Problem with girlfriend tonight...


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2007
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Short recap of my day: slept about 3 hours last night after partying with her and a couple friends, worked about 3 hours this morning, had a quickie with her this afternoon, then I had 2 indoor soccer games tonight which further wore me the f*ck out. Well she got horny tonight and I was pretty turned on too but when we started to get it on I got soft after about say 5 minutes. I told her I was just tired and had no energy left but she kinda got mad cause I just kept going and didn't say anything and we just went until it was totally soft and she got off of me.

Long story short she got mad and thinks we have a big problem with sex and with our relationship cause I've had performance anxiety on a couple different occasions in the past(we've been going out for 2 years), but from what I've read on here it happens to everybody for various mental/emotional reasons at times. But this time I'm pretty sure it was just cause I'm exhausted.

Anyways our sex is great most all the time, this has just happened a couple of times and I feel she thinks the couple of 'bad' times(which wouldn't be bad if she would just work with me for a little bit instead of freaking out/throwing a fit) outweigh the good.

Now she has a VERY high interest level in me, she shows it in a whole lot of ways, but she kinda freaked out about this whole thing tonight and really wouldn't listen to me.

I really just want any or all insight from you guys on this situation. Thanks.


May 30, 2009
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tell her that she is the reason you can't get hard. Never take blame for yourself in this situation. Always blame her. Tell her she has to work harder than that.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2007
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Well I can tell you exactly what her reaction will be to that, she'll just take offense to it and think I'm attacking her and not see that I'm trying to be real about this whole thing to talk about stuff.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Now she has a VERY high interest level in me, she shows it in a whole lot of ways, but she kinda freaked out about this whole thing tonight and really wouldn't listen to me."

Let her know the next time she freaks out about this it will be the last time.

If she really had high interest in you she'd be on her best behavior and not throwing a b!tch fit over a non issue.

Other guys might bring up the point that well maybe she's just insecure about her attractiveness? but then I'd tell you that her insecurity is not your problem.

Its her problem to get sorted out for herself and if she values you in her life she will do just that.

You only get the amount of bullsh!t you are willing to tolerate in life.

Guys without other options or who've made a girl their oneitis are apparently willing to tolerate a lot.

Which kind of guy are you?

If you've got other options that aren't insecure or who don't flip out over nothing I'd suggest you start queing them up as if you do the right thing for yourself the next time you see your girl you will be re-taking the frame or moving on to a better prospect.

If on the other hand like a lot of weak males you want to sit and coddle her insecurities while she b!tches at you and degrades you as a man be my guest.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
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You have to take care of your body. Dehydration is the DJ´s enemy. Especially after sport you have to drink enough otherwise you will have problems in bed. Drinking more than necessary is still better than drinking less.

If you are tired but you have to perform - staying awake all night or being the bad boy in bed - you are allowed to cheat. I like red bull or vodka-red bull. 1 keeps me awake a couple of hours, 2 the whole night.

Furthermore you seem to have other issues as well. Give her sex whenever she wants but be the one who leads in bed. Read this: How To Become Amazing In Bed

Don´t next her until you tried these things.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
She thinks its her that is not turning you on.. When i am stressed or tired i have this problem.. it sucks.. get some vitamins and eat plenty fish and sea food chocolate also helps mint also does.. but rest is important

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
DonGorgon said:
She thinks its her that is not turning you on.. When i am stressed or tired i have this problem.. it sucks.. get some vitamins and eat plenty fish and sea food chocolate also helps mint also does.. but rest is important
Totally agree. When women think they have a shortcoming, they blame you basically. Problem is that even if you told her all of this, she's throwing logic out the window because she doesn't feel good about herself. Just relax, get some rest, don't waste time defending something that is really not your fault, and show her that everything is working another day.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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JimmyBizzle said:
Long story short she got mad and thinks we have a big problem with sex and with our relationship cause I've had performance anxiety on a couple different occasions in the past(we've been going out for 2 years), but from what I've read on here it happens to everybody for various mental/emotional reasons at times. But this time I'm pretty sure it was just cause I'm exhausted.
Whether or not it happens to everybody doesn't matter, what does matter is that it did happen, she will see it in the same light no matter what excuse you have, legit or otherwise.

You should have told to her to help you get it up, or something teasing like that.

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
when lacking in the hips, use your lips. get her off that way, and don't make a big deal about it. If she starts up again, tell her "we have done it 200 times... 190 of them have been great. Not bad, we can't complain."


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Joe Stud said:
when lacking in the hips, use your lips. get her off that way, and don't make a big deal about it. If she starts up again, tell her "we have done it 200 times... 190 of them have been great. Not bad, we can't complain."
yeh all men fail sometimes and most porn stars now use viagra or ciales to stay up.. its the male reality.. I can go for a long time most times but if im tired I will not be hard.