Projecting the non-sexual type guy image


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
I crossed paths with this female that I met last week As we stopped in our paths to talk, I noticed that she kinda hesitated as she got close to me. She had the "I'm afraid to play with you like I do with other guys because you have the image that you wouldn't be OK with it--by your projection I don't see you wanting me to be exchange kino with you."

In other words, it seems that females regard me in the same way we regard the type of female who is very serious, uptight, and never projects any signs of sexuality.

I know she wanted to get close to me by her eyes and body motion, but she was kinda afraid to because of the type of guy I am.

This is a girl that I cold approached outside my classroom, just before class. She isn't in my class, but she came in a sat with me in there for whole 1 hr class.

She slouched down and looked up at me with that sexual look that day. Also, I put my arm against hers during the class and she didn't move it. I probably should have been more aggressive with the kino since she came in with me, any suggestions about this and the topic above?

Edit: What I'm saying is that this female seemed to think that I would be offended if she flirted or initiated kino with me. I just come off as the serious type guy I think. Kinda like how people are afraid to do such things in very formal setting like church, I think I just put people in that mindset--I'm very serious.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here. Clarify? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
flirting is an artform that few have truely mastered.
The main problem is that you are not starting the flirting. Never leave anything up to a woman. That's your job.
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Joke around with her a lot, smile at her. Girls normally just start flirting with you on their own, without you having to initialize anything. I find being ****y helps since if you make a ****y remark they will playfull punch you in the arm. Obviously don't insult them, but tease them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
maybe you project some kind of "im a safe guy" kind of attitude.

if u loosened up and cracked a few c&f comments, kinoed her first, it would show that you're a normal being and that you can have fun


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
She had that kind of body language. I forgot to add it to the end of that sentence. She had the "...I'm afraid to kino you" body language.

The way I look at it is

Bill Clinton = sexual type of guy (you can picture girls flirting with him)

George Bush =Non-sexual type of guy (girls would be more afraid to kino/flirt him)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
hold on a second, and I the only person who thinks that having a non-sexual image is a contridiction to being a DJ? A DJ that isn't attracted to women?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
I think everyone is sexual, just that there's a select few who have the balls to display it in public. People are very shy in public these days. It seems like no one wants their little shell of privacy invaded.
She had that kind of body language. I forgot to add it to the end of that sentence. She had the "...I'm afraid to kino you" body language.
Do you know any guys who, when girls see them, they instantly run over and give them a big hug? My brother gets that all the time with every girl he knows. That's a sexual guy. I wish I was one. :(

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah the non-sexual type guy is the long winded synonomous name of the AFC. Look you don't have to be open about being sexual, and you don't have to run around flirting with every woman to make sure they know what you are. Hopefully that is being a DJ. Its in the body language, the way you walk, sit, facial expression, your eyes. You shouldn't have to say anything about being a DJ, you should be confident enough to convey it non-verbally. Your shoulders should be wide and low, not hunched over and scrunched into your neck. Your walk should be one of purpose and attracts attention, walk just a bit faster than most but not like your trying to get away from something.

This girl that you spoke of, I'm going to assume she in fact has some interest in you. Otherwise you would not have this kind of situation. Now when this girl says she's afraid to come on to you, it might very well be a signal for you to initate KINO because she is in fact nervous to do it. Or it was a test to see if you had the balls to make a move. She has no other reason to say that, if she were not interested she would have shoveled out the one of many "LJBF" phrases.

Next time you are with this girl, I want you to use KINO. I want you to say things that have an obivious double meaning, I want you to seem open and very friendly. In short I want you to do what ever other guy normally does, show some interest and test her interest level out. Go so far as to hold her hand and look her in the eye with that knowing confident look. Hopefully all this will flip her world and what she thinks about you up side down.

Remember AFC= No sexual image= No sex. DJ= Sexual image= Guess what he gets.

-Grey Fox