Practicing Patterns


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I've come up with some ideas for those who want to learn to think in patterns automatically. I want to do this too, so I came up with a plan on how to do it.

First of all, if you've never seen a pattern before, I suggest you go here and read some

There are some good ones there and you need to know what they look like before you attempt to write any.

First of all, realize that all patterns are hypnotic induction of some kind, you are amplifying a certain state of mind that you want the other person to experience. So you are inducing a trance! Now in order for any state to keep occurring, you have to describe it in detail and build it slowly. Just saying something like "feel attraction" may not do it. You need to describe what attraction feels like in generic terms, and bring examples where attraction occurs naturally in life.

Then you need to anchor the state by touching the person somewhere unique, like squeezing their wrist, or rubbing it or something. But anchoring is another skill that is not relevant to this post. I need a lot of practice with it before I can write a post on it. I can write from what I know, but that would be an injustice to you, since I won't have any experience with it.

So the program consist of mainly writing out patterns in paper, and revising them. Everyday, pick a state you want to describe, from gentle fascination, to utter sexual arousal. Pick one for that day, and come up with a description of the state using pattern language.

Usually pattern language should talk about the state, compare it with something that makes the state happen naturally, then describe how the state starts, how it builds piece by piece, and how it peaks. Then you should mix in a lot of vague language, plenty of sensory language, and always hint at things rather than describe them directly.

AS I said before, read some patterns in that site above to get an idea, and then start to write your own. Write it out, then read it out loud to yourself, with a tonality that gets you in the state as well. If you don't experience it, then you should change the tonality, and revise the pattern to make more natural. Then leave it alone for the day.

The next day pick a diferent state, and write another pattern, and read it to yourself out loud. If you keep at this for a while, you'll soon find yourself thinking in patterns naturally. I'm going to do the same thing as well for myself and report here any progress. Right now, I'm doing a harder task, which is writing poems with pattern language.

Poems allow you to be more bold with words and allow jumping transitions as well as smooth ones, but they are harder to do. Later, I may write a post on conveting patterns to poetry. Till then, good luck practicing.