question about getting number

Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
A few things here. I went to a New Years party and there was a good amount of attractive girls. I was pretty sh!t faced so I don't remember all of the details but I'll try my best.

So at some point, a group of 3 girls came, 2 were very attractive and the third was OK. After a little while, I approached them and got their names (Which all start with J...which I screwed up a bit through out the night), talked with them for a bit, they were very friendly toward me, we played a few drinking games with them and a few other people, etc. Well, we watched the ball drop and went back to playing some drinking games.

Then it seems like a bunch of the girls that were there had to leave including those 3 girls mentioned above. Well, I was planning on leaving soon too because we were going to go back to my buddies place to party there because other people were coming. So I felt like it was a good opportunity to get some numbers and invite them to my buddies house for the party. Well, I dont remember exactly how I worded it (drunkenness) but I approached the less attractive girl of the 3 and was like "hey, you guys [I meant all 3 and I THINK I got that point across) should come back to my buddies house after, he's having a party..etc etc, you should give your number." Then the one I was most attracted to came over like right after I asked it and was like "me to" or something like that and wanted to give me her number. So I took both numbers, did the check, both real (assuming...checks aren't always foolproof) and then I dot know what happened after that, but we left very soon also.

Well, on our way back, I started to feel sick, had my buddy pull over and let me puke, got back to his house, puked again, and then just passed out. I never ended up calling those girls. So here are my questions:

Do you think the girl I was most interested in has any interest in me? She gave me her number and we got along, plenty of smiling, I think some kino too, if I remember right...but then again, I was drunk. Out of all the girls I am interested in, she is one I def. want to hang out with again, not necessarily go out on a date at first (although that would be cool), but more like just invite her to a party and hang out first. BTW, this isn't a oneitis thing, im interested in a bunch of girls, but this one I am the most interested in and I cant seem to figure out the situation.

How soon (or later) should I call? I don't know what's going on this weekend exactly but if there's something happening, should I call her? If not, call her anyway? And the biggie, what do I say? I did invite them to a party and whatnot but I never called.

Help me figure out this situation...


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
Call her right away, and of course she was interested otherwise she wouldn't have giving you her number, call her back and tell her you passed out and don't remember a thing. And invite her to another party, or even ask her if she wanted to hang out sometime soon.

Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, so what exactly do I say on the what the conversation should consist of? In this situation, should I apologize for not calling or should I not....I feel like I flaked on her in a way but at the same time I have read that you shouldnt apologize...?

If she doesnt answer, should I leave a voice mail or not... and if I do, what should I say? Also, if she doesnt call me back, how long should I wait to call her again (if there's an again) and what should I say?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Heh, so many questions.

Well, if she doesn't answer, you can call again the next day, and then leave a message if she doesn't answer then. No one will think you're pesky for calling just twice. If she doesn't return the message, I'd give up.

You can give a casual "sorry, I was pretty drunk and got distracted." You don't have to mention the vomit.

I don't know what's going on this weekend exactly but if there's something happening, should I call her?
LOL, classic college undergrad attitude. You don't need to have a big house party lined up to meet this girl, just say she was interesting, and you'd like to meet up for drinks or coffee.

Oh, and she was probably drunk too. She might not remember much of anything about you. So don't take it personal if she's "too busy" to ever meet up with you.