Party girls who think they are good girls: who are they kidding?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2002
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I have been amused lately at some of the girls I have been dealing with and maybe you can shed light on it.

They are girls that you know are sluts/party girls but try to portay a different image when they see/talk to you. For instance there is this girl/7.5 who I have been dating off and on. She is a single mother or two kids from different relationships. I have only gotten to first base with her because according to her she is old fashioned and likes to take things slow. Every time she tells me this I laugh to my self, because when I am not with her, she goes out with her slutty friends to sleazy pickup joints/bars dressed like a hoe.

I can't tell for sure whether she has been sleeping around, but I think she is trying to put up a front so that I won't think she is a slut even though she probably doesn't believe it herself.

Then there is this other girl who is sort of a barfly,always going out to clubs with her slutty friends dressed in really tight pants to show her rounded ass. Sometimes when I talk to her she tries to portray a wholesome church going nice girl image. When I first met her, she and her friend sandwiched me on the dance floor causing a big spectacle.

I don't know whether it is a guilt thing or what, but why do women try to hide the fact that they are just as sexual as men? Why do they try to put up a this nice girl image when their actions speak volumes? I kind of get annoyed, because it really insults my intelligence and sometimes I just want to call them on their BS.

Any similar expereinces?


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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Women do it not because of guilt but because of society saying "women who have sex are sluts and guys don't want sluts."

I have some friends that take out their sexual frustrations on guys they don't really care about (guys whose opinions mean little to them) and then hold out for the guys they REALLY like... because that way they aren't horny and the guys they like think they are sweet, innocent girls. :rolleyes:

BUT dressing sexy and flirting and going out and talking to guys does not necessarily mean they are sleeping around or even hooking up at all. Sometimes there is a difference between what you do out at the bars and how you REALLY are. You aren't really judging them on all their actions but on what some actions make you THINK their other actions must be. (Was that a sentance?)

But anyway... I'm nice, wholesome, church girl... :D HA HA HA!!!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2002
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So are you saying that they are fycking the guys they are not particularly interested in, i e, the bad boys, while holding out on the guys they really like, i,e the proverbial nice guy?

If that is the case, then I would much rather be viewed as the kind of guy they only want to have an ONS with.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Women will NEVER feel as if they should be held accountable for their actions. No matter what they do. EVER. They probably actually believe the bullsh1t they tell you about being "good girls," namely because all their iniquitous behaviors have been magically forgiven by a supreme entity existing solely inside their own minds. Don't try to make sense of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
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guys listen up. many times if a chick is doing what you said and holding out the ***** you can take that as a major compliment. whenever a chick does that to me i know shes really into me and likes me a lot. and almost always i find out for sure later that that's the case. true they don't wanna be seen as sluts, but if they are holding out maybe it's because they consider you higher quality then the losers they've been with before. play your cards right with these women and you'll always get play.... just don't take what their doing as a neg sign cuz it's not.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
interesting take by Dekka and malibu..never really saw it that way...always thought I was a sap who or too nice a guy and they didn't think of me sexually. Perhaps they reeeally like me and therefore hold out? Interesting twist.

my 2 cents...sometimes when laides go out and have too much fun..they can blame it on alcohol and therefore rationalize there bad behavior. After all it wasn't really them it was the booze. I know some very nice girls who when they have a few turn into these sexual beings. Dr. Jekyll and Mrs Hyde


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DEKKA
...if they are holding out maybe it's because they consider you higher quality then the losers they've been with before. play your cards right with these women and you'll always get play.... just don't take what their doing as a neg sign cuz it's not.
Dude, F*CK THAT! Why should I pay retail for what everyone else gets wholesale?!? I don't give a god damn what she thinks of me, positive or not. She is a proven wh0re. Do you feel honored that she places you over the other men in her life? If so, explain how a person with no character can be considered a worthy judge of character.

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
As the guy above said F*ck that...

Women obsess over image and that garbage, when I read the first 3 or 4 lines and you revealed she had 2 kids from different relationships I immediately thought W-HORE.

All the lines she is feeding you make no sense, no wonder anorexia nervosa affects more women than men. The majority of women out there are filled with self-doubt and their "perception" of reality skews what is really going on in their heads.

I love sosuave but I also love frequenting for what I see as a disturbing trend of "femi-naziism"

If so, explain how a person with no character can be considered a worthy judge of character.
If that isn't the whole truth, I don't know what is.

I applaud that statement.

Put that b!tch down and find another.