Public Service Announcement

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
I had been considering this idea for quite some time now, and I figure due to the current state of this forum (riveting would not exactly be the word) that it would be time to start putting the wheels of this idea in motion. As much as I would hate to neglect those who are new to this forum, in truth... there is plenty information for them on this site... if they choose not to look for it, it is their own fault. There is not however, enough information for those of us who have been here for a good amount of time (think one year +) or those of us who are simply much better with women and have bettered our lives on the whole from when we first came here. In honesty... I cannot remember the last time I clicked that very first link on the top of the page, and I would imagine that a number of us cannot remember the last time they did it as well.

What I present to you then is an idea that will require the help of the best of the best. Those of you with new concepts, new thoughts, new techniques, new experiences... this undertaking will require your words. For this project, I do not want to merely take a number of old posts (although some will be in it) and simply collect them in one place. No... I want this to be our work, the High School Forum's collective work to be returned to in the future. Threads like Pook's have been thrown around this forum enough... so if you are looking for that... you will not find it here. I am looking for all new, pretty groundbreaking material concerning all topics. As far as topics are concerned, I have about eight in mind and will post them at a later time. Some old posts will make it however, like "Weapons of Mass Seduction" for instance... because that is exactly the kind of material I am looking for.

I am essentially challenging everyone (including myself) to bring out the best material you ever though of... together, we bring this project into fruition and once again take this place into new heights.

The Golden Age... has returned.

The Matrix: Reloaded


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Aw crap...Does this mean my ass has to go back and search for all new bible posts? ;)

The site tends to lose its touch in the middle of summer. But, school time is just around the corner (about a month.) Come on people, prove your skills before you have to go back to school. Do you want to be that kid in the corner of the class that has a pet frog named "Fluffy?" Or do you want to be that kid that is getting with any girl he wants and is the number one customer of Trojan condoms?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
yup i have been waiting for the green light and its been turned on

honestly I was thinking the same thing the other day but i didn't know how to put it, yea i reached the next point in a DJ's life the thing is once you achieve then where do you look to.

there is no bible for the next level there's is just one and its mainly based on changing your mindstate from depression to having confidence in progress to a point where you achieve everthing you have ever wanted and having natural confidence. but where to go from there?

yea matrix i have a few new idea's,so I'll take up your challenge.

I tip my wine glass to the new age


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
To the next step. I've been trying to just come up with stuff on my own, and i've been having trouble with it. Maybe now that there will be more people coming up with new stuff, i'll be able let it jog my mind and i'll be able to come up with some stuff and contribute as well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'll start up my personal journal of everything I do again...if something of interest comes up I'll post it here. I haven't partied lately so the pick ups have been low, but I'll try to get off of my ass.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
So far... very good.

Dj Deity

Don Juan
Aug 21, 2002
Reaction score
My Reality
Know Thyself, Know the reasons for thy thoughts

I've been on and off the forums, just from doing other research and beeing busy: reading books about LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS; books David Deangelo recomends; also, going over PSYCHOLOGY programs and books to see how people think; I've read a ton of Tony Robbins stuff, Zig Ziglar, and other SELF-HELP, BUSINESS gurus.

From all this information overload over the past year, I make more and more connections about why I am the person I am today.

I've had some interesting ideas lately, it's not much advice as much as a different way of looking at things. And looking at your values and who you are, to a deep, deep level.

One of the interesting things I've realized is a simple pattern to look at your "10(s)," and find out why you love every little thing about that(those) specific girl(s), and how you came to like blonds or brunettes, redheads, certain ethnicities, boob sizes etc. This excersize really freaked me out when I did it, and even now, a half year later, every time I see a girl I think has potential, I remember why I am attracted to her...
Imagine being able to pick out all those little details from the shape of her face, to her nose and eyes, etc... all her LOOKS, and then being able to know why, and from what point in time you started to like that trait in women.

I'm sure we'll need some stuff to lauch this new bible. This may be good. It would take me a while to organize my thoughts tough, so if You or anyone wants this ability, then be patient and I'll have it soon.

Sweet Ken

Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
I've never been a big contributor here, though I've soaked in much of the information in my two years or so since finding this site. I've gone from chump to champ, AFC to DJ, etc. But, that doesnt mean I don't still want to learn. And moreso, want to teach. It'd be great to have and be part of the next generation of Don Juanissimo's. Sign me up.