OR: 6 days living with 4-5 girls


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
So I'm gonna write up a little nifty OR here.... (Ok I lied this is LONG AS ****ING HELL)

I've just come back from living 6 days at an appartment that 3 girls live inn and at the same time 1-2 other girls were visiting/living there so technically speaking I've been living with 4-5 girls for the past 6 days.

First the girls and some disection on their personalities:

My analysis here are from my personal experiences with these girl from the past 6 days I lived with them + several parties and other stuff here and also by asking them alot of direct questions, making them open up, talking to them etc. So from my point of view I've gotten accurate and HONEST answers from them. Of course both their answers and my disections can and should be taken with a grain of salt because I'm no expert psychiatrist or expert in human behavior and well 5 girls is not 3 billion girls (eg statistically it's too low to make a good enough assumption to be a valid one).

HBShy: Yes this is my HBShy, I was visiting her. I was really only going to visit a couple days while going home and fetching some stuff but well it became a longer trip because well we had a blast and sex all day long isn't something I'll easily turn down not to mention she is SOO CUUUTE! :D

How is HBShy!? She is a very LSE, insecure and shy girl. In the beginning she had bigger issues showing herself in underwear for me in private than on the beach in a bikini. She has issues showing herself nude and she won't shower with me except after sex because then some of her blocks are removed.

I have met and dealt with TWO kinds of LSE/Shy girls. This kind that seeks validation and is so insecure in her own existance and the other kind that is VERY careful and places alot of value in emotions/not getting hurt. THIS LSE type, the type HBShy is seeks validation via sex and guys in general. I know she has easily had sex with about 15 or so guys and she's 18, it does not bother me but it was somewhat expected too. And she has alot of guys hitting on her, I think she daily got SMS/MSN msgs on the subject and she flirts with a couple of them. I find it funny.

With this LSE type they see sex as a way of getting validation and they also see sex as the only thing they have to offer. I had a couple of longnight talking sessions with this girl about her past etc and what I already expected really came forth. She openly admitted that she never expected anything more to happen. It took her over an HOUR to ask me if I thought it would be bad or inappropriate if she wanted more with me than just this.

This girl lives far away now (8 hour drive) but she visits often, I still do not place too much value in this so I'm testing out how to deal with her. What I've been doing is rather on opposite sides.

A couple notes:
HBShy has a very attractive friend (facial wise she is a 9 EASY but her body lacks :(). This friend is also a very sexual VERY CONFIDENT one. She is also HBShys roomate. Before meeting her (we met prior to this stay while partying where I live and HBShys parents live). Before this HBShy told both me and her roomate to NOT pick eachother up (she expected us to hookup, typical LSE behavior). She actually told her roomate to be a rude neghiting ***** but as you all know, that's the kind that I thrive on playing with.

So we have flirted since day one but of course NOTHING has happened even though she has attempted several times to kino me, make out etc but only when drinking cause this is the only time her inhibitions are low enough to forget the promisse she made to HBShy. Anyways I flirted with her, the other roomate and the other girls constantly, playing, flirting, wrestling, touching their tits, smacking their asses, pulling their hair etc. Dominating the house so to speak....

At the SAME TIME i'm more pasionate and more deep with HBShy, making conncetions, being abit emotional, validating her on my terms, showing her that I DO care and that she actually MIGHT end up with me in some way or the other. Reassuring her that her fears are unbased and what not.

This last part could NOT be done without the fact that I'm flirting alot with her friends and being who I AM. If I was viewed as just a general guy, a kind whatever guy, a guy that isn't sexual, direct etc it would just lower my position way too much.

This can actually be explained with a quote from HBShy: "I have never ever met someone as horny as you and never someone that shows it (that much)".

I'm abit torn about this in some ways really because this is a LSE validationseeking kind of girl, she expects SEX to be the one thing she can give even though inn my eyes she has so much more to give, kindness, her positive attitude (when she's not in LSE/whinemode), her shyness and kozyness etc etc. Anyways I said I was torn because I almost feel I had TOO much sex with her. 3-5 times a day, everytime she wanted to cuddle in bed I wanted her to jerk me of or **** stuff like that. Actually by day 5 she had problems being penetrated cause she was so sore. You see I'm here doing what she is EXPECTING, being a sextoy but at the same time I'm trying to show her she is not and that she has alot more to offer (Did I mention she is a chef-trainee ;) and makes GREAT food!).

She also throws out alot of funny comments that can be seen as both ****-tests but also reassurance for her own beliefs and ALSO fishing for possibilities of more happening.
She will say stuff like "You want to **** HBSister don't you?", "You want to **** HBConfident don't you?!". "Hey if you want to you can go out and **** HBSister on the couch" and I'll say "Ye I'll bet you'd be happy about that hu" in a sarcastic tone and she'll be all "No I'd be very pissed and kick you out".

She'll constantly say it's okay for me to **** around just not her friends but then she throws in the "well you can **** them aslong as I don't find out about it". Stuff like that. Clearcut humour when you disect it.

We also talked about her prior sexual encounters etc and I gathered that several of them were "drunken happenings" but also not. She could have ****ed easily over 40 people IF SHE WANTED TOO but the reason as explained from her is lack of attraction. Which is supportive of what I've always said that attraction is the necessary fuel needed for laying a chick if we bar all the random sympathy ****s and what not girls give out. When trying to find out why exactly she ****ed me she said "it just was that way" or something to that extent, I know from her drunken ramblings that she found me very attractive, confident, funny, dominant and a ladies man.

HBConfident: This is the girl I talked about above that HBShy told me to stay away from and vice verca. She as I said has a very attractive face, she has style/class, she is HSE, loves to have fun and what not.

What I noticed with this girl is that if you are of high value/attraction then she will want validation from you! She will seek it, this became very clear in a late night talk me and her had about HBShy. She was very inquisitative about my relationship to HBShy, my feelings, what I wanted etc. We also talked alot about HBShy's nature/personality and it came up that she had asked us both to keep away from eachother.

Having partied with me a couple times I knew she wanted to have sex with me, it was something I knew from her actions and past events and that she confirmed. But then she started asking if it was not for HBShy if I would have said yes to her and done her etc. This is where the validation seeking started. I brushed it of with a simple "Hehe that is something I won't tell you ;)" smirking which drove her abit frustrated.

But there is also more to it because she is in love with this guy which she seldom is. It is funny to see her behavior towards this. In private with me and the girls she's VERY extrovert, VERY sexual, "rude", talks about blowing a guy in a dollhouse, stuff like that but when that guy was around or when it's talk about him she is very introvert, very insecure, she needs validation all the time, reassurance that he will like her and does like her.

I mean this is a girl that would have jumped me and ****ed my brains out of I wanted too but she has slept in the same bed with this guy TWICE (well on her period one of the times) but NOTHING HAS HAPPENED beyond kissing. When they were seated in a sofa watching a movie they barely touched/hugged but at the same time it's kinda clear he likes her too (paying for gas to drive 1 hour to meet her, stuff like that).

He is also of the very shy/introvert kind (around girls, you notice it from his "boytalk" that around guys he's more outgoing).

It's very funny to see the dynamics between those two, I even pulled HBShy some out of her shell and kissed her infront of them alot to make them understand it was okay, they became more friendly towards eachother but not alot.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
There are different kinds of girls, some girls need more reassurance, comfort, connection than others. If we BAR ALL THAT because it's something that anyone can build really we really only need the attraction part. With THIS particular girl because she is that sexually free, she does not care how many guys she ****s and just loves to have fun, the ONLY THING needed to **** her is attraction. Well not really you also need to either be:
- Someone she craves emotionally (like the guy she is inlove with, this connects with her emotional side which makes her feel safe, wanted, connected)
- Someone like PUAs here, someone that is confident enough and quick enough to diffuse her bantering. If you'd let her walk all over you, you'd lose doh. But aslong as you are ATLEAST as quick and witty (witty int he sense that you can hit her back with better rudeness/negs) you'll make her wet/interested. (this connects with her primal sides of attraction). But there is no reason to OVERDO IT! Due to the fact that I've been with HBShy and see her as offlimits we've been doing this bantering/neghit war for more than 10 full days all together since I got to know her 2.5 weeks ago but the truth is I could have laid her on DAY ONE when HBShy first introduced me to her at a bar.

HBFlimsy: I'm gonna call her flimsy cause she is. I don't have to good a feel on this one because well I didn't connect with her THAT good and generally she is hard to get a feel on. She is the kind of extrovert giggly flakey flimys girl that falls in love easily and stuff. I'm gonna get back to her some later and also HBConfident because saturday was a memorable and highly mentionable day:

Lets look at saturday:
We hit up the city early to get some food and some beers at the outdoor restaurants and we were:
- me
- HBShy
- HBConfident
- HBFlimsy (HB.... well I wouldn't really **** her, knocking body and knockers but her face doesn't do it for me but does it for others)
- HBControlfreak (HB.... well knockout body on this one, not an ounce of fat but that has taken it's toll on her tits I guess cause they are way small and her face isn't my kind of face either but both Flimsy and ControlFreak are above average in face, like 6 or so.. someone will probably say 7-8 sickos).

Now HBControlFreak is really a controlfreak, she's the kind of gal that has to do evertyhing the best and SHOW IT like when she and HBShy made food (She is also a chef-trainee thingy). She took complete control and wanted to showof her chopping skills and what not, she is also the kind of girl that NEVER backs down from a bet and will do CRAZY **** just to prove she can.

So we are seated at an outdoors restaurant and she suddenly spots a guy walking in, he looked 18-19, the cutekind not the manly kind. She immediately was attracted and was asking all the other girls well she was more stating in a questionative manner "He's hot!?" (Isn't he... girls please tell me he is). They all agreed to some extent, they said later well he was atleast very cute etc... Anyways she was drooling over him the whole time, and they were also talking about his friend that looked good from some angles (OH GOD THE STUPID DISCUSSIONS GIRLS HAVE).

If it was me and 4 guys and we were oogling some girls we'd be all like "****able", "****able", "ugly", "****able", "id do her drunk" and "Hahah I bet Joe would do her that crazy mofo" :D Whatever. So I got abit bored about that so I started to loudly comment on the 14-15 year olds on the street saying "OH DAMN THAT GIRL HAS SOME SERIOUS POTENTIAL JUST WAIT UNTIL SHE GETS SOME TITS" and when the older hotties walked by "Oooh aaw omg she is soo cute I'd love to lick some cream of her tits and then **** her over the end of the couch"... Needless to say those 4 girls were red as hell, embarassed and atleast two of the tables around us cleared out pretty quickly :D Did I mention I'm not really shy,.... !? :D

Anywyas she started questioning us if she should go over and invite him to the party (We were gonna have a party at the three girls house this evening) and we were all yea do it etc but she didn't..... Well not until we had paid for our beers and had started walking and the cuteguy had smiled at her and we started encouraging her. She ran back and got his number, he promissed to come to the party (he didn't but he did send alot of SMS to her over the next days etc). The fun thing was that the WHOLE afternoon etc until it was partytime she was frantically checking her mobilephone for SMS from him. HBConfident was DOING THE SAME THING cause she had invited the guy she is inlove with to the party...

See here, both girls, BOTH CONFIDENT HSE GIRLS are both VERY INSECURE at this point. This is a very common thread I've noticed about girls. If they ARE ATTRACTED, if it's someone they'd LIKE TO BE WITH (sex, get to know, whatever) they often get very insecure, they will start questioning their every action. Which we'll see more of later....

Party rolls over, we start drinking after we have dinner, it's still just me and the 4 girls. I ask them if they'd like some guys to join inn and DOH they do. So I call up an old friend and tell him to come and he invites three mates to come. Then a blonde (4... bleh and TALL AS HELL) comes around, then her cousin, then some more people and then my mate with his friends. At this point the guy HBControlFreak had picked up had not come and it was rather clear he wasn't either. Then HBConfident started asking me which of the guys I found attractive because I said I normally can pick out which guys girls like or not, I hit the spot :) HBControlFreak and this guy hit it of immediately. He is the funny abit "geeky" kind of guy, attractive nonetheless and he had a good chat with her. I talked with both him and the girl on seperate occations throughout the night about the other part... Both said that they liked the other part and I was ofcourse encouraging them to **** eachother but they both said something to the extent of "I don't do stuff like that" or "I really like him/her and that would probably be dumb".

You people know what happens right?! Yepp about 30 mins later they are doing HEAVY makeout, lol what a surprise.

I'm just gonna skip alot of details and events now because they aren't really important :D

It's later about 23 or midnight time, we've gotten alot of complaints so it's about time to kick people the **** OUT so we do with the exception of.
me, the three girls that originally live there, HBControlFreak that has stayed there for a day and my friend and two of his friends (the 3d left when it was obvious he wouldn't get any or didn't really get to talk to anyone). The ugly tall blonde stayed, the cousin fell asleep in a chair and also HBConfident's love stayed.

My friend started making out with HBFlimsy (Doh as I didn't see that coming).
HBConfident was with her love.
HBControlFreak was with attractive tall darkhaired geekboy
I was with HBShy as usual.
tall uglygirl was with noone but the 3d guy started macking on her... We'll call it macking when it really was drunk hornyness.....

HBControlFreak leaves house with geekboy to go to his place to ****.
HBFlimsy and my friend goes to her bedroom to ****
HBConfident goes with love to room to sleep cause she is on period HAHA...
HBShy and I go to bed to **** as usual.
We don't know what happens in the livingroom....

Until they come asking for condoms which they get....


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Ok so we have alot of ****ing blahblah.... (only fun thing I'm gonna mention is that I actually was gonna say something like "OOoh come here and give me a great big HBshysname HUG!" and I blurted out with "OOoh come here and give me a great big HBEx****Buddy'spartialname HUG" hehe i managed to mumble it away, i actually mentioned that HBEx****Buddys name by accident instead of HBShys name on 3 seperate occations on the trip but she didn't manage to hear it I HOPE)...

Lets move on to the next day and the days to come which are very funny. I wake up and find my friend in the livingroom about to leave after ****ing HBFlimsy, good going mate! The guy that ****ed the tall blonde (ok she wasn't THAT BAD but i'd never touch her), this guy had actually cleaned the whole livingroom. Haha in the morning when he woke up the girl had just stared at him strangely and asked "Ehm what was your name again!?" same thing as both HBFlimsy and my mate had asked me about eachother before ****ing cause they couldn't remember eachothers names, haha so funny.

Anyways what comes now was abit mindboggling to me.....
HBFlimsy actually started asking alot of questions about my mate, what kind of guy he was etc, what I thought he saw last night as and if I thought he'd want more etc. I was of course very nice to my mate and said he was great, she should hit him up, he is very trustable etc. All true! And she did! But she was REALLY scared about it, she didn't dare send two SMS in a row because she thought it would seem "nagging" etc. You see, AGAIN THE INSECURITY a girl shows when she likes a guy.

They did meet up again and are meeting up again, so ye technically speaking they are seeing eachother or in the beginning of so. VERY COOL FOR YOU BROH! (This guy is a freak so I was abit surprised really :D).

On the other hand, HBControlFreak did like the guy and wanted to see him again that sunday to go bathing etc but he was too tired but then in the week (when she was busy) started sending TONS of SMS and I mean like 6-7-8-9-10 in a day asking her if she was free, if they could do something, if she had an hour now etc etc. She got QUICKLY FED UP, what a shocker :D He didn't take ANY of the rather obvious blowoff/flakehints she gave either, WHAT A SHOCKER?! Rofl I was laughing so bad. I even told her SHE NEEDS TO BE DIRECT! But she didn't want too. She even had to tell my mate (which is mate of the guy she ****ed) that she had not been with us that evening cause she had told the guy she was busy with some familystuff.... I told her she should let him tell him cause then he'd probably take the goddamn hint but she thought that was stupid. NO YOU ARE STUPID YOU *****.

Anyways luckily HBControlFreak rolls out for good and HBSister rolls inn (HBConfidents sister, a petite little thing with D Cups, very ****able indeed but abit too preppy/goodiegoodie in her hairstyle even though she was not)...

You know what HBSister and HBConfident was discussing infront of me, shy and flimsy the first 30 minutes she was there?! If HBConfident had gotten any, penis talk and how HBSisters exes had either big or small penises and how sucky they were in bed... I somewhat felt in heaven and somewhat felt inappropriate... I busted on HBSister for telling this stuff at her age (17 which is QUITE FINE BY ME!).

Nothing much more to tell at this time just that se spent several more great days and HBSister was much better than HBControlFreak even though she came back later in the week so I had 5 of them around me, AAAAAAARGH.

HBSister was actually trying to meet a 24 year old she knows that she ****ed earlier. This guy is the kind that HAS ALOT of money and is very extrovert/kind. He like paid for the girls food, movietickets etc without even expecting a THING, he has never attempted anything with them. He is that REAL kind of guy, the guy that is just nice and doesn't expect anything in return but loves sharing his life with you. Needless to say HBSister was also kinda frisky. I walked in on her on several occations sleeping topless on the couch, oh god was that nice :D

The fun thing was that I was living with them, they made food etc and I could walk around spanking their asses, pulling their hair, massage their tits, kiss their cheeks or give them pecks and what not and they wouldn't care. They just found it funny and enticing. In short I was sort of the PIMP of the house(appartment). I was actually called that after hooking 3 of the girls up with 3 guys that night :D

So I had a SPLENDID time. HBShy is coming up this weekend to visit her parents again and well I'm atleast seeing her saturday night/sunday morning ;) I think.

I met HBFreaky again last night and I haven't seen her in 2-3 weeks and she's been very *****y on SMS/PHOnE/MSN but again last night she was totally on and horny. Cool.

Somethings picked up/enhanced knowledge of/learned more about:

- The reactions, actions and meaning of LSE chicks and their types. They are strange creatures indeed.
- The same thing with freespirited HSE chicks.
- General insecurity issues girls have when they like a guy. I have always known it was bad, I've seen this before but when 3 girls are THAT ****ed up over guys they barely know or really like it's rather disturbing.
- even more social dynamics stuff. I didn't get too much of this though since I got plastered that evening at the party but I did get bits and pieces and see the beginning of it :D

- Other stuff I can't be arsed to remember :D

Living with 4-5 sexhungry chicks is really a fun thing. These girls are easier to disect/look upon because they don't show alot of the bull**** that girls normally do in normal environments. I was sort of a guest in their universe but in many ways I turned it into mine. I was maybe in some ways a director of life when viewing back upon it.

Great times Indeeed!

- Feedback is appreciated and also wanted, I'd love people to comment on certain analysis of mine and maybe have a discussion or two. I always love seeing other peoples perspectives and what not ! :)

- Kineti[c]harm


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Thank you for posting this. Your insight into LSE and HSE girls and insecurity has helped me see a mistake I had been making. Up until this point I'd been hearing all this advice saying, "girls want this, girls are like that." I think this advice has tripped me up in the past because I've assumed that all girls are the same and didn't try to find out what type of girl I was dealing with. You've helped me realize how it's important to calibrate the girl so I'm not all confused about her responses.

My question is if all of the girls became insecure about the guys they liked, how would these guys determine whether they are HSE or LSE?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
SECRET SOCIETY baby. You could probably be all those girls fuck buddy if you wanted (barring HBShy). Hell, try and pull a threesome! :D
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by AlwaysExcel
Thank you for posting this. Your insight into LSE and HSE girls and insecurity has helped me see a mistake I had been making. Up until this point I'd been hearing all this advice saying, "girls want this, girls are like that." I think this advice has tripped me up in the past because I've assumed that all girls are the same and didn't try to find out what type of girl I was dealing with. You've helped me realize how it's important to calibrate the girl so I'm not all confused about her responses.
Good mate :) It's actually VERY IMPORTANT. If you read back I think I posted an LR on HBShy. I think it was called something like "KC meets HBShy ASD" or something (if you can't find it by search I'll find it for you. There you will see how I calibrate in bed how to get her naked because I know and also find out exactly what is needed to get her to **** me.

That episode though was actually worsened upfront by me, I doubt her ASD/LMR would have been that high was it not for the fact that I'm EXTREMELY horny and show it and when she had been over prior I had a g-string from some stranger hanging on my closet and what not. Good thing though really cause it made me think on my toes.

My question is if all of the girls became insecure about the guys they liked, how would these guys determine whether they are HSE or LSE?
This is a good question really :) The truth is that this both does NOT and DOES matter.

Until she is interested in you (if she is not interested of the bat eg if you are a very attractive guy, have major social proof, she's heard of you ro whatever) then you have the time to calibrate and seduce her. This will be from opener -> close, you should try early on to detect what kind of girl she is and then calibrate after that.

If she IS interested in you THEN the insecurity often starts. Some HSE girls will NOT have it, they will be more inqusitiative of why you are not after them or why you aren't throwing yourself at them. The HSE girls that get insecure it doesn't really matter if they are HSE or LSE until you are in bed because LSE needs often alot more comfort to be able to trust you/**** you.

On the real subject of how to tell it's in everything they do/say. Manurisms, social vibing, dress-style etc.

But if we dig deeper there is so much more that often cannot be noticed on a fast look. A LSE girl can project HSE to protect herself and her insecurities, a HSE girl can lower(pretend it's lower) her self-esteem for a moment to play games, etc etc.

But in general it's just a matter of seeing the signs.
- Quietness
- Bodylanguage
- Social interactions
- Type of replies she will give to questions or what she will talk about


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JT47319
SECRET SOCIETY baby. You could probably be all those girls fuck buddy if you wanted (barring HBShy). Hell, try and pull a threesome! :D
hehe I'm actually very aware of the fact that I could and can pull HBConfident and HBSister.

HBSister actually added me to MSN when she got home from the trip so whenever HBShy thingy dies out I'll see if I can't hit that up. I refuse todo anything until then because HBShy deserves for ONCE that someone is not like that and well I need for once to actually care and be nice, I think it would be nice selfdevelopement!

A threesome seems unplausible since they are all "like" sisters but who knows :D A dream would have been to pull a threesome with the two sisters, oh god.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
LONG, but a good read. lol, girls want dikc more than guys want puzzy! Especially these days, its rediculous! Infact it turns me off a girl if she even puts out within the first couple of months.

I was in a hotel room last night with a few girls (reminded me of your situation), these girls were taking pictures of their azzes, letting us touch them up and these girls have boyfriends. WTF, "sexually free" or "slu*s", depending on which way you want to look at it. But these days girls are nearly too easy!

Soon we may be calling us, Generation STD!


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by CLOONEY
LONG, but a good read. lol, girls want dikc more than guys want puzzy! Especially these days, its rediculous! Infact it turns me off a girl if she even puts out within the first couple of months.
THE SOONER THE BETTER imo! If a girl even tries to delay it I will siderail her and game her on the side even more.

I was in a hotel room last night with a few girls (reminded me of your situation), these girls were taking pictures of their azzes, letting us touch them up and these girls have boyfriends. WTF, "sexually free" or "slu*s", depending on which way you want to look at it. But these days girls are nearly too easy!
Soon we may be calling us, Generation STD!
I don't see why that is slutty, they are just having fun :) Sexually free!