Proven method of dealing ONEITIS (your one way love) for beginners!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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I am doing this for the total BEGINNERS. I used to be one and still need to learn alot of stuff. But maybe this will help someone totally inexperienced!

Well i read alot of articles about "how to get back oneitis" or "how to deal with my oneitis situation". But i couldn't find a specific one that how to properly deal with it. There are just piece of info and suggestions who needs a help for a specific girl and that only work for a while for the person that in trouble.

Meaning of ONEITIS:

Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion. "Go **** ten other women" is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.

In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it's just an illusion. And when you get rejected, don't be depressed. Because there's really not much to worry about.
ONEITIS is the girl that you think you fell in love. You think it is the meaning of your life. It is your source of power. It is everything for you. Without her everything will be meaningless.

And she is also the one who does not give you any attention!

It is one way ticket. You love her, she walks away. You walk towards her, she hides away. You chase her, well she runs... Then finally she brokes your heart to the million of pieces...

That is the ONEITIS

Ok now we know what ONEITIS. And how to deal with that syndrome.

1- STOP!

Yes. You heard me! Just stop whatever you are doing to get her, take her attention or her love! It is not gonna work. Even if youre an astronaut or Brad Pitt or millionaire... It doesn't matter! Youre just a random person to her. Because so much attention and chasing doesnt gonna work on a woman! You see her as a PRIZE.

As long as she knows she is the PRIZE, well good luck! The PRIZE is YOU, not her. She suppose to be the one who should chase YOU.


Just stay away from her. Don't go to the same places you and she goes. Go to a different restaurant to eat. Same class? NP. Sit very close to the door or near to a window where you or she couldn't see you, even by accident. Use different ways to go home... Just isolate yourself!


You probably heard what the NC means. But you probably don't know exactly what it is for. There are some threads here that NC magically gets her back to you! In some conditions yes it is possible. But a very high probability in your case it is not! For you NC is for your self improvement, not to try get her attention. You need to NC for yourself by stop thinking about her! Yes it is not easy and it is not gonna happen in one day or one week or one month! But as the time passes you will see the difference in yourself. It works only as long as you allow it for yourself. Use it as a tool for your improvement, not to get her back!


Best way todo this hit the GYM. Do this immediately. You had a ONEITIS feeling today then goto GYM right away. It makes your body build testosterone to help you the fight of your emotional dark side! It WORKS 100%! When I feel myself into thinking about my ONEITIS I run to the GYM ! You can decharge your anger, hate or bitterness. The main point is become emotionless towards her! In the meantime you lose weight if you have and build up muscle that makes you ready for the next steps.

Listen music that makes your self-esteem high.It could be rock, metal, or even calm. But not love songs please! Dont make it harder...

Read books. But the right ones. You can start with "No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover". It helps you how to deal with your AFC behavior!

If you love your job then stick to it like never before. Even better if you own your business then start improving it! This will help like you cannot imagine!


Yes to reach that step you should complete the others. Not necessary but if you have low self-esteem by the time you hit the random girls it could burn you more! So take your time, hit the gym, read material, improve your looking and your mentality and start field testing. It is not just girls, but everybody. Talk with random people about how are their day going, ask for their help etc... Slowly you can gain back your self confidence... Then you can practice with real thing... Slowly try with the girls that you know in your circle. Then one more step you can start interacting with cold approaches. Getting numbers, facebook. It is getting easier...


When youre done you will had dozens of numbers in your cellphone. Hit them as you will, get rid of them as you bored. Date them as you want. Your ONEITIS is a history in books now.

But who knows? Maybe your ONEITIS could become your lover! Like in this thread:

But beware! There is no MAGICAL way to achieve this! This takes time and alot! Because you need to improve yourself and gonna change your mentality! 6 months, a year maybe 2 years... Be patience!

And NEVER EVER ASK for help to get back your ONEITIS! Because it is NEVER GONNA WORK unless you change the way of your think.

As the Pook said: "As you Think, so Shall you Become" :rockon:

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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The best method is finally putting the past behind you, and accepting that it's over. To not spend another second thinking things like "Why'd I stop chasing her?" "should I chase her again?" Once you finally accept and believe that things get much better.