Perfume Compliment?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Ok. I saw this HB 9+ in Wal-mart tonight. She was a couple people ahead of me in the check-out line. She was absolutely stunning (to me at least). I LOVE short-haired women. She was different from most of the sloppy looking women in this town. She had a great fashion sense, and carried herself with a tremendous authority of class and sophistication.

Anyway, as I was looking at the magazine rack, I saw her look back at me; I didn't return the look, just saw her looking with my periphreal vision. (I know, strike 1).

As the cashier rang her items through she brought the basket back to the pile on the floor. Of course, I was right in front of the baskets and she politely excused herself and put the basket down after I moved out of the way, and she reached across right in front of me to grab some gum. (strike 2, just froze up... damn it!)

After she went back to the front of the line, I noticed what great smelling perfume she was wearing, almost like a subtle candy, really attractive.

I really felt like complimenting her on the perfume. It was genuinely a MAJOR turn-on, as I usually don't get close enough to smell it. I kept glancing in her direction but she never did return my look, and just spun on her heel and walked away... seemed a little annoyed :( (Strike 3! HB has left the building...)

I dunno, would that have been too obvious a compliment? This one's going to bother me for a while...

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Well if you complimented on her perfume you had a chance of getting her number. Where as you didn't, so instead of having a small chance you had a zero chance. Better to say something than nothing. Compliementing her on her perfume isn't my style but it could work if you say it right. Just don't come off creepy.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
I've opened girls on there perfume a few times, always worked for me. Best to be spontainous. Smell it, like it, say it. You dont want to stand there asking yourself if you should say it because it want be as effective. Just say it, like you should with any opener.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
if you genuinely liked the smell of the perfume, then you would've just blurted that out without thinking about it.
you think too much. you need to get in the habit of reacting before thinking. you have plenty of time to think about the consequences of your actions AFTER you've acted

your thought process probably went something like this: i like perfume, i am now going to say i like perfume. WHAT A MINUTE, that could be a bad idea, i am attracted to this girl which means everything i say she's going to think im trying to hit on her, yeah i better not say anything this could backfire, quick act nonchalant!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
You probably should have not complimented on her perfume. She noticed you were too scared to say anything the first two opportunities(that lowered your value), so saying something on the third try wouldn't do much. Rememebr the 3 second rule? Girls love guys who approach immediately because it says they have confidence and no fear. Girls have a sixth sense for these kinds of things. Hey it's alright, pimpin ain't easy, but these kind of experiences only make you better.
