Psycho chicks: DJ-able? Worth it?


New Member
Dec 31, 2006
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New York
Hi, guys, short time reader, first time poster.

Found a wealth of advice here, and had some success already (ganjing a chick into a f*ck buddy, worked like a charm!) but had a question about 'psycho chicks'

I have another friend I'd like to try out some of what I've learned here; she's real hot but a definite psycho chick (HPD by the criteria I've read on this board; hospitalized, on antidepressants as well as coke binges, never finished school, can't hold a job, basically spent her whole like trying to upset her adopted parents by bizarre sexual acting out) that has me in the friendzone. I'd like to move into the f*ck buddy area, but I have two questions:

1. Do DJ techniques actually work on psychos? I mean, given their mental condition, do they respond as 'normal' women would? Or are you doomed to playing by their agenda (in which case, I'll get out asap); and

2. If they can be DJ'd, is it worth it? I ask because the discussions I've found always seem to contain advice like "run unless you only want a f*ckbuddy" or "but the sex is great" etc. Is that just alpha male bravado, and I really should just run? Does possibly great sex make up for all the rest, or should I just ganji her permanently? Other than some kind of 'play Misty for me' situation, why not play her?

I suppose the answer is 'dude, you might as well get a normal woman' but she's around all the time, so I hesitate to just write her off if its doable.

Any advice appreciated. The wisdom on this board is amazing!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
IrishHoodlum said:
...I suppose the answer is 'dude, you might as well get a normal woman' but she's around all the time, so I hesitate to just write her off if its doable....
I don't know... I bet you could find a nice, normal, UG that would be around all of the time. Poon is just poon, right?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
you can be her fvck buddy...but you dont have to game her cause if she wants you..she'll ask for it...

i know a girl like that and she was a real slut...and she exactly has the same characteristics like the girl you stated above..she is attracted to me and my friend and she flirts with us...even slept with us even though i havent gamed friend ended up fvking her but still she wants to sleep with me...

if you want to game her...i'll say its doable but not worth it...

it'll work cause even if she's a psycho,she's still sexual right?

my opinion


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
say no to psycho ho's
