PUA skills


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2018
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OK I was at a party last night.

I did 3 lame "approach" and had a bit of fun.

Got approached by a fairly hot young woman who I swapped details with.

My "game" is weak.

I've researched what type of seducer category I most likely fall in to and im a mix of a dandy and a natural.

Where I'm weak is approach, touch, communicating sexualisation (love to hear people's thoughts on that subject)

What material would anyone recommend? I have some of David De Angelos work but is there someone out there who specialises specifically in the approach and initial kick off game?

Who is the best?

I also have Roosh V material but haven't digested yet.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2018
Reaction score
OK I was at a party last night.

I did 3 lame "approach" and had a bit of fun.

Got approached by a fairly hot young woman who I swapped details with.

My "game" is weak.

I've researched what type of seducer category I most likely fall in to and im a mix of a dandy and a natural.

Where I'm weak is approach, touch, communicating sexualisation (love to hear people's thoughts on that subject)

What material would anyone recommend? I have some of David De Angelos work but is there someone out there who specialises specifically in the approach and initial kick off game?

Who is the best?

I also have Roosh V material but haven't digested yet.
Yes, Mystery method, volume 1is the best.
He started most of what we know now. He got videos too. Neil Strauss is also good.

False time constraints, ****y Funny, cat theory. he's book has everything.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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No method. Just act like a normal human being. It will work out much better for you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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I liked magic bullets it describes simple method based on cold reads and has a lot of canned material.


Oct 21, 2018
Reaction score
OK I was at a party last night.

I did 3 lame "approach" and had a bit of fun.

Got approached by a fairly hot young woman who I swapped details with.

My "game" is weak.

I've researched what type of seducer category I most likely fall in to and im a mix of a dandy and a natural.

Where I'm weak is approach, touch, communicating sexualisation (love to hear people's thoughts on that subject)

What material would anyone recommend? I have some of David De Angelos work but is there someone out there who specialises specifically in the approach and initial kick off game?

Who is the best?

I also have Roosh V material but haven't digested yet.
3 approaches in one night is more approaches than most guys on this forum do in a whole year. You got a phone number. Now, text her or call her. Have a date idea in mind. Usually coffee or alcohol involved, or a fun event outdoors. Have plans to get her back to your place if she is receptive.

Check on facebook for local events like concerts, winery tour, happy hour. Anything you like to do. Set up a calendar of fun events you go to at least once a week, preferably several times a week.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
It's like the Matrix the trick is knowing there is no spoon. Which tricks you use doesn't matter. Pick any book you like or anything you can remember. The tricks are just to give the girl an excuse and let her feel comfortable. Girls want to get f***** or the human race would have died out long ago.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
OK I was at a party last night.

I did 3 lame "approach" and had a bit of fun.

Got approached by a fairly hot young woman who I swapped details with.

My "game" is weak.

I've researched what type of seducer category I most likely fall in to and im a mix of a dandy and a natural.

Where I'm weak is approach, touch, communicating sexualisation (love to hear people's thoughts on that subject)

What material would anyone recommend? I have some of David De Angelos work but is there someone out there who specialises specifically in the approach and initial kick off game?

Who is the best?

I also have Roosh V material but haven't digested yet.
Mystery and David D are Goat status. New school, Julian Blanc but before going full retard and getting kicked off planet earth. IMHO, I have never seen better game but, its conducive with his persona and style of game. Very polarising and charismatic.

You want to calibrate a variety of styles, digest the red pill, see female nature for what it is, and then, act accordingly.

Check rsd Tyler which illustrated the success of a balding manet ginger. Meditate. You want to approach with extreme enthusiasm and high energy. You want **** funny. You want Julian drama, role play, "I love you. I hate you." ambiguity. Embedded in the following interactions. Always vague. Never anything but covert.

Most of all, you want to cultivate 'being.'

I am deezed. I am a ****. I meditate. I lift. I love holistic nutrition, fitness, yoga. Gym cold approaching is OG.

Note, after absurd years of pickup, it's about spam approaching, calibration, learning what works for You, and stacking thereafter.

Every chick no matter how hawtttt is practice and every "girl problem" is fixed with #nextSet!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
I wonder about David D. ****y funny lost me the girl every time. Whereas I do very well with comfort and kino. NFI why


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I wonder about David D. ****y funny lost me the girl every time. Whereas I do very well with comfort and kino. NFI why
This is why I've never liked the one idea fits all idea that PUAs put out. "Every guy needs to be a douchebag jerk @sshole bad boy to attract women, and if you're not that guy, then you're a cuckhold chump". Yeah, I call BS on that. I think when it comes to having issues with women, every guy has his own individual issues, and needs his own individual answers.

Some personalities require different answers than others, not every guy can just start acting c0cky/funny and poof all his problems are solved. I'm sure that approach is incongruent with many personalities. A guy might be giving up his own natural charms to adopt a fake persona that is not that attractive to begin with, or wears thin very quickly.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
I have spent quite a lot of time researching various PUA's, trying to develop my method. I learned more from their way of thinking than their methods. What works isn't finding out a set of actions to do, it's learning how to rapidly solve any challenge that arises in the moment. There is far too much variety in situations and personalities encountered through approaching new women (or men for that matter) to make a simple procedure. There is no universal and specific solution for human interaction, if you want something universal it will always end up being rather vague and still require a lot of interpretation.

People are not like machines which you can with great detail describe how to handle, attempting to do so is futile.

Getting good at game means being a quick, effective and creative problem solver. Trying to find one method is to seek exactly the opposite of creativity, it's an attempt at being lazy and avoiding having to actually use your brain. When meeting new people (in this case women) you must be dynamic and adaptive.

Trying to pidgeonhole yourself as a specific type of seducer is also a waste of time, how will that knowledge help your game? I only see it as a restriction. You don't expand your set of tools to handle the dynamics of other people by limiting yourself like that. Yes, it may be your current strengths, but it does not have to define you. If you go out of your comfort zone and start developing your weaknesses you will gain flexibility.

As I said I read a lot of stuff about pick-up, I also watched many videos. What I eventually realized was the common factors, the deeper layer of what they're doing. They are explorers, they use creativity. They try different ideas they come up with to see what sticks, they don't fear failure, they welcome it. I quit reading and watching what they were doing, I went out to experiment with my own ideas and reflect upon my results. I would get a variety of reactions, this provided me with A LOT of information which in turn could be used to make more educated guesses about what course of action is more likely to work in a given situation in the future. You don't drive a car perfectly no matter how much theory you read, driving a car poorly for the first few times will provide a wealth of information which will guide you to do better the next time.

Don't be a follower (of a PUA), create your own way without imposing artifical limitations. Be free!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I agree with Grewd. Trying to master seduction by reading PUA materials is like trying to learn how to swim by reading Michael Phelps' autobiography. It just doesn't work that way. You have to keep doing it until it becomes second nature. As with sports, you will never become very good at seduction if you're easily discouraged by failure.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
I agree with Grewd. Trying to master seduction by reading PUA materials is like trying to learn how to swim by reading Michael Phelps' autobiography. It just doesn't work that way. You have to keep doing it until it becomes second nature. As with sports, you will never become very good at seduction if you're easily discouraged by failure.
Just to clarify, reading a bit of theory can help jumpstart the imagination and avoid the worst mistakes, but practice is the most important. When learning to drive a car I spent just a few hours reading theory and many many more hours of practice to get good. In the context of dating/pickup or any skill it's no different, a bit of theory is helpful but most of it should be practice. I'd say somewhere around a 1:10 ratio of theory and practice is good.

Excessive reading of theory is most often if not always caused by anxiety, more specifically a fear of failure.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
I m still a Jeet June do fan. At least it is a martial art. Where is MMA is just organised thuggery


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
As many mentioned reading is excellent way to learn theory, but ultimately the only way is to practice.

As much people talk about red pill blue pill, ironically you can’t get an upload to make you a master at pick up.

You need to go out and hone your craft, adapt it, and rework it through trial and error.

There are no shortcuts.

It’s the same as most things in life. You got to work hard and work smart. You have to be dedicated to your goals and push yourself outside your comfort zone.

Afraid of approaching a set of three, approach five.

Get laid by one girl, go for two next time.

Improvisation is an important skill to have because sometimes your plans go to ****.

That’s why canned routines, while somewhat successful, limit your growth if relied upon.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
He said: "first skill through structure, then mastery through abandonment".

The problem is that people skip the first part. That's a general observation not just about game. It's the same with other hobbies such as learning an instrument, a martial art, a competitive video game, or anything.

Not enough emphasis placed on the journey, i don't think.
Totally agree with that. That's exactly why my surfing hasn't progressed as much as I would have liked. I've just realised that and starting using nlp for my mental game. Already seeing results but now looking at my whole approach to surf development. And same with Game development.