Proximity in a woman's eyes

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
I went on a cruise recently and met a woman who was with 2 friends. We ended up hitting it off and we always went dancing in the club together. One night I ended up hanging out in her room while her friends went to the club to dance. Later on, her friends came back and, as women usually do, started talking about the guys in there. One of the girls who was really nice looking started talking about a guy she had been attracted to. She said he was really hot to her.

The guy wasn't dancing but he was standing by a bar right on the dance floor. In order to try to get the guy's attention, this girl merely danced near him, faced him, and smiled. The guy checked her out over and over, but never went in for it. Frustrated the girls left, came down to the room, and ripped him and his friends apart. I heard sentences like "We should have asked him if he has a **** or if his friends share their's with him". The girl was really upset and stated that she was "basically all over him". To me this sounded a little extreme. All she did was dance near him. She never made an attempt to take his hand. From what I understand she was literally within arms reach. But I agree that she was throwing the signals out left and right, and he completely blew it.

But one thing she said stuck with me. And thank goodness she said it because it solidifies what most of us are stuggling with. YOU have to make the move when the signs are there. She said "If you want this-" and she pointed to her breasts "you have to go through this" and she pointed to her face. Meaning that all he had to do was start a conversation with her and he was in. I know I learned a bit from it. Women leave suttle signs and if you don't grab them and act on really makes you look bad in a woman's eyes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Thats why its better to be a man than a woman...they can't approach!!

Seriously though, we get AIs every day....I think I'm quite good at spotting them but I'm sure I miss a load too. You'd be surprised just how many women are receptive to you if you're decent enough to look at and approach with confidence.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Some women do approach or initiate conversation, they're not uptight about arbitrary gender roles. She sounds like a bit of a stuck-up b1tch to be honest.

jesus, b1tch is censored? WTF is wrong with the admins here? What is this a pre-teen pokemon forum?

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Ha yeah I thought it was pretty basic stuff too, but the way that it went over with the females was incredible. They throw a couple signs out, and if you don't pick them up your out. That simple. I thought it was worth sharing.

I didn't think the girl was a stuck up biatch. Your way off on that. She simply wanted a guy that wasn't a puss. I don't think thats asking too much...

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
92 GSR-4 said:
I didn't think the girl was a stuck up biatch. Your way off on that. She simply wanted a guy that wasn't a puss. I don't think thats asking too much...
It's not simply the fact that she was playing the "I'm a chick so I never approach guys" game. It's how she came off afterwards, automatically assuming he's a limp-d1cked fairy just because he didn't want to talk to her, nevermind the possibilities that he's in a relationship, or just not in the mood, or didn't find her that attractive, or thought she looked like his sister, or hates dancing, or whatever. Suddenly every guy who doesn't pay attention to her magic pu$$y is a loser unworthy of her.

She also could have insecurity problems, which would explain why she's incapable of initiating conversation herself, and why she has to rip into a guy with her girlfriends because he didn't validate her at the club -- "it's his fault, not mine". Girls like that piss me off. I have a friend who's cute as hell but isn't afraid to start talking to guys, yet she's still one of the most feminine girls you'd ever meet. Also one of the least stuck-up, and very friendly. It would be a better world if more girls out there were like her, and not Miss "Every guy in my vicinity who doesn't approach me is a homo!" cruiseship chick.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
I have been in situations where I could just FEEL a woman wanting me to open her. In clubs and bars, but even in line waiting for a sandwich too.

It's always better to be PROactive than REactive, but if the opportunity presents itself when you THINK an attractive woman might be vibing you, chances are she IS vibing you and if you want to get in her pants you only have a couple of minutes window of opportunity before she gets pissed and moves on.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Master Bates said:
It's not simply the fact that she was playing the "I'm a chick so I never approach guys" game. It's how she came off afterwards, automatically assuming he's a limp-d1cked fairy just because he didn't want to talk to her, nevermind the possibilities that he's in a relationship, or just not in the mood, or didn't find her that attractive, or thought she looked like his sister, or hates dancing, or whatever. Suddenly every guy who doesn't pay attention to her magic pu$$y is a loser unworthy of her.

She also could have insecurity problems, which would explain why she's incapable of initiating conversation herself, and why she has to rip into a guy with her girlfriends because he didn't validate her at the club -- "it's his fault, not mine". Girls like that piss me off. I have a friend who's cute as hell but isn't afraid to start talking to guys, yet she's still one of the most feminine girls you'd ever meet. Also one of the least stuck-up, and very friendly. It would be a better world if more girls out there were like her, and not Miss "Every guy in my vicinity who doesn't approach me is a homo!" cruiseship chick.
Well keep in mind that chicks HATE rejection. They take it far more seriously and personally than guys do.

What you're observing is just typical backlashing. Girl tries to get guy to talk to her by vibing, guy does not acknowledge. She takes that as a rejection, so to preserve her ego she blames it on the guy for being gay or whatever.

A lot of guys do that sh*t too. They get rejected, and then afterwards they're like "What a stuck-up b*tch! I didnt even like her anyways!"


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
L777 said:
Thats why its better to be a man than a woman...they can't approach!!

Seriously though, we get AIs every day....I think I'm quite good at spotting them but I'm sure I miss a load too. You'd be surprised just how many women are receptive to you if you're decent enough to look at and approach with confidence.
Uh, they can't approach?? C'mon, I am not even good looking and I get approached by females. Maybe it is my scent or something. I don't know.

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Well I really didn't mean for this to be a debate. I just learned how important it is to pick up on the AI's.

As for my opinion, she wasn't a stuck up biatch. How do I know? I was hanging out with her group. She got pissed NOT because he didn't want to talk to her. She got pissed because she sent him an AI, he checked her out REPEATEDLY, smiled, and then never acted. Read: AFC. He was a wimp and she was disappointed in him.

And I like the guys on here saying "even I get approached". Every guy has. But weigh that against how many times you've approached women. Now take how many times you've been approached and weigh it against a nice looking woman. You'll see why they don't approach. They don't have to. Guys hit on them all the time, and they can pick who they want.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
sparky0000 said:
Uh, they can't approach?? C'mon, I am not even good looking and I get approached by females. Maybe it is my scent or something. I don't know.
Bollox. Maybe as in, "buy me a drink" or "have you got a light", but girls don't pick you up.

And spare me the "I work as a model scout so....<some variation on I'm right, you're wrong for whatever reason>" Cos I've heard it all before. Ta

Btw I PMed you ages go back when I thought you might be cool. Cheers for ignoring mate. Classy


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
L777 said:
Bollox. Maybe as in, "buy me a drink" or "have you got a light", but girls don't pick you up.
No, that IS how girls approach. If she says something like that to a guy and he brushes her off, she takes that as a rejection.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
Master Bates said:
... Girls like that piss me off. I have a friend who's cute as hell but isn't afraid to start talking to guys, yet she's still one of the most feminine girls you'd ever meet. Also one of the least stuck-up, and very friendly. It would be a better world if more girls out there were like her, and not Miss "Every guy in my vicinity who doesn't approach me is a homo!" cruiseship chick.
good point, and can be applied to both genders...hope some guys here realize how foolish they look when they get angry for being rejected.


Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
it does suck I guess how women can just sit back expecting guys to come to them and then ***** after when they don't have their way, but it's the way it is. you would probably want to avoid such validation seekers anyway

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Heman6 said:
it does suck I guess how women can just sit back expecting guys to come to them and then ***** after when they don't have their way, but it's the way it is.
Heman6 you hit the nail on the head; you got the point I was trying to make. It just surprised me when I came to that realization.