Plz Advice:Interesting Issue with Potential Plate


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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Alright, new plate ive been working on for the past 3 weeks undercover.

she spent the weekend over at my place we banged.

then she got a call in the morning, and she was speaking to the guy like a gf would to her bf.

so i asked her if theres something i should know?
she said that was her cousin brother.

and i laughed it off, saying "Oh man! for a sec i thought you had a bf coz you were speaking to him like a bf!"

she looks at me with a guilty look and says:
Yeh we fell for each other and dated but did not do anything about it.

now here is my question:
I dont give a sh!t about her relationships in her past, since shes just a plate.

this is purely a question from a ethical inquisitive side of me:
-Would you guys EVER consider dating someone like that?
-from what i see, she seems to have some sort of feeling for this cousin of hers. what would you do?

I find it kinda sick that she may have hooked up and fell for her cousin. its almost incest in my eyes. since i treat my cousins like my sisters.

Anyway she's about to get launched out my life.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
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anything beyond 1st cousins would be fine in my book. First cousins is pretty sketchy.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
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Heh, I'm kind of curious as to why you said 'cousin's brother' when obviously, he's a cousin too! LOL

Yeah, I can understand that what's in the past can't be changed, and yes, we shouldn't judge people for it, however, I would not date someone if I knew this about them. I keep envisioning that scene from Joe Dirt... LOL :eek:


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Just abuse her ******* and scare her away, then go laugh about it with your friends.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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I think that was a typo, i meant to say cousin brother. not cousin's

anyway yeh i find it dodgy.
but not just that, she denied having any feelings for him now.

but the way she spoke was like

"please call me when you can k"
"you havent called me ini 4 days!i miss you"
"i miss you so much"
"its my bday soon, you better call and send me a card,ok?"

my "she's got a bf" radar just went into overdrive.

and hence i asked her if that was her bf.

and when i heard "cousin"
That just threw me WTF!!

im thinkin two ways about this:
1. i abuse her and use her for her body (which is MIGHTY FIIINE!!)
2. i stop contact and let her go.

problem is, she seems to be VERY attached to me.
she wants exclusivity.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
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Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
What? Clearly the cousin/brother part was a lie and the second part was her admitting it was a guy she dated but is over now. Unless you asked her to clarify and she told you, "Yes, slickaz, I am dating my first cousin."


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
yeh i asked if she was still dating him, and it seems they still got somethin goin on.
i dont play second fiddle to nobody, so if she was in a relationship with her cousin, then im steppin the fvk out that scene. so i need to know.

she said they fell or each other, and that they are not seeing each other anymore or in a relationship.
but as they say, judge a woman by her actions and not her words right?

so from the above message, and her insistence on him to constantly ring her and tell him she misses him lots tells me otherwise.

im weighing up my options here of if i should use her and dump or just dump and leave coz thats a tad bit scary to me.

would anyof you have a relationship with this type of woman?
if you heard her talking to her cousin brother that she had a thing for like that? what would you guys say?
how would you let this chic go?
and can anyone give me a reason as to WHY someone would do smtn disgusting like that?!! lol


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score

I added the apostrophe, thinking that's what you meant. (Modern sources of frustration for me include "Baby Momma", "They car", or whatever, etc.).

I am even more confused by the cousin brother thing... Her cousin's brother would still be her cousin, or do you mean he's both her cousin AND brother? (ewie) this is interesting to say the least.

If I were you in this position I would go with option two. Although, I have a question for you, and correct me if I misunderstood you... you don't want her dating anyone else, but aren't you spinning other plates? I might have got that wrong, but if I read correctly, may I ask why you have a double standard?

You know, I forgot to mention... one of my ex-boyfriends, whom I dated for 5 years, had a 'thing' for his first cousin, (it developed late into our relationship... long story). I called him on it in front of his own mother, and she said nothing, but gave him that "I told you so" look, which kind of shocked me.

After I left he'd call me crying late at night, about how much he missed me. I'd tell him to go fvck his cousin, or I'd call him "cousin-fvcker". It took away for it to sink into his thick skull, but eventually he got the hint. The name calling wasn't the right thing to do at all, and I wished I hadn't. I was hurt at the time and all I wanted to do was shame him. I wouldn't suggest it, because the result was clingyness.