Problem with girlfriend and her facebook


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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49au said:
I know men who are afraid to impose firm but reasonable boundaries on their women with regard to how sexually they can behave.

I have zero respect for these "men." They are an embarrassment, and their women would gladly fuk me because they love that I value myself enough that when a woman is with me, she won't act like a hor. I've seen it in their eyes.

I'm not talking about the OP's specific situation, I'm talking about relationships in general.

Monogamy may not be "natural", but neither is dressing up in a suit and tie and going to meetings every day. If you are in an arrangement or serious relationship with a woman, she has an obligation to keep herself in check in respect to your authority, and the resources you're giving her.

It is difficult for men who can't provide significant value (especially financial) to a woman to understand this concept. If you're literally nothing more to her than a hard d!ck when she wants one, then of course you're replaceable, and of course she'll fuk around. You have nothing special.

But if you are a high value male (high income, status, abilities, ambitions, etc.) then you absolutely do not accept that type of disregard. She is lucky to be with you and she knows it (edit: better know it)

NO, not every woman is going to fall in line with that frame. Some will cheat and you just have to dump them. But there are women who won't cheat.

Demand better for yourself.

You just don't get it.......your viewpoint comes from one of's about caring or not caring...i used to believe the same thing you do...but experience has taught me indifference holds the ultimate power in a relationship...not saying don't care about her as a person..i am talking about not caring about the possibility of her cheating or leaving you...if you truly believe you can always get something better or at least just as good at the snap of a hat than it's a silly fear to have logically speaking...

If you aren't afraid of losing her or her straying then her behavior will naturally snap in line guess is this girl's ex was more secure acting than the OP and didn't worry about losing her as much and probably more manly acting in general...thus she still gravitates toward the ex....


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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In my experience, those people that go around shouting loudly about how great their lives are or what a super stud they are with the bravado of a 1000 suns, like Zinc and Boscus do in just about every thread they post in, are usually the ones who are the exact opposite in real life. I could give you countless examples of this just on this website over the years, and all are exposed sooner or later. Everyone can talk a big game online, but its usually the ones that DON'T feel the need to talk a big game that generally have it.

49 I happen to agree with just about everything you wrote so there isn't much more that needs to be said about that.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
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cordoncordon said:
In my experience, those people that go around shouting loudly about how great their lives are or what a super stud they are with the bravado of a 1000 suns, like Zinc and Boscus do in just about every thread they post in, are usually the ones who are the exact opposite in real life. I could give you countless examples of this just on this website over the years, and all are exposed sooner or later. Everyone can talk a big game online, but its usually the ones that DON'T feel the need to talk a big game that generally have it.

49 I happen to agree with just about everything you wrote so there isn't much more that needs to be said about that.

Why are you getting so butthurt?

We gave advice, that's all it is, take it or leave it...



Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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cordoncordon said:
In my experience, those people that go around shouting loudly about how great their lives are or what a super stud they are with the bravado of a 1000 suns, like Zinc and Boscus do in just about every thread they post in, are usually the ones who are the exact opposite in real life. I could give you countless examples of this just on this website over the years, and all are exposed sooner or later. Everyone can talk a big game online, but its usually the ones that DON'T feel the need to talk a big game that generally have it
49 I happen to agree with just about everything you wrote so there isn't much more that needs to be said about that.

It's not our fault that you get threatened by anything and everything outside of your white knighthood.

The person with the power in every relationship is ALWAYS the person who cares the least about losing their partner. This is a fact that will never be proven wrong.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2011
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zinc4 said:
The person with the power in every relationship is ALWAYS the person who cares the least about losing their partner. This is a fact that will never be proven wrong.
I agree with this statement, but indifference doesn't mean an abandonment of core values. It simply means that if she doesn't stay within the frame you set for her, you next her and find one that will.

There is something fundamentally wrong with you, if you are OK with another man fuking a woman you care about or want to use for the purposes of procreation.

It's not even about emotion. It's about the potential for introduction of disease and/or pregnancy from another man (which renders her useless to you; unless you're such a chump that you'd also accept raising another man's child).


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
49au said:
I agree with this statement, but indifference doesn't mean an abandonment of core values. It simply means that if she doesn't stay within the frame you set for her, you next her and find one that will.

There is something fundamentally wrong with you, if you are OK with another man fuking a woman you care about or want to use for the purposes of procreation.

It's not even about emotion. It's about the potential for introduction of disease and/or pregnancy from another man (which renders her useless to you; unless you're such a chump that you'd also accept raising another man's child).
Nobody likes another man humping their woman, but believe me, it's ten times better than monogamy. Monogamy means drama, unhappiness, stress you name it. Usually when you communicate to a woman through your poly frame, that you too are free to do whatever you want with whomever you want, she is less inclined to **** other men, savvy?

Man, you are stupid, your thinking is pure black and white.

1) I don't want kids, never will
2) I don't get involved, at least not emotionally ( i.e they never reach MLTR status) with silly women who don't practice safe sex. They stay at FB level only. I always wear condoms with those women....

You still hold onto the myth of disneyland and living happily ever after...nawwwhhhh :rockon:


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
And anyway, you said it yourself, you have an extreme case of Madonna/wh0re complex. Not much can be said to you, nothing will change your mind, you are too deep in the matrix and you can't get out.

You know very little of how women actually work....

If you manage to trap down a girl, and you guys get married, this is what will happen, you will end up boring her to death and she will cheat on you anyway....then divorce you for half your cr@p...seriously, your beliefs are based on something that doesn't exist. Can't say much more to you...



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Boscus said:
And anyway, you said it yourself, you have an extreme case of Madonna/wh0re complex. Not much can be said to you, nothing will change your mind, you are too deep in the matrix and you can't get out.

You know very little of how women actually work....

If you manage to trap down a girl, and you guys get married, this is what will happen, you will end up boring her to death and she will cheat on you anyway....then divorce you for half your cr@p...seriously, your beliefs are based on something that doesn't exist. Can't say much more to you...

Let me say I think I would rather kill myself than to have to go through life as jaded and miserable as you seem to live yours. You really come across as a person who is just angry at the world and depressing to be around. You're like a black cloud. I understand you say how you like to live your life, but to me, you just scream of being totally insecure and deep down I bet you feel the exact opposite of how you say you do about things. My bet is some traumatic event with a woman took place earlier in your life, or you were constantly rejected, and so you have taken on this fake persona. It really comes across as rather phony to be honest.

Just my two cents.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
Let me say I think I would rather kill myself than to have to go through life as jaded and miserable as you seem to live yours. You really come across as a person who is just angry at the world and depressing to be around. You're like a black cloud. I understand you say how you like to live your life, but to me, you just scream of being totally insecure and deep down I bet you feel the exact opposite of how you say you do about things. My bet is some traumatic event with a woman took place earlier in your life, or you were constantly rejected, and so you have taken on this fake persona. It really comes across as rather phony to be honest.

Just my two cents.
Nawwwwwwhh cry me river you fccking v!rgin boy ;)

You're all butthurt because I told you the truth about women, this is a forum about fvcking tonnes of women, and making yourself a better man in general. Maybe you'd prefer to post on some afc forum? like puahate?

Your absolutely freaked! you're soooo freaked because everything your mommy taught you about women is wrong. Nawhhhh poor baby :whistle: :whistle:

You fvcking troll.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Boscus said:
Nawwwwwwhh cry me river you fccking v!rgin boy ;)

You're all butthurt because I told you the truth about women, this is a forum about fvcking tonnes of women, and making yourself a better man in general. Maybe you'd prefer to post on some afc forum? like puahate?

Your absolutely freaked! you're soooo freaked because everything your mommy taught you about women is wrong. Nawhhhh poor baby :whistle: :whistle:

You fvcking troll.
It's okay to actually like women.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
plate's_empty said:
It's okay to actually like women.

clap clap for the handic@p! :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :kick: :kick:


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Boscus said:
Nawwwwwwhh cry me river you fccking v!rgin boy ;)

You're all butthurt because I told you the truth about women, this is a forum about fvcking tonnes of women, and making yourself a better man in general. Maybe you'd prefer to post on some afc forum? like puahate?

Your absolutely freaked! you're soooo freaked because everything your mommy taught you about women is wrong. Nawhhhh poor baby :whistle: :whistle:

You fvcking troll.
You're retort is about what I expected of you. Thanks for living up to my extremely lowered expectations.

Stay classy my friend.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
for having an awesome life you seem pretty angry, and defensive.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
plate's_empty said:
for having an awesome life you seem pretty angry, and defensive.
No doubt. He seems like an extremely bitter guy as I said in my earlier posts.

My guess is he isn't from Ireland, and is either a former poster here who got banned, or a poster here using a double alias, someone like Zinc for example. Not saying they are one and the same, but they seem to post in the same threads, agree with each other, and write very similar.

Wouldn't be the first time I have seen it on this website.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
I don't know how else to try to explain it to these two, so this will be my last attempt.

Monogamy is NOT natural. Neither is getting up and going to work every day. Neither is eating a piece of fruit when you could have chocolate cake. Neither is not ramming into some car that cuts you off on the interstate.

We control our impulses every day, as part of maintaining an ordered and structured society.

It is not unreasonable to ask a woman to control some part of her impulses, nor are there women who won't do it. And like I said, it's more so (to me at least) for the health and pregnancy protections than anything else. Monogamy may not be natural, but it's practical in some circumstances, especially in limited durations.

The reason cordon says you're insecure is that it's obvious that deep down, you are too ashamed of yourself to actually believe that a woman would care about you so much and value you so highly, that she wouldn't go fuk other men. Your "game" is indifference, which works wonders on psychologically damaged women, but doesn't get you very far long-term with a quality woman. They want commitment the same way a man wants sex. You feel yourself unable to attract, or keep a woman on the basis of anything other than sheer apathy. Apathy doesn't build relationships; it just makes a woman willing to fuk you a little longer. Eventually, any woman that is worth a sh!t will leave you unless you can demonstrate substance - which for you, apparently, is too much to ask.

I have also found that people who hate the thought of having children, secretly just hate themselves. I love myself; it's why I want to have children to teach and continue my bloodline.

Personally, I'd suggest therapy, and a healthy dose of self-esteem.

If you can restrain your OWN natural instincts and create value in society, then she can do the same. If she's a Cluster B or drug addict, maybe she can't do it. But there are normal women out there who you will have no problems with, if you are giving her what she needs.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
plate's_empty said:
for having an awesome life you seem pretty angry, and defensive.
No, I gave you logical statements and you and that other white knight decided to ignore that, and jump to the ''oh you seem angry'' defence.

No, I am not angry, I just respond to stupid assumptions, with greater stupidity.

I live the poly lifestyle, diss it all you want, I don't care.

Agree to disagree.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
49au said:
I don't know how else to try to explain it to these two, so this will be my last attempt.

Monogamy is NOT natural. Neither is getting up and going to work every day. Neither is eating a piece of fruit when you could have chocolate cake. Neither is not ramming into some car that cuts you off on the interstate.

We control our impulses every day, as part of maintaining an ordered and structured society.

It is not unreasonable to ask a woman to control some part of her impulses, nor are there women who won't do it. And like I said, it's more so (to me at least) for the health and pregnancy protections than anything else. Monogamy may not be natural, but it's practical in some circumstances, especially in limited durations.

The reason cordon says you're insecure is that it's obvious that deep down, you are too ashamed of yourself to actually believe that a woman would care about you so much and value you so highly, that she wouldn't go fuk other men. Your "game" is indifference, which works wonders on psychologically damaged women, but doesn't get you very far long-term with a quality woman. They want commitment the same way a man wants sex. You feel yourself unable to attract, or keep a woman on the basis of anything other than sheer apathy. Apathy doesn't build relationships; it just makes a woman willing to fuk you a little longer. Eventually, any woman that is worth a sh!t will leave you unless you can demonstrate substance - which for you, apparently, is too much to ask.

I have also found that people who hate the thought of having children, secretly just hate themselves. I love myself; it's why I want to have children to teach and continue my bloodline.

Personally, I'd suggest therapy, and a healthy dose of self-esteem.

If you can restrain your OWN natural instincts and create value in society, then she can do the same. If she's a Cluster B or drug addict, maybe she can't do it. But there are normal women out there who you will have no problems with, if you are giving her what she needs.

Good luck.
Years ago, monogamy worked(well sort of :eek: ), today it doesn't, the stuff you are saying just doesn't work in this day and age my friend.

Yes, My last MLTR and I were deeply in love, we were together for 2 years. It was poly, in other words open( we ended due to me moving far away, however we may meet in the distant future for some fun flings ;) ). In those 2 years, she was with one other guy. I was with about 20-35 other women, maybe more. From flings, to friends with benefits to other MLTRS. While I was still in love with my main gal.

BTW, I don't want kids because I am on a mission to conquer the world, I need to be free for several years, dedicate my time to my mission, not because I don't like them. Not everyone has to have kids you know.

Cordoncordon, I am in Ireland as we speak, it's 8:20 am here. Moving to USA at the end of the month to work and travel, then will be returning to my home country. Táim ar mhuin na múice!

Guys, this is getting nowhere, So lets agree to disagree.

and this thread is being derailed. So, lets get back to the OP.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Boscus said:
Guys, this is getting nowhere, So lets agree to disagree.

and this thread is being derailed. So, lets get back to the OP.

Did your meds finally kick in? I'm not done with you.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Concordon has no right to call to call someone defensive nor bitter because he is both of those wrapped into one parading around as a happy go lucky nice guy. I called him out for being an AFC and a whiteknight and he has been following me around ever since butt hurt.

My 2 cents on this I do believe in monoganmy but not for younger people and being truly indifferent is not a game nor stradegy but something that you acquire over time and experience....op is clearly not.....if he was his girl would be too obsessed with him to even consider her ex....end of story.