS but less as they get older cause money and security become bigger issues.

2. Social value matters probably just as much as looks in HS. Social value means less as you get older because "power" becomes more important. I'm not going to get into the difference between power and social value.

3. Don't worry about your looks.

Study hard, that's the point of hs, to get to college. Build a strong relationship with your family. You're going to leave, and you'll miss them. You'll probably need them too for osmething later on. Focus on inner development. Focus ALSO on outer development.

I used to think being physically strong was useless, however i think it was because i myself was skinny. I didn't want to think that i was inferior, however i realize now that it was an opportunity to improve. Bruce Lee taught me that haha...

Although you can't change your looks, aside from plastic surgery and allt hat ****, you can workout/lift weights. Bruce Lee believed physical strength was just as important as mental/spiritual/moral strength. All these aspects of YOU, can be improved. So worry about what you can improve, all other things are not of importance.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
^I agree with all of what jeff said, and just to expand upon the looks part, theres still a lot you can do to improve your looks.

-Lift weights and get muscular (girls LOVE muscular guys)
-Clean your face up if you have acne (wash twice a day and use acne cream)
-Keep yourself well groomed
-If your in a place where you can get a tan, definitely go for that too
-Get a good nights sleep
-Eat healthy


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Exactly what they said. Taking care of yourself and finding/pursuing your passion and dreams is something women find attractive. Plus it's something you should be doing in HS.


New Member
Jan 19, 2010
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thanks for the replys guys! there is this girl id like to try and get with and have something with she says she likes guys that arent wasting her time so like im not too sure what to say to her when we talk it seems like the convo just dies down any suggestions?


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
I definitely agree with the previous posts but I'm also noticing that looks are becoming less and less important. Tonight I went out on a basically blind date with a girl whose past boyfriends were much better looking and much more jacked than me. I'd say it went well ;).


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Looks barely matter, I don't care who the hell you are, unless you have some extreme disease that deforms your face, looks are not the limiting factor on your attraction. We are all in highschool, so I will concede that in highschool, girls are much more superficial, but even then looks are only in yer head.

I see these other guys here saying "Yeah man! That's your problem, go FIX IT". But, thats not the root problem, its all you. If you can destroy that mental blockade most people have that limits their game to their looks, you will do 10x better with girls. If you care about your looks, you are essentially placing better looking girls on a pedestal, which is not what you want at all.

What I will agree with is Jeff in this topic, because what he said is 100% true. Focus on learning, but mainly focus on yourself. Going to the gym is for yourself! If you go to the gym to impress the opposite sex, that's a terrible mindset, which will eventually deteriorate.

Again, looks are a mental obstruction you put up for yourself. If you are trying to get with a girl that only cares about looks, then she is not worth your time.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't clean up, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't focus so much energy on just your looks when it isn't the biggest factor to getting girls in highschool.