Pretty boy-no sex appeal


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Not really sure where to post this

I've realized over the past few days why it is that when girls like me, they aren't dying to have sex.

Because of my facial features being "fine and intelligent." Which is what I was told the other day. That I don't look like someone who would have one night stands or have sex with someone before knowing them for a while. Because although girls find me attractive, they say that I look aristocratic, since I have high cheekbones, blue eyes, light brown hair and lighter skin. So I look "beautiful," ugh. Which seems to be the worst thing for a male to be.

Add to that that my style is more conservative, with a conservative hair cut and clothes, and that I'm on the skinny side, I have no luck finding girls who aren't conservative with sex.

I would "make a good husband." Which is sh_t. I don't want to be someone who is expected to do what he's told. Whose girlfriend thinks they'll never cheat, resulting in getting bored and cheating with a guy who has "sex appeal."

What I'm wondering is, will a change in hair style and clothing style cancel out the pretty boy features I have? Forget about tanning, I can't get that dark.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
There's nothing wrong with any of the things that you mentioned.

chellikwaja said:
Because of my facial features being "fine and intelligent."
You're allowing yourself to think that women have the same viewpoints as men. Just because you won't sleep with a woman that looks like a bulldog, it doesn't mean that a woman won't sleep with a fine and intelligent looking man.

For women, looks are a feature, not a necessity. For us, it's like dating a woman who has a car. A woman who drives isn't a necessity, but it's nice not to be driving her ass all over the damn city.

Changing your looks won't necessarily help when it comes to attracting women.

Why don't you tell us what you do on your approaches, how you flirt with women, how you number close, and what you do when you're on the phone with them? Your problem likely lies somewhere within what you do in the first week you meet a woman.

Moved to DJD...


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe it is the first week deal, since I don't tend to flirt with a girl the first couple times of meeting her.

I don't really go after random girls. I tend to go for girls who I see a lot. Whether it be through classes or whatever else.

However, I think that when I do flirt I do well. So maybe it's just that it's hard to get over your first impression of someone.

I should also say that it's not my face I wanted to change. I was wondering if changing my hair and clothing style alone would be able to change that initial impression that my nice guy face has which would make it easier overall.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
You think you have it bad? Try being ugly and with no sex appeal.

Looks like a great time for a transformation.

Hit the gym, get a tan. Get a new hairstyle. Maybe a bracelet a necklace, or some type of jewlry piece. Add to your wardrobe. Experiment with other styles.

You need to get an "edge", while at the same time being confortable with yourself. So don't deviate too much from your style, but the above, along with some small, yet significat tweeks to your style should help you a lot.

Also, sounds like you are coming across as a little too uptight. Women stay away from those types, as they might see them as "judgmental" and won't open up to them sexually for fear of being judged, specially by a "Marriage Type" of guy. Go figure.

And don't for a moment think those "conservative" girls are not hooking up or fantasizing about being with edgier guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
definitly try a beard

some stubble looks very dangerous and suspicious.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
BC Vancouver
I'm a pretty boy too, sadly. A different kind of pretty boy, I'm 19 but I have baby face so I look 15.

It's ****ed up, girls like two years older than me treat me like a child. I guess that's why I'm still ****ing high school seniors.

I wonder if an experienced 'DJ' can help me out with this.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
Don't wait to flirt. The longer you wait to flirt the quicker you're put in a friend category.

Nice guys do get laid. I am one of them. I get laid.
Cut a girl down in a joking manner. Its ok, I do it everyday and I'm still thought of as a nice guy and I still get laid.

Be funny. Watch comedians, steal their lines. Steal friend's lines.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
I have a bbyface but I still eff chicks my age and a little older.

Tyson420 - I can't see how that stops some guys when they say that chicks treat them like children, shes not treating you like that cos of your babylooks, shes just not interested.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Forget this BS about your facial features. Escalate.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Delicate features

Dear Original Poster,

Analyzing what people (women) think about you or say to you is straight way to asylum.

Analyzing what are you made of or what can be done to straighten up yourself...through meditation or while smoking fine a necesisty on the other hand.

The truth is you need to elude charisma, courage and leadership in order to attract opposite sex (or sissies). And other characteristics which show your high potential for survival - evolutionary success for you and those close to you.

The simplest thing how to achieve this is to act without a trace of fear. If you have the survival skills - you are not acting will survive and score some points with opposite sex and in life. If not...pack leader/life1 will bite your tail off :)

Be strong, be fearless and act in accord with your consience/heart. You depend on You. Dont disappoint you. Anything else is either BS or just a makeup.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ridingthelightning said:
I get laid.
Cut a girl down in a joking manner. Its ok, I do it everyday and I'm still thought of as a nice guy and I still get laid.

Be funny. Watch comedians, steal their lines. Steal friend's lines.
You are not very nice actualy :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
chellikwaja said:
I've realized over the past few days why it is that when girls like me, they aren't dying to have sex.

Because of my facial features being "fine and intelligent." Which is what I was told the other day. That I don't look like someone who would have one night stands or have sex with someone before knowing them for a while. Because although girls find me attractive, they say that I look aristocratic, since I have high cheekbones, blue eyes, light brown hair and lighter skin. So I look "beautiful," ugh. Which seems to be the worst thing for a male to be.

Add to that that my style is more conservative, with a conservative hair cut and clothes, and that I'm on the skinny side, I have no luck finding girls who aren't conservative with sex.

I would "make a good husband." Which is sh_t. I don't want to be someone who is expected to do what he's told. Whose girlfriend thinks they'll never cheat, resulting in getting bored and cheating with a guy who has "sex appeal."

What I'm wondering is, will a change in hair style and clothing style cancel out the pretty boy features I have? Forget about tanning, I can't get that dark.
Before I begin to give you any advice on regarding matter, I would like to say that I know exactly where you are coming from. You probably have a very similar appearance to my own.

Just like you, I also have very pale skin and find it difficult to get a tan - In fact, my skin burns to the color of a red lobster anytime I stay out in the Sun for a bit too long... Chances are, I would probably burn my skin severely if I ever decided to visit a tanning salon. My eyes are a very light blue - the color many refer to as "baby blue" (which is probably one of the least masculine colors in existence). I've always been extremely skinny. Even to this day (I've only started working out hardcore a little over a month ago), I'm definitely on the slender side compared to other men my age.

You say that you have very "aristocratic" looking features - Just as yourself, members of both sexes have often told me that I look beautiful for a man. You probably have a lot of Northern European ancestry in your blood - Which is something to be quite proud of, since we are the descendants of the biggest bad-asses in human history - the Vikings! Look at the Scandinavian warrior picture displayed in my avatar under my public profile - you probably have more than a few features in common with him.

Now listen up my brother, cause now I'll tell you how I use essentially the same look to my advantage. As previously mentioned by other posters, men such as yourself have absolutely nothing to complain about - you're not ugly! Quite the opposite, from what I understand, you are strikingly good looking! When men such as ourselves walk down the street, we immediately turn heads a lot more often than any of your stereotypical alpha male meat-heads. (Not to mention that men like you and me are more likely to recieve positive eye contact and choosing signals from attractive females).
Although looks are nowhere near as important to women as they are to men, we already have a significant advantage over our less physically attractive brethren. Men fitting your description are the only ones shown in all of the girls' teen magazines. Hence, through use of modern media advertising, they are conditioned to be sexually attracted to the male model types - slim, slender men possessing the more "feminine features."

I of course, exploit this appearance to my fullest advantage. When women meet me begin talking to me for the very first time, they are pleasantly surprised that I act differently from the preconceived notions that they had when they first laid eyes on me. Rather than act like the typical aristocratic gentleman that they would expect from a man of my physical appearance, I act in a much more masculine manner. This is quite a treat to the girls that I meet. In a certain way, these women are experiencing the best of both worlds when they are with me. They begin to feel the emotions that are can only be experienced when being in the presence of an ultra-machismo man (they usually only experience these feelings when in the presence of a typical meat-head who pounds pvssy left and right). Similarly, they are also physically stimulated by the sheer beauty found in men of the more "aristocratic" persuasion. Hence, women are faced with a win-win situation when meeting me.

Chellikwaja, you're problem isn't in your appearance. Quite the contrary, with the right player mindset, you would be almost unstoppable if placed into a large group of beautiful women. The problem you are experiencing stems from the the many insecurities that you hold. You are blaming your lack of success with women on your outside appearance. But nothing could be further from the truth. You would actually be described as very sexually attractive if women were to judge you solely from your looks. Your current situation with women stems from a lack of confidence and social skills. I suggest you work on your "Inner Game" before trying to change anything about your appearance. You can do this by reading the Book of Pook, the Don Juan Bible or by listening to my man Supreme's podcasts.

It is pretty obvious that you are rather new to all of this and your are searching for answers in all the wrong places. Remember the age-old proverb, "As you think, you shall become." It is only once you truly realize the true meaning of the proverb above that you will be able to succeed in all aspects of life.

I actually see a large part of my former self within you - Hence, I'm actually more inclined and better able to help you than usual. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me via private message.

Good luck on your journey through life my brother!

- Master Don Juan OTB


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
OTB said:
Before I begin to give you any advice on regarding matter, I would like to say that I know exactly where you are coming from. You probably have a very similar appearance to my own.

Just like you, I also have very pale skin and find it difficult to get a tan - In fact, my skin burns to the color of a red lobster anytime I stay out in the Sun for a bit too long... Chances are, I would probably burn my skin severely if I ever decided to visit a tanning salon. My eyes are a very light blue - the color many refer to as "baby blue" (which is probably one of the least masculine colors in existence). I've always been extremely skinny. Even to this day (I've only started working out hardcore a little over a month ago), I'm definitely on the slender side compared to other men my age.

You say that you have very "aristocratic" looking features - Just as yourself, members of both sexes have often told me that I look beautiful for a man. You probably have a lot of Northern European ancestry in your blood - Which is something to be quite proud of, since we are the descendants of the biggest bad-asses in human history - the Vikings! Look at the Scandinavian warrior picture displayed in my avatar under my public profile - you probably have more than a few features in common with him.

Now listen up my brother, cause now I'll tell you how I use essentially the same look to my advantage. As previously mentioned by other posters, men such as yourself have absolutely nothing to complain about - you're not ugly! Quite the opposite, from what I understand, you are strikingly good looking! When men such as ourselves walk down the street, we immediately turn heads a lot more often than any of your stereotypical alpha male meat-heads. (Not to mention that men like you and me are more likely to recieve positive eye contact and choosing signals from attractive females).
Although looks are nowhere near as important to women as they are to men, we already have a significant advantage over our less physically attractive brethren. Men fitting your description are the only ones shown in all of the girls' teen magazines. Hence, through use of modern media advertising, they are conditioned to be sexually attracted to the male model types - slim, slender men possessing the more "feminine features."

I of course, exploit this appearance to my fullest advantage. When women meet me begin talking to me for the very first time, they are pleasantly surprised that I act differently from the preconceived notions that they had when they first laid eyes on me. Rather than act like the typical aristocratic gentleman that they would expect from a man of my physical appearance, I act in a much more masculine manner. This is quite a treat to the girls that I meet. In a certain way, these women are experiencing the best of both worlds when they are with me. They begin to feel the emotions that are can only be experienced when being in the presence of an ultra-machismo man (they usually only experience these feelings when in the presence of a typical meat-head who pounds pvssy left and right). Similarly, they are also physically stimulated by the sheer beauty found in men of the more "aristocratic" persuasion. Hence, women are faced with a win-win situation when meeting me.

Chellikwaja, you're problem isn't in your appearance. Quite the contrary, with the right player mindset, you would be almost unstoppable if placed into a large group of beautiful women. The problem you are experiencing stems from the the many insecurities that you hold. You are blaming your lack of success with women on your outside appearance. But nothing could be further from the truth. You would actually be described as very sexually attractive if women were to judge you solely from your looks. Your current situation with women stems from a lack of confidence and social skills. I suggest you work on your "Inner Game" before trying to change anything about your appearance. You can do this by reading the Book of Pook, the Don Juan Bible or by listening to my man Supreme's podcasts.

It is pretty obvious that you are rather new to all of this and your are searching for answers in all the wrong places. Remember the age-old proverb, "As you think, you shall become." It is only once you truly realize the true meaning of the proverb above that you will be able to succeed in all aspects of life.

I actually see a large part of my former self within you - Hence, I'm actually more inclined and better able to help you than usual. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me via private message.

Good luck on your journey through life my brother!

- Master Don Juan OTB
nice post, i would have to agree with otb here, he nailed that right on the head


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Do you really think you're in trouble for your apperance? Try coming here to Colombia! My grandfather came here from europe (likely northern europe) and guess who stands out like nobody in a crowd! Also, guess who gets mugged constantly because he looks like he's foreign and could have money! Boy, OTB speaks the whole truth. It's all in your mind, where you see problems, there is an advantage.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Much of what you mentioned isn't a problem. A conservative haircut? What do you mean by that? My hair is cut short, like almost military short, because I used to do MMA a lot more, and plus it just is a good look on me. A "conservative" haircut isn't a problem, and in my line of work, it's necessary so you don't look like a tool when interacting with clients.

My advice is hit the weight room and bulk up.

I would "make a good husband."
I have a feeling that comment is coming more from your behavior than your physical appearance.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Man,

I read your post, and if someone has given you this advice, I apologize in advance.
Its clear that it's not your looks that are the problem, it's _you_

problem is _you_ percieve yourself as a nice guy, husband, pretty boy etc.

Well lets perform a paradigm shift

"Your now a bad ass playful good-lookin hunk who can have any girl he wants."

Get the picture?
Remove the insecurities, be a man, act like one and woman will not see you as the "Nice guy".
Woman see you the way you see yourself, so change that, and well ;)...

Edit : By all means if you feel you have to change your looks, do it. if it helps you change your state theres no harm!
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
chellikwaja said:
Not really sure where to post this

I've realized over the past few days why it is that when girls like me, they aren't dying to have sex.

Because of my facial features being "fine and intelligent." Which is what I was told the other day. That I don't look like someone who would have one night stands or have sex with someone before knowing them for a while. Because although girls find me attractive, they say that I look aristocratic, since I have high cheekbones, blue eyes, light brown hair and lighter skin. So I look "beautiful," ugh. Which seems to be the worst thing for a male to be.

Add to that that my style is more conservative, with a conservative hair cut and clothes, and that I'm on the skinny side, I have no luck finding girls who aren't conservative with sex.

I would "make a good husband." Which is sh_t. I don't want to be someone who is expected to do what he's told. Whose girlfriend thinks they'll never cheat, resulting in getting bored and cheating with a guy who has "sex appeal."

What I'm wondering is, will a change in hair style and clothing style cancel out the pretty boy features I have? Forget about tanning, I can't get that dark.
All the best rock stars of the 60s and 70s were also, skinny aristocratic-looking types; Jimmy Page, Jim Morrison, Mic Jagger, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury (who shouldn't count because he's gay, but women wanted him)

Jim Morrison got so many women that he actually refused sex from girls unless they pledged to do anal, and there's a rumor that he was getting a BJ in the recording studio as he was singing "Crystal Ship"

You should probably emulate their style.
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
You are making excuses for your lack of pick up skills, Buddy Holly was a rock star in the 1950's, he definately portrayed the academic nice guy look, he did fvck plenty of hot babes though, its not how the game playa looks, but the game playa's ability in the pick up, Tiger Woods needs to write a book about this. :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Another Northern European descendant here. I used to be just like you, and I was VERY skinny (which changed after 15 years of going to the gym).

70% of your problems are in your head. I assure you if you make a serious effort, you'll see that actions and the way you behave yourself will say much more about you than your looks....