Please don't ask BPH for lifting advice

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I just read his thread... He is really ****ing weak. Before I put our stats side by side consider the following:
1) He outweighs me by 21 pounds and is 2 inches shorter than me. His BMI is 24.5, mine is 20.8
2) We've started lifting on the same month either 3 or 4 years ago, I forget how long but you can just read the start of one of our journals to figure it out.
3) I quit more than 3 months ago.
4) Even before I quit, he trained on average more than twice as much as me
-He did/does 4x40 minute sessions a week
-I did 2x30 minute sessions

I tested these numbers last month. I've translated them from kilos to pounds and rounded DOWN on my side to the nearest 5.


Squat: 255 vs 275
Winner: JW. It seems minimal training of 3x3 works wonders for legs
Bench: 210 (I refuse to bench)
Winner: BPH!
It seems being willing to test a lift gives better numbers than avoiding it due to inherent danger and stupidity. Seriously, what the frick is a bench press? A shoulder impingement? Definitely not a realistic lift.
Press: 145 vs 185
Winner: JW
It seems training shoulder stability and explosiveness pays off! Shock horror, the worlds best trainers are right? An arrogant 18 year year old is wrong??? Oh the humanity!
Power Clean: 175 vs 175
Winner: Draw!
Wait- stop the competition: the other stats are from last month when I got a free gym pass and decided to go for the sake of nostalgia and testing my maxes. This one is from this time last year... So... Oh wow.
Deadlift: 350 vs 420
Winner: BPH!
Lol jokes me again. It seems only ever doing one or two reps of a lift EVERY MAJOR STRENGTH COACH for the last 40 years has said to ONLY DO ONE OR TWO REPS for* works! Wow! Amazing, that these professionals know what they're doing!

*The reason for 2 reps isn't isn't a strength thing, it's safety. The stabilizers on your spine fatigue VERY quickly. More than this you risk a popped disk. Go ask anyone who has ever injured their spine, 80% of the time it was repetitive wear. I used to do up to 4 reps, but only with weigths I could do 8 with and it was for speed not strength.

So as you can tell, the person who blindly followed a routine outlined by someone who is weak, has no qualifications and is excessively blind to exercise science is the weaker competitor.

BPH: Last place

The competitor (me) who painstakingly designed their program using intelligence, science and the scientific method (trial and error) is the stronger.

Winner: Jack Wealthy.

Well, there you have it folks! Intelligent choice beats blind faith, simplicity beats idiocy and once again knowing what the **** you're doing beats sticking your head in the sand. See you next year, where after another year of NOT lifting weights I'll again demolish BPH's numbers!

Unless he starts following an intelligent plan. Ha, just kidding! Like he would ever :crackup: :crackup:

PS: If you need lifting advice message either myself of BPH. I'll only give you scientifically sound advice with evidence to back it up. If you want mostly incorrect advice with no base in reality, please don't message me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Can't tell if you're trolling or seriously being a ****.

EDIT: Read your reply to my journal...what the **** Jaedon? I don't know if those are your current numbers, but if you would have read my journal more you would know that I injured my knee, my wrist, and my shoulder over the summer and had to take breaks from lifting, deload my usual weights, and work back up for about a month and a half.

Second, why is this a competition? I want to be aesthetic, I don't care if you can lift more than me, I'm pretty strong for my weight. One of my best friends is training to be an Olympic lifter; he overhead presses less weight than me (though he kicks my ass in every over lift). I seriously doubt you can put 175lbs. over your head 5 times, for 3 sets, or did you forget that these were 5-rep maxes and not 1-rep maxes?

You weigh less than me, congratulations, so does my Olympic lifter friend. I believe he is close to your weight, only difference is he LOOKS like he weighs more and is comparable to a wall of muscle. You on the other hand, not so believable.

Finally, why would you create a thread for the sole purpose of disrespecting me? I offer lifting advice because I'm working on a personal training certification, have researched several workout routines (contrary to your belief that I "blindly" follow one), and have helped at LEAST 2 people get serious about lifting and put on weight.

My brother, over the summer, couldn't overhead press an empty bar...he is now doing double that weight, and his deadlift is around 230lbs. for his work set, which is mighty impressive considering he's barely been lifting for three months, weighs 160lbs. and has the skinniest, lankiest starting build ever.

My friend Ryan is also doing the same routine. Over the summer he gained about 10lbs. can squad more than his bodyweight, can overhead press almost as much as my brother, and was finally able to bench 135lbs. He weighs about 142lbs., and although this isn't necessarily the best measure (I can give him everything but the desire to lift), it shows that I know what I'm doing and can help other people do the same.

Let's say you CAN actually do those weights 5 times like me with good form, and for 3 sets, which I highly doubt, what point are you proving? That because you're stronger you must know better? So should I listen to Kali Muscle's advice and ignore yours because he's a lot stronger? We all have different goals, sorry if mine isn't to be a super heavy powerlifter.

To end, this is one of the most immature attacks I've ever seen on this forum. I expect better of you Jaedon, I see some of the things you post on Facebook, and while this doesn't necessarily surprise me, I'm not somebody that takes kindly to being disrespected in a field of my life that I love and know a lot about.

I'll hold my breath for your reply while I hope you get negged to hell for being this much of an *******.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Jack Wealthy said:
I just read his thread... He is really ****ing weak. Before I put our stats side by side consider the following:
1) He outweighs me by 21 pounds and is 2 inches shorter than me. His BMI is 24.5, mine is 20.8
2) We've started lifting on the same month either 3 or 4 years ago, I forget how long but you can just read the start of one of our journals to figure it out.
3) I quit more than 3 months ago.
4) Even before I quit, he trained on average more than twice as much as me
-He did/does 4x40 minute sessions a week
-I did 2x30 minute sessions

I tested these numbers last month. I've translated them from kilos to pounds and rounded DOWN on my side to the nearest 5.


Squat: 255 vs 275
Winner: JW. It seems minimal training of 3x3 works wonders for legs
Bench: 210 (I refuse to bench)
Winner: BPH!
It seems being willing to test a lift gives better numbers than avoiding it due to inherent danger and stupidity. Seriously, what the frick is a bench press? A shoulder impingement? Definitely not a realistic lift.
Press: 145 vs 185
Winner: JW
It seems training shoulder stability and explosiveness pays off! Shock horror, the worlds best trainers are right? An arrogant 18 year year old is wrong??? Oh the humanity!
Power Clean: 175 vs 175
Winner: Draw!
Wait- stop the competition: the other stats are from last month when I got a free gym pass and decided to go for the sake of nostalgia and testing my maxes. This one is from this time last year... So... Oh wow.
Deadlift: 350 vs 420
Winner: BPH!
Lol jokes me again. It seems only ever doing one or two reps of a lift EVERY MAJOR STRENGTH COACH for the last 40 years has said to ONLY DO ONE OR TWO REPS for* works! Wow! Amazing, that these professionals know what they're doing!

*The reason for 2 reps isn't isn't a strength thing, it's safety. The stabilizers on your spine fatigue VERY quickly. More than this you risk a popped disk. Go ask anyone who has ever injured their spine, 80% of the time it was repetitive wear. I used to do up to 4 reps, but only with weigths I could do 8 with and it was for speed not strength.

So as you can tell, the person who blindly followed a routine outlined by someone who is weak, has no qualifications and is excessively blind to exercise science is the weaker competitor.

BPH: Last place

The competitor (me) who painstakingly designed their program using intelligence, science and the scientific method (trial and error) is the stronger.

Winner: Jack Wealthy.

Well, there you have it folks! Intelligent choice beats blind faith, simplicity beats idiocy and once again knowing what the **** you're doing beats sticking your head in the sand. See you next year, where after another year of NOT lifting weights I'll again demolish BPH's numbers!

Unless he starts following an intelligent plan. Ha, just kidding! Like he would ever :crackup: :crackup:

PS: If you need lifting advice message either myself of BPH. I'll only give you scientifically sound advice with evidence to back it up. If you want mostly incorrect advice with no base in reality, please don't message me.
Someone got a little excited

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I'm sorry, this was completely uncalled for.

No, those aren't my 3x5s, they're 5x5s Bill Starr style. Except the deadlift which I only do in doubles -or singles but usually my single is my double for some reason.

It isn't any sort of excuse even if I am stronger, you're right, I see us as having similar personalities and I know getting bagged on motivates me a lot more than having someone tell me (realistically) how good at something I am.

You're right, you are strong and if aesthetics is your primary goal then kudos for being as strong as you are. My lifting was completely different to yours, I was training for strength:mass ratio. I sincerely apologize for attacking you in this way, I had no reason to and I regret it.

Good luck Bryce.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Jack Wealthy said:
I'm sorry, this was completely uncalled for.

No, those aren't my 3x5s, they're 5x5s Bill Starr style. Except the deadlift which I only do in doubles -or singles but usually my single is my double for some reason.

It isn't any sort of excuse even if I am stronger, you're right, I see us as having similar personalities and I know getting bagged on motivates me a lot more than having someone tell me (realistically) how good at something I am.

You're right, you are strong and if aesthetics is your primary goal then kudos for being as strong as you are. My lifting was completely different to yours, I was training for strength:mass ratio. I sincerely apologize for attacking you in this way, I had no reason to and I regret it.

Good luck Bryce.
Are you saying this was an attempt to motivate me?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
eastcoast15 said:
Jesus..... wtf dude. You'll never know whos stronger, i could say i bench 315 and you would never know.

I'm baffled that you would even put the time and the effort into this post. You're a bigger douche than I thought.
It's a good metaphor for life. The amount of try-hardness he put into it shows a deep level of insecurity and overall douchyness/unattractiveness. So....don't do that in real life:)


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
living in the middle of effing nowhere
wanna know who is stronger?
how many pull ups can you do?
yeah asshats, i bet its not even 20. kids.

I should get out of the HS forum if I can't refrain from using age in a derogatory manner.
^true that but every once in a while the kids need discipline.
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